Latest Interview
Serial entrepreneur and domain name industry veteran Richard Lau has been highly visible lately as he has been discussing his latest company, We discuss his background in the industry and his thoughts for the future!
Any domain investors interested in the future of conferencing, will benefit from today’s show!
DomainSherpa July 28, 2020
The holy grail of owning a premium domain name is being able to sell an endless of supply of either email addresses or third-level domain names – in essence, acting like a domain name registry but without the regulatory burden.
But as Left of the Dot co-founder and CMO John Lyotier explains in this video, the task is a difficult one. His company has navigated this territory before, and he offers both insights and a better model for producing revenue.
Michael Cyger June 9, 2014
Andrew Schrage could have continued working 40 hours per week at the hedge fund that employed him after college and made a nice living doing so. Instead, he took control of his destiny and began working with a friend a few hours a night on a website that teaches personal finance.
Learn how the purchase of with about 10,000 monthly readers for a nominal financial amount grew over four years to what it is today – a site that serves 800,000 monthly readers and provides an income that rivals the founder’s prior salary at a hedge fund.
Michael Cyger August 27, 2012
How do you take a domain name with a single parked page and turn it into a 10,000-page profitable, local online community guide in three months?
Jennifer Manz of Mannix Marketing shares the content and marketing strategies that made – an $8 hand-registered domain name run by three full-time equivalent employees – profitable after only three months of operation.
Michael Cyger February 13, 2012