Latest Interview
Zak Muscovitch, pioneering domain name attorney, is speaking at NamesCon and once again, he is offering his domain name lease agreement template for free, right here! Download the template or listen to the full interview. Or both!
In this interview, you’ll learn why a lease may help you sell a domain name, what provisions should be included in a domain name lease, and how to protect yourself (from both the lessee and lessor perspectives).
The example domain name lease, with legal considerations – compliments of Zak Muscovitch – is included as an educational reference.
DomainSherpa January 28, 2019
While domain name leasing is not as popular as a straight domain name sale, it’s happening more frequently every day.
In this interview, you’ll learn why a lease may help you sell a domain name, what provisions should be included in a domain name lease, and how to protect yourself (from both the lessee and lessor perspectives).
An example domain name lease, with legal considerations – compliments of Zak Muscovitch – is included as an educational reference.
Michael Cyger March 23, 2015
“I’ve got the brains, you’ve got the looks / Let’s make lots of money” – lyrics to a song released in 1985 by UK-based Pet Shop Boys.
That’s the same situation that many developers and domain name owners hope to achieve by forming a joint venture – combining their respective strengths to make lots of money.
But how do you progress from the “we just met” phase to the “we’re partners and wildly successful” phase? What if the domain name owner receives an offer to sell the domain that they can’t refuse? Or what if the developer fails to deliver on the timeline and thresholds that were agreed to prior to the joint venture?
All these questions – and more – are answered in this interview.
Michael Cyger October 14, 2013