Latest Interview
Zak Muscovitch, pioneering domain name attorney, is speaking at NamesCon and once again, he is offering his domain name lease agreement template for free, right here! Download the template or listen to the full interview. Or both!
In this interview, you’ll learn why a lease may help you sell a domain name, what provisions should be included in a domain name lease, and how to protect yourself (from both the lessee and lessor perspectives).
The example domain name lease, with legal considerations – compliments of Zak Muscovitch – is included as an educational reference.
DomainSherpa January 28, 2019
While domain name leasing is not as popular as a straight domain name sale, it’s happening more frequently every day.
In this interview, you’ll learn why a lease may help you sell a domain name, what provisions should be included in a domain name lease, and how to protect yourself (from both the lessee and lessor perspectives).
An example domain name lease, with legal considerations – compliments of Zak Muscovitch – is included as an educational reference.
Michael Cyger March 23, 2015
Nokta Domains went from no domain name leases to earning as much from leasing as they do from domain name parking.
Merve Engin, manager of domain name leasing, joins us to share how Nokta generates leasing leads, what their pricing methodology is, how they encourage leasees to purchase the domain at the end of the term, and much more.
Michael Cyger November 4, 2013
Through leasing, Rick Schwartz is now making $3,000 per month on domains names that were previously generating only $3 to $30 per month in parking.
You can take advantage of Schwartz’s 16+ years of domain name negotiations and leasing expertise by learning from or partnering with him on your category defining domain names.
Watch this interview to learn all the details.
Michael Cyger December 3, 2012
Some people complain that if you did not buy domains in the mid-1990s you missed the window of opportunity. But what if you could hand register 12,450 domain names today for $7.87 each and build a million-dollar business?
Adam Hawley, president of, did exactly that. By leasing insurance-related domain names and providing associated services, Hawley connects insurance agents to clients and is on track to bring in more than $1 million in sales in 2012.
Michael Cyger December 19, 2011
Below is a list of companies that will help you lease your domain name. As always, do your due diligence before signing any agreements, just as you would in entering into an agreement to sell any other high worth asset, such as a house or car. In alphabetical order: (Transfer your domain to Epik, […]
Michael Cyger December 13, 2011