Latest Interview
As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains lead us “down the rabbit hole” for different topics all the time. This show, hosted by JT, Drew, & Yoni, is where we discuss a wide variety of subjects – with plenty of talk about domains, crypto, NFTs, and digital assets – along with a bunch of other stuff as well. This show was recorded on 4/20, so the crew brings on Noel Abbott from, the leading blog in the cannabis space, to talk about cannabis and what “420” means, and they also talk a lot about Dogecoin & “Doge Day” too.
So tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with us!
DomainSherpa April 22, 2021
In today’s episode we discuss a successful, profitable B2B company built in an emerging market, the cannabis market. Whether you have any interest in this particular vertical or not, cofounders Noel Abbot & Drew Rosener have taken a classic blueprint for startups in emerging markets and applied it brilliantly to this one. As the cannabis industry is now turning the corner as a serious and viable vertical, is years ahead of the curve!
Hear these serial entrepreneurs’ thoughts on capitalizing in an industry that exclusively utilizes digital media, trust, brand consistency, and the enterprise value their domain name has brought their business.
DomainSherpa April 1, 2019