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Do you want to transfer your domain name to a different registrar, but aren’t quite sure where to start? Maybe you are initiating a domain transfer process to sell your unused domain. Maybe you need additional services that your current registrar does not provide. Maybe you are simply looking for a price break.
Regardless of your reasons, transferring your domain name to a new registrar is relatively easy and straightforward. We show you how.
Aishwar Sharma September 11, 2011
With over 97 percent of Google’s $33.3 billion in revenue over the past year coming from online advertising, the search engine giant has been wildly successful in selling pay-per-click advertising on the Internet, making over $54 per click for top-ranked keywords.
The question for domain name investors and entrepreneurs is: Are you focusing your investment and development efforts in the most lucrative areas?
Aishwar Sharma August 14, 2011
It’s easy to buy a domain name. What many people don’t realize is that just because you can buy a domain name doesn’t mean you should. In many cases, it can be risky.
Before purchasing (or even negotiating the price) of a domain name, you should check several key indicators to ensure that the risk of buying the domain name of interest is low.
ICANN (Internet Corporation on Assigned Names and Numbers) is the not-for-profit organization in charge of setting policies that govern domain name sales, distribution, management, protection and dispute. Domain name transfer policies — from one person, company or organization to another — also fall under the authority of ICANN. It’s this last area of ICANN authority that should concern you the most, because if you don’t follow the rules you may lose your domain names.
Aishwar Sharma March 2, 2011
This article shows you how to set-up free email for your own personal or business domain name using Google Apps. It provides a step-by-step tutorial for free email on your own domain name using Google’s industry-leading Gmail service.
Aishwar Sharma January 27, 2011
Choosing the right domain name is tricky business. If you do not put a lot of effort into thinking before registering one, you might easily end up with a domain name that you later regret – and worse – have built an entire business on top of. Of course, it depends a lot on whether […]
Aishwar Sharma December 16, 2010