DomainSherpa Review – June 19:,,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Ammar Kubba, Andrew Rosener and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,…
  • Plus, much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Ammar Kubba, Andrew Rosener and Shane Cultra.

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This Show’s Sherpas

Ammar Kubba
Ammar Kubba
Ammar Kubba is a principal and the chief executive officer of Thought Convergence Inc. and its various portfolio companies, including TrafficZ, the industry’s oldest and most experienced domain parking and traffic monetization service;, the global leader in domain leasing solutions; and, an incubator for the development of avant-garde Internet sites, services and technology.

Through the Name Intelligence acquisition in 2008, Thought Convergence is an owner in, the ultimate source for domain research, and, annual conference focused on domain names, new products, technologies and companies in the domain marketplace.

Ammar is a leading authority on Internet domain development and traffic monetization, as well as an active proponent for the continuing advancement and evolution of the domain industry.

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Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Michael Cyger: On today’s DomainSherpa Review, Ammar Kubba, Andrew Rosener and Shane Cultra discuss Turkish bath houses, investing in Bitcoin and Etherium, and — oh year — some recommendations for an investor, and a few great picks to watch at auction. Stay tuned.

Michael: Hey, Sherpa Network. Thank you so much for joining me today. I’m Michael Cyger, publisher of, and this is the DomainSherpa Review. This is a show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics to become better investors ourselves.

We have three segments to the review. We’ll start off learning what the Sherpas recently bought and sold. Next, we’ll discuss in value an investor-submitted domain name portfolio, and finally we’ll preview some domains going to auction soon at, and whether the Sherpas think they’re a good investment opportunity for you.

Joining us today on the DomainSherpa Review are three past Sherpas and industry thought leaders. In order from left right we have Ammar Kubba, domain name investor, serial entrepreneur, and angel investor, Andrew Rosener, CEO of the domain name brokerage firm,, and CEO of, leading B2B magazine serving the cannabis industry, and Shane Cultra, publisher of the blog, and owner of the Country Arbors Nursery in Illinois.

Sherpas, welcome to today’s show.

Shane: Thank you.

Ammar: Thanks, Michael.

Andrew: I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there’s a bunch of like, 23-year-old kids raising hundreds of millions of dollars in these crypto coin offerings, and why I’m not doing the same.

Michael: Yeah, cryptocurrency, it is…you know, I go back and forth, like, I read one thing, and then I feel like I’m losing out on the trip, you know, on the journey, and then I read another thing, I’m like, “I got to sell,” so I bought a while ago and I sold when it was high, and then it’s just continued to like, you know, go up and down, but generally up, just like we were talking about right before the…we had recorded that the markets generally go up if you’re in it for the long haul, and I just wonder if, is cryptocurrency going to model other currencies?

Ammar: Let’s say that’s…oh, go ahead, Drew.

Andrew: No, you go. You know more than I do.

Ammar: Yeah, so, you know, I invested in it back in 2013, I think, and towards the end of 2013, as it was hitting its all-time high back then, which was at @1200, it briefly hit. So, I made a big investment then. And, as you can tell, for a while there, I got my — handed to me. I continued to buy on the way down. But now…and I never sold. And, I figured it’s either gonna go to zero, or it’s gonna go to a lot. And, so far it’s going a lot, but, you know, still could go to zero…

Andrew: Which is why he had a statue made of platinum behind him. That entire statue is solid platinum.

Michael: Yeah, behind you, Ammar. Anybody that can’t see away from Ammar, he can back on…there he is, that’s all platinum.

Ammar: Thank you [inaudible].

Michael: Do not break into his place and steal it. It’s not platinum.

Ammar: Right. So, it really could still go to zero, but I don’t think so. I think there’s too much momentum behind it. The real question now is…and some other investments that I’m doing now are with people that are trading between the various currencies. So, they’re [inaudible] trading.

So, today you’ll take some bitcoin and you’ll convert it into ethereum, and some into litecoin, and into various other currencies, and you’ll kind of just trade between them and you’ll look at the margins, and you’re basically arbitraging. It’s similar to a foreign exchange [inaudible] trade. But, you know, I would tell people…I tell everybody, if you have a little bit of cash and you’re not…you just have to assume you’re gonna lose it, but, you know, put a little bit in, and I would probably buy…for me, I’m only looking at, so far, bitcoin and ethereum, and those seem to be the two that are the most stable, and that’s…

Shane: That’s a big statement. “Hey, Shane, playing the arbitrage between those two cryptocurrencies, that seems like something you would do.

Shane: Yeah. No, it’s one of those things that, you know, every time I look at, I just shake my head because I am in everything. I mean, if people were trading leaves out in the yard, I would be in there trying to figure out what leaves. And, this one, I just couldn’t get a handle on it, I couldn’t…you know, I look at things that are really hot and I say, “I knew it, but I didn’t get part of it,” and I get upset about that. But, this one, I’ve watched all along, and every time I’ve decided, “No,” and gone just into stocks, and I’m not gonna make the percentage. But, you know, like Rightside today getting bought out, I did very well. I made 40% on that trade, and I felt much more comfortable along the way with that trade. I didn’t worry about losing it.

And, I’m not a big…I got enough things that could go to zero in my life. I don’t really need to add more. So, that’s the thing. And, I’m a big options trader, which go to zero a lot, too, but I feel more comfortable with that, and I know what’s behind it, and I know the scams and that the downgraded, upgraded things that go. I just understand it much more. And, if I were to trade, it would be ethereum all the way, because I think that’s the basis of blockchain more than bitcoin, in my opinion.

Ammar: Yeah, Ethereum is still…the jury is still out, but it’s definitely more scalable as a platform. But, from what I understand…and I don’t…I really don’t know a lot about it, but I believe the bitcoin is more usable as a store of value vs. ethereum.

Shane: I agree. That’s true.

Michael: Were you gonna say something, Drew?

Andrew: So, in the last 48 hours, I would have agreed with you, but that’s been turned on its head, and now, ethereum, the volume of ethereum being traded has surpassed bitcoin.

Ammar: Yeah, there’s definitely more hype in ethereum.

Andrew: The reason for that is that ICOs are accepting primarily ethereum in order to participate. And so, anybody that’s looking to get, you know, speculatively into one of these ICOs has to buy ethereum. And so, people are selling bitcoin to get ethereum, buying ethereum with cash. So, that’s the explanation, but that has the potential to self-perpetuate.

Michael: Yeah, and for anybody that’s not aware, ICO, the initial coin offering that Drew just mentioned…so, basically companies are going public, and you can buy a percentage of the company through ethereum coins.

Andrew: So, I just want to say that, before we get lambaste on blogs for, you know, pushing some agenda, I highly suggest you do not invest in this unless you truly are somebody who likes to go into the casino and put money on black or red. This isn’t an investment. This isn’t an investment. This is a game of chance. At this stage, this is purely a game of chance. You enter at your own peril. There is a very high likelihood you will lose everything, and I’m not encouraging you, at all. With all that being said, it’s really fun. It’s really, really, really exciting to watch, and the margins…

Ammar: I would say the odds [inaudible] red and black.

Michael: Probably better, yeah.

Andrew: But, the spreads and the margins are unparalleled in any other industry I’ve ever seen in my life. If you like currency trading, this is a paradise because it’s so inefficient, and you can arbitrage these exchanges. And, the problem is timing really. The timing is, you know…currency trading is real-time, to the microsecond. And, this is nice. There could be minutes, or, in the case of two days ago when, you know, the Bancor ICO happened, the whole ethereum network basically crashed, and there was like a two-hour lag in transaction time, and you could have lost your — because it lost 10% in like, a two-hour period because there was this bottleneck and this lag, and it crashed. And so, you know, if you put in a trade when it was at 399, and that trade didn’t go through ’till two hours later when I hit 340, you know, you got hurt.

So, that’s still the…you know, there’s a lot of risk. There’s risk from every single direction. And, the U.S. Senate just put a bill on the floor this morning, I believe, or yesterday, which is directly targeting bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and bringing anybody who’s issuing a cryptocurrency under the regulatory umbrella of the anti-money laundering laws and money transfer laws, and that is going to effectively crash any U.S. enterprise in this because basically it’s impossible to do all the KYC, KYC being Know Your Customer rules. So, basically it’s impossible to do KYC on these relatively anonymous bitcoin transfers. Every person that buys it…so, it’s impossible, can’t be done.

So, that’s…

Ammar: Well, and [inaudible] interesting…the other thing they’re gonna regulate is the ICOs. I think that’s going to fall under the SEC regulations [inaudible].

Michael: It’s a whole bunch of stuff, I don’t really get. I played with bitcoin a little bit, and then when it was at its all-time high back then, I transferred all of it over to, and I’d rather just play in a speculative market that I understand a little bit better.

All, right. Well, thanks for that discussion, guys. We’re gonna jump into the first segment of the show called “What’s New, Sherpas” where the Sherpas share one purchase or sale that they’ve made over the past few weeks, and we get to learn what they paid or received for the domain, why they thought it was a good deal, and how the negotiations progressed. I’m gonna lead you through the questions, but the other Sherpas will get to comment during the process as well. This segment will go Ammar, then Drew, then Shane.

Ammar, what’s one domain name you personally bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain name and not the price yet.

Ammar: The domain name I sold was

Michael: How do you spell that?


Michael: Drew, Do you have any idea what that means?

Andrew: I do, I do. It’s like, you know, Jews have temples, Christians have churches, Muslims have hamams.

Ammar: No.

Andrew: Is that correct?

Michael: It’s not correct.

Andrew: No, it’s totally wrong?

Michael: Don’t tell him. Don’t tell him, though, Ammar. Assuming you…

Andrew: I have to try to brush up on my Eastern religion?

Ammar: It’s not a religious thing.

Michael: Oh, it’s not. All right, tell him. What is it, Ammar?

Ammar: It’s a Turkish bath. It’s basically a spa.

Andrew: Oh, Jesus! I knew that. What the hell am I talking about?

Michael: I had no idea what it was.

Andrew: God! That was terrible.

Shane: I thought it was a Turkish booth [SP].

Andrew: I knew that. God! Jesus! My favorite hotel in the world has the largest hamam in Europe outside of Turkey.

Ammar: It’s very popular in Europe, especially [inaudible]. But, it’s a popular…it basically means spa, but a very particular kind of spa.

Michael: All right, Drew. Hamam, it’s like a Turkish bath. What do you think?

Andrew: Large men in towels beat you…you pay to have large men in towels sweat all over you and beat you on a hard marble surface in a steaming hot room.

Michael: Sounds fantastic.

Andrew: It is.

Michael: What do you think he sold it for?

Ammar: That’s where Michael Flynn met with the Russian ambassador.

Michael: Oh, my gosh.

Andrew: Okay. So, I think he sold that for…that’s a great name, and potentially big business. I think he sold it for $80,000.

Michael: Eighty K. Shane, what do you think Ammar sold for?

Shane: Well, based on the pre-show in cars and bitcoin, I could say he did finally…

Michael: It’s unrelated.

Shane: Yeah, it is, because he doesn’t need any money right now because of bitcoin, so you hold on a little longer. But, I’m actually gonna go with 50 grand. I think he sold for $50K.

Michael: Fifty thousand dollars. Ammar, what did you sell for?

Ammar: Shane was closer. It’s $44,000.

Michael: Forty-four thousand dollars. That’s…what? Right order of magnitude. So, how did the buyer contact you, Ammar?

Ammar: Well, so, let me give some background as to why I sold it for that number. I agree, I think I undersold it, but my goal for this year is to be more…

Andrew: Liquid.

Ammar: Liquid, and more reasonable with my transactions, and actually try to move more inventory, because all I do is buy, and I almost never sell. So, this one, I bought while sitting in a session at NamesCon. So, I was sitting in a session at NamesCon in the morning, listening and looking, watching my NameJet. I bought it for $3100, basically.

Michael: Wow!

Ammar: And, I knew I got a great deal. But, you know, my rule of thumb is usually, if I get 10X, then I should really at least consider it.

Michael: Yeah.

Ammar: The guys started at $1K, and I countered at…I actually only…I think I only countered at $50K, I recall. And, you know, he went up to $10K. I said I’m not going below $50k, and basically it took over…the negotiation took over a month, maybe six weeks. I actually had a couple of calls with him. He is…the buyer’s based in Turkey, and had a couple of Skype calls with him, and, you know, we kind of bonded a little bit. I told him last time I was in Istanbul I stayed at this particular hotel which had a hamam, and it happens to be in the same neighborhood where he lives.

And, we kind of talked about that a little bit, kind of created a relationship, and then, finally he…you know, on the second call, he’s like, “Okay, that’s fine. Let’s just…let’s get the deal done, and…

Michael: He just became more comfortable with you, and with the number, it sounds like.

Ammar: Yeah, I told him I’m not gonna come down, and then I came down a little bit, you know. You always give a little.

Michael: So, did you have a landing page up? Did you have a website? Did you have nothing, and he just looked up Whois? How did it work initially?

Ammar: It was just parked, parked at DNS.

Michael: So, you were showing ads, and then it probably had a banner that said, “Contact me [inaudible]?”

Ammar: Right, exactly.

Michael: And, was it making any money?

Ammar: It was getting some traffic, but not…you know [inaudible] make money on parking, unless you have a typo [SP], or…not anymore, at least. I mean, back in the day, you could, you know.

Michael: Gotcha.

Ammar: You’re lucky if your parking covers your renewal.

Michael: And, where did you say it was parked at?

Ammar: DNS.

Michael: DNS. So, in a registry?

Ammar: Yeah.

Michael: And so, you bought it for $3144 on January 25th, 2017. I see it right here, NameJet. You know, as soon as this show airs, the valuation is going to change on Estibot because somehow they suck everything in. Right now, the Estibot value is $8100, but you knew that it had value because you’d been to Europe and you know that hamams are popular there?

Ammar: Right. I mean, I really…I felt like, in the right hands, it’s, you know, $100,000 name, $80,000 name, for sure. But, again, my goal is to be more reasonable…

Andrew: Band in the hand [SP].

Michael: And you’re feeling…when you’re sitting in NamesCon and you’re looking at this NameJet auction, you’re like, “, or should I get Which one is the better one?”

Ammar: No, definitely the singular in that case.

Andrew: Hundred present.

Ammar: It’s like you wouldn’t want, you’d want, I think. Certain brands lend themselves, even if they work for both, lend themselves better to the singular, and certain brands lend themselves better to the plural. This one, I think, is more of a singular.

Michael: Because it becomes more of a brand that is descriptive of what he’s doing as well.

Shane: Yeah, brand [inaudible] directory.

Andrew: The event of some e-commerce like is better than, I think. And, is better than But, I’d rather have than, or than That could either way, almost.

Ammar: Yeah. I think it just kind of…it’s very subjective. It’s whichever, you know, one feels sounds better. So, I think it’s…with hamam, it’s more powerful as a singular.

Michael: Definitely. And so, going back and forth for four-to-six weeks, who was the first one to suggest getting on a telephone?

Ammar: Him. Well, no, I always give people my Skype and I say, “Hey, if you want to talk about it, we can talk over Skype, or we can jump on a call.” So, I actually I usually offer that. I say…

Michael: You suggested it, and he’s like, “Yeah, let’s hop on a Skype,” and that’s the way you did it?

Ammar: Yeah.

Michael: Good to know, awesome. Well, and great insights that, you know, when you want to sell those types of domains at that level, sometimes you just need to get on the phone and so they can realize that you’re a real person, and, you know, make the connection.

Ammar: I think it helped a lot to actually have that conversation, and, you know, to connect on another level.

Michael: Yeah. Well, congrats on that sale. That’s a great domain. Thanks, Ammar.

Drew, let’s go to you. What’s one domain name you’ve bought or sold in the past…you know, I know we just taped the show a week ago, so in the past couple of weeks? Tell us the domain name, and not the price.

Andrew: All right, so can I make an exception? I have two really cool…one buy and one sell, that I can’t talk about the price. I’d like to mention them, though, because I think they’re just cool names…

Michael: Yeah, let’s do it.

Andrew: …that deserve to be, you know, announced. And then, I’ll give you one solid deal…

Michael: But even, you can’t say the price, so I’ll get these guys to comment on it, if that’s okay.

Andrew: Yeah, they can comment. I’m just not gonna deny or, you know… And then, the last one, I’ll do a sale that we made, then I’ll say the price. Is that okay?

Michael: Yeah.

Andrew: All right. So, start out, just bought a new TLD domain…

Shane: Boo.

Andrew: But, I think this one is pretty badass.

Michael: You were channeling [SP] right there, buddy.

Andrew: So, it’s actually…you were there…Michael Cyger was there at the agreed-upon date, but we just got the domain in our town [SP] yesterday. So, it’s, which is deco, you know, as a hack [SP].

Michael: Yeah.

Andrew: We own, so it was a really nice…

Michael: So, there is a .eco top-level domain. The nice guys came down from Vancouver, I believe, for DNSeattle. It was great to have them. I’m sorry, I can’t remember names right now, but they were there…Drew, I didn’t even see you chatting with them. And then, after, we we’re enjoying some adult beverages, or something, and you mentioned that you purchased

Ammar, let’s go to you. What do you think Drew paid for a single character eco domain name, that also serves as a hack for deco?

Ammar: Well, I like it only for the fact that it’s a hack, because he has deco. I think that’s great. That just, to me, increases the value of that asset.

Michael: So, I should clarify that Drew owns

Andrew: I did say.

Michael: Okay.

Ammar: So, because of that, I would say it makes sense to pay more. But, I really have no idea what these things go for. I’m gonna guess $10K.

Michael: Shane, what do you think Drew paid for

Shane: Well, I don’t like it, I don’t like hacks, in general, especially when you already have deco, I think he’s just having fun, and, I mean, no, I think he’s just…

Michael: I think he’s just having fun, too.

Shane: …just buying something that he really enjoys and says he has, and that’s cool. That’s what’s life’s all about right there, but I wouldn’t recommend to a client to go after it because they’re gonna go right back to Drew and get deco later. That being said, the new TLD is probably as good as you get on a hack on a .eco. I can’t think of one other hack for eco that’s better than that. So, I’ll say 10…I’m right there at 10 grand. I think that that’s one of their best ones. They’re not gonna let it go. Drew is a nice guy, but he’s not that nice, and I can get him cheap.

Michael: Yeah. Hey, Drew, so you’re not gonna tell us what you paid for it, and I understand. Do you agree with Shane that, assuming it…you know, these guys think it’s worth, order of magnitude, $10,000. Regardless of whether that’s correct or not, do you agree with Shane’s assessment just now, that like, newer investors should not be spending $10,000 on a domain like this, and that it makes sense for you because you own

Andrew: Yeah. Again, I mean, I think I’ve been pretty clear all along, if you’re looking at these new TLDs as an investment, then, you know, you better be playing with money that you are super-okay with losing. I do think that some of them have a home. You know, I think that some of these things are really cool, they’re fun. I think that they make great advertising campaigns. I would never put my corporation name on it, and make that my corporate home, an email address, because of email security issues, and spoofing, and all sorts of different stuff. But, I do think they have a place, and I do think they have value, if it’s something really unique and novel, and, you know, adds value to the conversation, whatever conversation that might be.

Ammar: But, you wouldn’t have bought that…

Andrew: I think is one of those. I mean, I think that actually this one is one of the best new gTLDs period, in any handle. And, the reason I believe that is because, first off, I love deco. I think it’s like, one of my second or third-favorite domains I’ve ever owned. I think it’s an amazing brand for home decoration, fashion, you know, which is a hot industry. is a really nice play on that because of this huge trend in home design and home decoration towards eco-friendly products. You’ve got like, a billion-dollar paint industry emerging that’s based on, you know, eco-based ingredients, and you’ve got flooring that’s all eco-based, and you’ve got solar tiles, and you’ve got, you know, window…you’ve got, everything in your home, there’s an eco version now. And so, is a really nice way to playfully capture that market, gain a little bit of trust.

You know, I think .eco is actually doing a great job of creating this community TLD where, you know, they’re never gonna have dot-xyzs numbers in terms of registrations, but they will create trust in the extension like dot-org created a sort of identity.

So, I like the extensions that are going to create a real identity. I think that, you know, .clubs created a great identity with .club. You know, it’s not just another TLD, it has an identity. And, you’re either going to identify with that for your whatever purpose, or you’re not. So, I like the .eco, in general. You know, this was specifically less about .eco, and more about it being a hack for me to go with

Michael: Well, and nobody that’s going to throw down the big bucks for is gonna throw down, you know, the small bucks for as a shortener. Like, it’s the perfect URL shortener for social media, so you get the branding on social media for this industry where it’s driven by social media. So, yeah, it’s a great compliment.

Andrew: Yeah, I’m pretty accurate.

Michael: Ammar, you were gonna say something, as well?

Ammar: Sorry?

Michael: Were you gonna say something on that as well?

Ammar: Oh, I was gonna Drew, though, I don’t think he would have bought that if he didn’t have

Andrew: I think I would have. I would have. I would have bought it even if I didn’t have The deal never would have happened if I didn’t know, because it wouldn’t have occurred to me, in that moment when I met founders of .eco, and I’m standing there, we’re talking about .eco, and it just clicked in my head like, “Holy crap! That’s such a cool hack to get,” because is always on my mind, it’s one of my favorite names. So, that moment would have never happened, and I never would have been like, “Oh, let’s do this deal.” And, I don’t think I would have gotten the deal I got if it wasn’t in the moment, face-to-face, over, you know, a couple of [inaudible].

Shane: The answer is no, Ammar. He wouldn’t have bought it.

Andrew: No. Presented with the opportunity, I would have bought it.

Michael: All right. Shane doesn’t have a sale because we just taped a week ago. It was crazy at the…

Shane: I do have a good story, though.

Andrew: Please let me do my [inaudible].

Michael: I know. That’s what I’m saying. Don’t get on social media and bash me for that. I was just queueing it up for the second one they could have, because Shane is gonna share [SP] something.

Shane: Okay, so I can see I’m allowing my time to go to Drew to tell another great story.

Michael: All right, Drew. So, congrats on that buy, and I was happy about that from DNSeattle.

Andrew: The gentleman from Illinois has allocated his time to a gentleman from Panama.

Shane: Exactly. [Inaudible].

Michael: Soon to be from Venice. And so, your sale that you have…

Andrew: Okay. We sold, our single most-priced domain name.

Michael: That is the jewel in the crown.

Andrew: Jewel in the crown has been removed.

Michael: So, what did you get? Like, 10,000 bucks for that thing?

Andrew: About 10 grand, yeah.

Michael: Why didn’t you give me a chance to buy it? So,, oh my gosh! You know, low end, two letters are going for high six figures. High end, they’re going for millions, tens of millions. Mj, Michael Jackson, of course, one of my favorite singers…

Shane: Jackson.

Andrew: Michael Johnson, Michael Jordan…

Michael: Mera Juana, is a great actor.

Andrew: Mary Jane. Have you ever met Mary Jane? She is a smoking ticket?

Michael: So, can you talk about who bought it?

Andrew: I…

Michael: No.

Andrew: …don’t necessarily know that I can’t, but I’m gonna choose not to, because I don’t have their explicit permission to.

Shane: We will find out, eventually.

Michael: Is it gonna come out? Is it gonna be public, someday, you think?

Andrew: I don’t think the price will ever come out, but I think the ownership will probably come out…they’re on the fence about what they’re gonna do right now. So, you know…

Michael: All right, well, let’s go to Shane. Shane, what do you think Drew sold for?

Shane: I mean, who knows? Let’s just say millions of dollars, and let’s say there’s a reason he’s moving to Venice. How about that? Let’s put that all together. It doesn’t take anybody in analytics to figure all this out. Yeah, it’s…I mean, millions. The numbers are inconsequential from there. So, yeah, it’s a great name. And, Drew, that’s one of his favorite names, so I know he wouldn’t have let that go cheap. It’s not like he said, “You know, I’m just getting tired of holding ‘mj.’ Let me let it go for a good price.”

Michael: “I’m not getting any enquiries on ‘mj.’ I think it’s time to let it go. I have…” You know, Ammar, is the kind of name that you’re like, “I think I’m gonna be more reasonable about what I sell my domains for?”

Ammar: Well, that’s a different one, because that one is so liquid, you know, and there’s so many uses, and, that one I probably would not be reasonable. [Inaudible] in your portfolio that you just believe in that, you know, you know that…you can never know, because there’s always a risk, you know, things change. But, Drew’s a smart guy, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he decided, “Okay, it’s time to sell my favorite domain.” There’s a reason he did that, so I would just say I’m sure he did the right thing.

Michael: Drew, how long did you own for?

Andrew: I think we had it like, two years. I don’t even actually know, exactly. About two years, I’d say.

Shane: It does explain the Tesla sitting in my driveway just delivered from Drew. I was curious [inaudible].

Michael: Three-point-six-five million-dollar Estibot value, probably correct order of magnitude, maybe it’s a little higher, maybe it’s a little lower.

Shane: That’s how I sell my two-letter dot-coms to. I go to Estibot, and whatever it is, that’s…

Michael: Whatever it is, yeah. I recently sold…

Michael: I recently sold I got…sold like that. A hundred and sixty-eight thousand searches per month for

Well, congratulations, Drew. That is awesome, and it’ll be great to have you back in the U.S. when you put that money to use in physical real estate.

All right, thanks Sherpas…

Andrew: See what Media Options wants to do with that money.

Michael: What was that?

Andrew: Yeah, we’ll see what Media Options wants to do with that money.

Michael: Oh, yes, yes, yes.

All right, Drew, you’ve got one more sale that you want to talk about. Was it a buy or a sell?

Andrew: This is a sell.

Michael: All right. What was the domain name?

Andrew: The domain name was

Michael: Wow! Influenceragency…seven syllables, dot-com. Influenceragency. Ammar, what do you think Drew sold for?

Ammar: Well, that’s a great name. If you got it for that cheap, that’s impressive. I must not have been watching that day. “Influenceragency,” I’m gonna say $25K.

Michael: You’re saying that he sold it for around $25,000?

Ammar: Or, maybe more.

Michael: And, Shane, what do you think Drew sold “influenceragency” for?

Shane: I think he sold it for less just because it was a quick turnaround. We got a little information [inaudible].

Michael: Yeah, I was gonna say, like, did he say how much? Sometimes when I talk…

Shane: No, he didn’t say how much, but he said that it was a recent buy-and-sell. So, any time it’s that quick, the number comes down a little bit. So, I’ll say $13,500.

Michael: Thrrteen thousand, five hundred. Drew, let me first off ask you, what did you pay for “influenceragency?”

Andrew: So, we just bought “influenceragency” on for…I want to say that it was 600 bucks. It might have been a little bit lower than that, I don’t have the exact price in front of me, but it was about 600 bucks. And, this was a month ago. And, yeah, we just sold it. So, Ammar, I quoted 25 grand, just out of pocket. I mean, it actually…so, I agree. When I saw the name, I just bought it, because I was, “God! It’s a great name,” but actually there’s no search volume…

Michael: Zero.

Andrew: It’s zero. I mean, there’s zero stats on the name. But, influencers are the hottest thing in advertising and marketing…

Ammar: Totally.

Andrew: …and those people need representation. And so, “influenceragency” is a great name. And so, I quoted $25,000. It came back at $7,000. I agreed to sell for $7,500. I gave them three days to pay. They didn’t get…that was a Dutch company. They didn’t get the money into Escrow on time. Another company contacted me in the middle of this and offered me $10,000, and I said, “Well, sorry. It’s in Escrow,” I said, “but if they don’t fund it by Friday, the domain’s yours.”

And then, the guy came back and said, “I’ll beat the $10,000.” And so, I ended up selling it to the other company, though, at 11 grand, because I had told them, if he didn’t fund it. So, we got 11 grand…a little bit more. I think it was $11,500.

Michael: That’s amazing that two companies, at the same time, were coming in fighting for it.

Andrew: In the course of 72 hours, and I think it was only because we had just removed the privacy.

Ammar: That one [inaudible].

Michael: And, I’m gonna be doing a show…I’m taping a show later today, a profitable flip as well, anybody that comes into this industry that’s like, “I can’t make money in this industry,” is just full of it, because this is the perfect example . You can’t go to Estibot and type in “influenceragency,” because it’s gonna say, “Zero search volume, zero Estibot value. Don’t buy it,” because you got to understand what’s going on in the market. Influencers are the people that are making a difference. You three are influencers in this industry, which is why I want you on here, because I want to hear your thoughts. And, if you say, “I don’t like this, and I like this,” guess what? People are gonna do some of that. Some people are gonna think for themselves, maybe try it, maybe…whatever, but some people are just gonna say, “I trust Ammar. I’m gonna do what he suggests. I’m gonna try it out.” That’s what an influencer is.

And so…and agency makes perfect sense, because they’re gonna bring together these influencers over multiple industries, segments, sectors, and then help companies reach…

Andrew: Brands want to connect with these influencers. Brands want to connect with them to get them to promote their products in, you know, somewhat organic way, and so, you know, there’s got to be an agency in-between that relationship. So, I actually agree. I think that this name is probably worth 50 grand or 100 grand, over the course of the next, you know, few years, as this whole thing gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and the biggest talent agencies in the world are going after this market. But, like Ammar said earlier, I mean, if you’ve got an offer on the table, in short time it’s at 10X or more, you better take a hard look at that and take some money off the table.

Ammar: Yap.

Michael: Yeah, and so this is a perfect example of a brand that companies want. It makes sense what they’re working on. So, thanks for bringing this up, Drew. I appreciate it.

Thanks, Sherpas. I’m gonna tell you about three of our sponsors for today’s show, that support us in our mission to educate people in the domain name industry.

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Michael: All right, in the domain portfolio review, we take user-submitted domain name portfolios and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold them long-term, or figure out a sales strategy, going forward. Today’s portfolio was submitted by Sunwal Memon [SP]. As part of Sunwal’s submission, he made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer.

Sunwal’s list of 17 domain name starts with, and ends with the four letter If you’re watching the show, this is the point where you should press the pause button, review the domains yourself, they’re on, price the domains. Pick your top three, your bottom three, and then come back and listen as the Sherpas share their thoughts on the domain names. That’s the way you can improve your thinking, just like in the last segment when, you know, Drew through out, the first thing that came to my mind is like, “I don’t know. It’s really long. I don’t think anybody’s gonna want it.” But, sometimes you just need to change your thinking, you know. Think about the trends, think about what these Sherpas are suggesting.

Andrew: Everything in life is about perspective.

Michael: So, this segment, we’re gonna go Shane, then Ammar, then Drew.

Did you say something, Drew?

Andrew: Everything in life is about perspective, everything. You shift your perspective, everything changes. The laws of physics change if you shift your perspective.

Michael: Shift your perspective, shift your life.

Shane, let’s start with you. What’s your impression of the brandables listed in Sunwal’s portfolio here?

Shane: Well, I think that he’s got a couple that will pay for the ones that I don’t like. That was my first thing. I saw one name I really like, and I don’t like hats. I just…maybe I need to change my perspective. But, from my perspective, I just…I haven’t liked them from day one. At no point in time, in my 10 years of buying domains, have I ever thought that that’s good brand.

And, from a business standpoint, I just think, if I’m gonna run a business, I don’t wanna confuse anybody. I wanna make it simple. I want them to come to me, I want them to remember me. And, I’m driving through a billboard at 50 miles an hour, I…ethicgoal…I’m gonna remember “ethic,” but I’m not…we all thought it was “ai” for a second, just in the typing. So, that alone tells me, “You got to be a little careful,” but then again, who knows dot-ai, besides us.

But, the one that I do like is “purefood.” I think “purefood” is…”pure” is a good name. Food is something that, you know, is more and more popular, everybody wants clean, organic, pure, non-GMO. So, I think that’s a fantastic name, and I think that’s a five-figure name to sell, and that will pay for “cereal.”



Michael: Let’s talk about “purefood,” because I was following that one. I saw it on Flippa. It did sell recently for…before I tell you, you tell me what you think the retail value…what should be the ask for

Shane: I would…I mean, I have no problem listing that at $25,000 to start off. It could go for more, but 25 is the number. I think I helped sell “purefood” when it went through Flippa. I think [inaudible].

Michael: Yeah. That’s probably where I followed it, because I [inaudible].

Shane: Yeah, but I honestly can’t remember where it ended up. I do remember it doing much better than I thought would on Flippa, because, you know, that’s a whole…the wholesale market is a totally different market than the end market, and it actually did pretty well on Flippa. You have the number?

Michael: I do. Before I tell it, let me just pause you for a second, I’m coming right back to you. I’m gonna ask Drew and Ammar what they think the retail value of “purefood” is before I tell everybody what it sold for recently.

Ammar, what do you think?

Ammar: I was bidding on that on Flippa. I don’t remember what it went for, either. It went for more than I thought it would, just like Shane said, but I did like the name. I probably would price it at…I probably be asking somewhere in the $25,000-to-$40,000 range, is where I price it.

Michael: Is that the more reasonable Ammar that’s pricing it?

Ammar: Yeah…I mean, I think that’s a fair price for that.

Michael: Yeah, you think it’s a fair retail price for it?

Ammar: I like the plural better in this case, we were talking about singular/plural. I like “purefoods” as a brand, a lot. Both are good, but I like the plural better as a brand. But, I would still…I’d be asking at least $25,000.

Michael: Drew, what do you think? What would you ask if you own

Andrew: So, he had contacted us to broker this after…I think it was his son that bought the domain.

Shane: That’s right.

Andrew: I agree, I think it’s sold for more than I thought it would. I also don’t remember the price. I wanna say I think it was 10 grand or something. You know, I don’t love the name. I really…I think it’s a good name. It certainly has value, obviously. I mean, the market says it does. You know, I wouldn’t have gotten too excited. I only probably would have paid $1000, $2000 for this name, and I would then price it at like…I might price it $25,000 and hope to get, you know, $15,000. I don’t think this name sells for much more than that. I think there’s a good chance it goes to $25,000 at some point. I don’t think that happens easily. I don’t think that’s necessarily an easy proactive sale. I think, you know, it’s probably a waiting game.

It’s a good name, it’s probably a good store value, but I don’t love it. I don’t love it.

Michael: All right, according to Estibot, it sold for $11,000 on February 21st at Flippa.

So, Shane, let’s pick it up from there. He paid $11,000, you think it’s worth $25,000. Generally people like to see a 10-time return on their investment, but a lot of investors are fine with like, two times, three times, four times. So, you like the name, but…

Shane: Yeah, you know, I totally forgot about that background. I think the marketing really helped sell it at that price…I don’t know.

Michael: Yeah, it did.

Shane: At that buy price, I think there’s more opportunity elsewhere at that price, but it’s a good name, and I think that liquidity. I think if he puts it back up, he can get close to his money back, and that’s always a positive thing. You know, when you buy a name, and you get into a bind and you have to sell it quickly, and you can get close to your money back, that means you have a really good name, or at least a liquid name. But, that’s always a comfortable place to be.

Ammar: Definitely, [inaudible].

Shane: So, I think he’s fine, but I agree with Drew, it’s a good store of value, if that’s the words you used. Yeah, it’s a good place to put your money, but it’s gonna be…you’re not gonna make great returns on it, as far as the numbers, percentage-wise.

Michael: Was there anything else you liked on the list, specifically?

Shane: Yeah, I mean, I didn’t love anything on it. Again, I just dismissed the hacks. It’s just not something I do. But, I thought…you know, I thought “celebrated” was a decent name. I don’t know what I’d do with that. “Cheesing,” it’s okay. “vgtn” is…I’m a four-letter guy, but, you know, it’s just that’s a $400 name. It’s just not a tremendous amount of value.

So, I don’t really like the portfolio. I think that…again, I think “purefood,” if he does his name right, it will pay for the rest of them, but I just feel that the rest were not a great input of money and time for this portfolio.

Michael: Okay. Thanks, Shane.

Ammar, let’s go over to you. What do you think of the portfolio, in general?

Ammar: My favorite one is “purefood.” I guess, I was bidding on it on Flippa. There’s a reason I didn’t buy it. You know, it’s because I think it went for too much. I think it went for…that’s what somebody would pay if they’re gonna use it. I don’t know that that’s what I would…that’s not where I’d be putting my money as an investment, where I expect to make a return. There’s no way…I don’t wanna say “no way,” but it’s unlikely this domain goes for $100K, and so, when I buy, I always, you know, try to think, “Can I get 10X my money on this?” Obviously, as the numbers go up, then that’s harder and harder to achieve. You know, if you pay 250 grand for a name, you should be hoping you get at least $1 million, but maybe you’re not gonna get $2.5 million.

So, anyway, “purefood” is my favorite. I would price at a $25K, and, like Drew said, I’d probably take somewhere in the $15,000 range.

I liked “celebrated.” I think you can do a lot with that one. I mean, you know, it could be event planner, it could be…

Andrew: Celebrated? Where do you see that?

Michael: Third one down from the top,

Andrew: I don’t know…not on my list.

Shane: What? Did you send Drew a special list? Are you looking at last week’s?

Andrew: No, man. I don’t know.

Michael: You “ageddn” at the top?

Andrew: “Ageddn,” “bargainandbuy” [SP],, “cheese…”

Michael: That’s weird. I don’t know.

Andrew: No “celebrated,” honest.

Michael: I sent you guys the same email.

Shane: No way. Did your printer run out of ink?

Andrew: I have it in this spreadsheet, the one they sent.

Michael: That’s weird, spreadsheet…

Ammar: Maybe it wasn’t in the spreadsheet, but it was definitely in the email.

Andrew: Ah, okay.

Michael: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t see it in this spread…because I copy out the Estibot pricing from the spreadsheet, and paste it into my notes, and I don’t see it here, either. I don’t know why…

Shane: For any watchers and listeners, Michael tries to help us out by sending us information that none of us really open and read.

Michael: I know. Well, clearly Drew does, only for the show.

Shane: Yeah, Drew does.

Andrew: I open it during the course of the show.

Ammar: I didn’t wanna bias myself with looking at other numbers. So, just from…you know, I usually…first thing is based on gut, so I like “celebrated.” I don’t love it, but I do…

Michael: Even if it’s the past tense of “celebrate,” you’ll still like it?

Ammar: Well, in some ways, it could…you know, yeah, I don’t love it. I do like it, and I think…

Michael: What retail value do you like it for? What would you price it if you owned it?

Ammar: I probably also be looking at maybe $20K.

Michael: Okay. So, you’d ask $20K?

Ammar: $20,000 to $25,000, yeah.

Michael: Okay, cool.

Ammar: Again, but, I’m one of those guys that, I don’t sell as much as the other two…you know, the other two esteemed Sherpas on the panel, so I don’t know if my pricing is sometimes a little too aggressive. But, I do like the name. So, I go “purefood” and “celebrated.” Like I said, if the guy…this guy, I would tell him to go see if he can buy the plural, “purefoods,” because that would definitely shore it up. And, depending on…

Michael: Yeah. So, like, what you’re doing with bitcoin, maybe you can dollar-cost average both of them, and he’s got like, a great brand that…and defensive.

Ammar: And, if it’s developed already, then maybe that actually increases the value of this. So, I would look at those two.

I know you ask us, “which ones you hate?” So, I hate “mejoboffer” [SP], I think it’s terrible. There’s no use case I can ever think of for that.

And, “ageddn,” I don’t like either, because, A, it’s past tense, so you have double-D, which is kind of weird, which is good in certain circumstances when it comes to certain people, but…

Andrew: Oh, my God. Did you have to go there?

Ammar: But, with a domain name, it’s not great. And, like Shane, I don’t generally like the hacks, and especially in this case, the dot-als, when I first saw them, I thought they were dot-ais, and I’m like, “Oh,,” I was bidding on that. But then, it’s, so I really do not like…I generally don’t like hacks, but I especially don’t like hacks that are like this, that aren’t full words at least on the left of the dot. So, like, would be the only one I like probably, that I would, you know, like [inaudible].

Michael: So, you’d keep, but the rest of the hacks you wouldn’t keep?

Ammar: Yeah. Like,, I don’t know, I don’t like that one. I don’t like any of the other hacks, actually, in this, and especially because of the likelihood of confusion with “ai,” because the L, you know, when it’s lower case, you’re not sure.

Michael: Yeah. All right, fair enough. Thanks, Ammar.

Drew, let’s go to you. Any final thoughts on Samwal’s portfolio here?

Andrew: You know, I don’t mind the hacks. I actually like hacks, in general. I really like hacks. I would say, from a financial standpoint, I don’t know that we’ve ever sold one, but, you know, that’s never stopped me before. So, you know, I think is nice because I don’t even know which country dot-al is…

Ammar: Neither do I.

Shane: [inaudible].

Andrew: Is it Albanian? If it’s Albania, I’ll take that back. Nothing against Albanians, but I just don’t see, you know…the educational system in Albania, you know, making investments into this domain name. I don’t know…I don’t see anything…I like “ageddn” just because that’s kind of a thing of mine. I like old domain names, and “ageddn…”

Ammar: Yeah, but are you gonna use it? Is anybody ever gonna buy it?

Andrew: No, no.

Ammar: That’s why…so, we’re talking about, is it a good investment?

Andrew: I’ll buy this for $8.55 when he lets it expire.

Michael: It is Albania.

Ammar: There’s a difference between having names that you like. I agree with Drew in the sense that sometimes these hacks look cool, and there are certain hacks that I would probably buy, and I actually do look for certain hacks once in a while. But, as an investment, I don’t think they’re a good use of your funds. I think…

Andrew: Absolutely not.

Ammar: I think he can do a much better job putting that money…I don’t know how much he paid for these. If he hand-wrenched [SP] them, you know, that’s okay, but he’s doing it as an investment, and we’re here to tell him…to opine on whether these are good investments or not. So, you’re in a position where you can buy stuff just because you think it’s cool, like…yeah, I do like that. I think that’s a cool hack, but am I gonna buy it as an investment? No, because chances are you paid a lot more than what you would be able to get a good return on. So, it made good sense for you, but I don’t think it makes sense for the…especially for the starting-out, you know, newer investors who…

Andrew: Absolutely.

Ammar: …limited budget and, you know, need to allocate their funds wisely to get the best return.

Michael: Well put.

Andrew: Hacks is definitely not where to put your money. You’re not getting a great deal because the dot-com was worth seven figures, and you got the hack for, you know, $500. You did not get a great deal, because the guy that paid seven figures for the dot-com doesn’t care, in 99% of the cases about the hack.

But, that being said, look, I think the internet is shifting, and I think, you know, domains are gonna be used in all sorts of new and creative ways that we are not even thinking about today, and I think that, you know, like I said, with new gTLDs having different ways to play with them and use them, and they have homes, I think that hacks also will benefit from that evolution. And so, you know, I own some, we own, which, I think, is a really cool hack. We’ve had it for two or three years, and I think I’ve had like one offer that was maybe $2500, and, you know, I think we paid that or more.

So, it’s not an investment. These are not an investment. It’s like, you know, very, very speculative, and they’re cool, they’re fun, maybe like an emoji domain, but you’re never gonna sell…most likely, you will never sell it for profit.

Michael: All right, let me…

Andrew: The only other domain on the list I kinda like is “textfonts” because that actually is a business. There are actually like, agencies that do nothing but create text fonts for people. And so, it’s kind of a…you know, it has a little search volume, it’s got a little CPC, this isn’t a big domain name, it’s a few thousand dollars, you might get $10,000 from an agency or a company that does it. But, it’s a nice little name, and it’s got some value.

Michael: What about “vgtn?” “N” could stand for network. Do you like that one, or is it worth only just a few hundred bucks?

Andrew: I mean, I like all four-letter dot-coms. I think four-letter dot-coms, from an investment standpoint, even at the upper end of wholesale four-letter dot-coms…I mean, I think that, you know, it’s putting to work. You get a good four-letter dot-com, you’ve identified that there’s a few companies out there that could benefit from the…you know, this truncated name, go out do the work, contact them. You’ll sell it for 5 grand, 10 grand. I mean, the companies are willing to pay that for a four-letter dot-com. And so, I think that four-letter dot-coms are one of the best places to start, if you want to invest in domains, because it’s a relatively low entry point at, you know, anything from $300 to $2,500 for the most part, and you’re gonna get 4X to 10X return. So…

Michael: Great. Hey, Sunwal had a couple of other questions for you guys. Let me start with Ammar on this one. “As I know most of you live in the United States since the Trump election, has your mindset in domain investing changed, and if so, how?” So, we’re not talking about politics. We’re just talking about the new Trump administration. Has that affected your domain-investing mindset?


Ammar: No.

Michael: No. Shane?

Ammar: I got…I mean, I bought a couple of funny Trump names, but I’ve been…

Michael: But, you’re still investing in premium domain names. You’re not like, getting out of the market, you’re not doubling down, you’re still going with your same strategy?

Ammar: And, if anything, I mean, the one good thing he might do is might create a better tax environment for businesses. So, in that regard, maybe it would…that could actually help, you know, have a better net profit that you can then reinvest more. So, in that sense.

Michael: Yeah, Drew?

Andrew: Yeah, I agree. I mean, from purely looking at it, you know, as a domain investment standpoint, I think Trump is…well, at least until the administration went off the rails, you know, it looks really good. I mean, I was, and continue to be cautiously bullish and optimistic that, you know, improved tax environment for companies will absolutely lead to more spending, and some of that will trickle into domains. And, you know, any boost in the economy will help domain names. So, I think he’s pro-business perspective, and I think the big question now is just whether or not he can get any of his agenda implemented. But…

Michael: Cool Shane, any…

Andrew: …based on his standpoint, I think [inaudible 00:56:12] for domain.

Michael: Thanks, Drew. I just wanted to keep it out of the political area.

Shane, any final thoughts on whether the Trump administration has changed your mindset in domain name investing?

Shane: No, not at all. I see no effect in any way on buys or sells…sales or…and again, I bought, too, just because I thought it was a pretty good name [inaudible 00:56:36] see if we’re gonna be all tightness [SP]. You know, Drew is not gonna be able to go back and forth. They’re gonna look out [inaudible 00:56:41].

Michael: Yeah, you know [inaudible 00:56:42] Drew.

All right, second question from Sunwal, it’s more of a personal one. I thought it was a bit…it was fun. “Apart from domain name, what do you like the most? Like, for example…” And, this is Sunwal writing, “Like, for example, I know Shane likes running and gardening, and it affects how he invests in domain names some of the time.”

Shane, is that fair to say that you do like running and you do like, you know, gardening, nursery, landscaping, and so that does affect what you invest in, because those are areas that you specialize in?

Shane: Yeah. I mean, you’re always supposed to invest in what you know. There’s no better way to do anything than to invest in what you know. And, I have found that plants and plant names, for eternity, have become brands, plain and simple. That’s why I’m in it, is I bought plant names because I was thinking I was helping my business, and it turns out that everybody loves to name their stuff. And, even Elliot started to figure that out. We joke all the time because he’s buying “lilac” and “compost,” and said, “Stay out of the garden center,” and Schilling went through the dictionary, the encyclopedia of plants, and bought early on…he owns tons of plant-related stuff. So, I mean, as far as my hobbies, yeah, I like…the older I get, the more I want to get out and see things. That’s my hobby, is moving, just moving around.

Michael: Hey, Ammar, what are your hobbies, and are you buying any domain names in those spaces?

Ammar: Yeah, like Shane said, I think you’re just naturally inclined to go towards those kind of names when they come up. Just, they catch your eye before other ones. So, I’m really into health, and nutrition, and fitness, so I’m looking always at those kind of names, and I also like cars, obviously. So, I’m always looking at car-type names in that space.

Michael: Drew, what are you into, and…I said that, then I thought, “Well, you just sold” But, what are you into, and what kind of domains are you buying as a result?

Shane: Organic salary.

Andrew: I would say, in the past, I was far more inclined to buy a lot of domains around the things that I was interested in. I actually personally, with the exception of cannabis, have not found that to be a very profitable strategy for myself. I’ve eaten most of those domains, or still own them. But, the cannabis stuff has worked out very well. Probably, on the next show, I’ll be able to announce another set of domains that we sold, which shouldn’t be under any NDA. There was a really good sale in that space.

So, I guess, you know, that’s the only place where I’ve been making continued investments in domains. It’s something I’m interested in.

Michael: All right, Sunwal, thank you for submitting those questions, and for submitting your portfolio and making a donation to cancer research. We hope this review has been helpful to you in your domain investing activities, going forward, and we want to keep in touch with you and see how this advice has helped you change your strategies, going forward, as well.

Before we jump into the domains going to auction soon, I want to tell you about three of our other sponsors that support us in our educational mission.

First, if you’re buying a domain name from a private party and want to know what else they own, is the tool you should be using. View their entire portfolio, filter by Estibot value and be a better investor. $49.95 for 250 queries per month. Visit to learn more.

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Finally, if you’re struggling with how to buy, sell, and value domain names, you need to check-out Published by me, Michael Cyger of DomainSherpa, and trusted by Uniregistry to train their new employees, you too can learn using the DNAcademy accelerated learning system for domain name investing. Learn more at

Michael: We’re gonna move on to the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by NameJet. We’re reviewing 12 no-reserve domain names heading to auction soon. If you like one of the names below, click through soon, because once they go to auction, you lose your chance to put in a minimum bid, or even just watch what’s going on in the action. The links below go directly to NameJet. They’re not commissionable links. They just want to see what kind of traffic we’re sending them.

The list starts with, and it ends with

For transparency, I always ask if the Sherpas own or are brokering any of the domains below.

Andrew: No.

Ammar: I don’t think so.

Shane: No.

Shane: Okay. Again, if you’re watching this show, now is the time to press pause. You know, if you’ve got it going on in the background on a tab and you’re listening, press pause. Look at the domain names, pick your top three, your bottom three, price them, and then come back and listen to the Sherpas. It’ll only take you a couple of minutes, but it’s that perspective. Once you’ve actually committed your mind to thinking about something, and then hearing somebody else’s perspective, that’s what helps you grow.

This segment, we’ll go Drew, then Shane, then Ammar.

Drew, let’s start with you. From an investment perspective, what do you like on this NameJet list, and why?

Andrew: Okay. So, first off, I mean,, obvious, lights-out, amazing brand, amazing domain. I can imagine multiple use cases for The only issue is, if you actually go to, it says, “Please ignore the NameJet listing. It’s a scam.”

Michael: Are you serious?

Andrew: I noticed that last night, so I don’t know that this name will actually go to auction, or if it does go to auction, that it will actually transfer.

Ammar: Interesting.

Michael: Because, I just went there, and it says, “ is coming soon.”

Andrew: And then, down below, scroll down.

Michael: No scroll.

Andrew: Okay. Well, 24 hours ago, there was a scroll down and it said, “Please ignore…” It’s something to…I’m paraphrasing, but it was something, “Please ignore the NameJet option. That’s not legitimate,” you know.

Michael: Well, and maybe they pulled the domain off of NameJet. You know, I send these names to you the week prior so that you have a chance to look through them, and maybe it’s pulled off. But, when I…

Andrew: No, it is still on NameJet. I actually back-ordered it this morning. So, it is on NameJet.

Michael: Yeah. No-reserve. The bid was at 69 bucks when I pulled them, so somebody wants to sell it. It’s gonna for market, if it does go through.

Andrew: So, I don’t know. I don’t know if the domain is gonna transfer or not. It’s a great name, you know. I know Sedo had it for sale for 100 grand. It didn’t sell. I had made an offer at that time, a pretty good offer, and I would definitely buy it for a good price if, you know…if it’s legit.

Michael: What kind of brand do you see a company using for?

Andrew: I mean, I think it’s a great brand for wine. I think it’s a great brand for…I don’t know, maybe even data security. I don’t know, man. You know, we emerged from caves. Humans and caves are…we go way back. There’s…you know, I don’t know. There’s still a lot of people living in caves. So…not gonna go there. So, I don’t know, I think…I just like it.

Michael: So, you like

Andrew: The four-letter, CVCV, I’ve always done well with four-letter words. It’s like It’s a four-letter word. You know, CVCV, it’s great, to me, I don’t know what you need it for, but… So, that’s an obvious one.

I like “rawbar.” You know, again, I think that’s gonna sell to a restaurant. So, it’s like, what are they gonna pay? They’re gonna pay a grand, 2 grand, they’re not gonna pay you a lot of money. So, I don’t think that it’s worth paying a lot of money for, because I don’t think you can sell it for much. I could use…if you got 5 grand, I think you probably did well. It’s not gonna be some tech company’s name, You know, it’s…so, it’s a catering service, or something to that extent. But, I still like it, it’s a catchy little name.

“,” you know, it was an epic decade. What happened in the ’70s, and…you know, it’s plenty of people still kicking in it want to reflect on the ’70s.

Michael: That’s my decade. That’s not your decade youngen.

Andrew: No. And then, “weddingchapel,” I like that one. I think that’s actually probably from a like, a return on investment, I think “weddingchapel” is my favorite name on the list.

Michael: What do you think it could go for? If somebody bought it, what do you think the retail value…what would you ask for it?

Andrew: I think you’re gonna sit on that name for a good minute to extract…I think you’ll get offers, but I think, to get a good value, you’re gonna sit on it for a minute. But, I think there’s somebody out there, someday, that pays 50 grand for that name. I don’t think it goes for much more than that. But, I think somebody will pay 50 grand for that name, and I bet you could pick it up for a few grand.

Michael: Cool. All right, thanks, Drew. Shane, let’s go over to you. What do you like on the NameJet list, and why?

Shane: Well, I agree with “cave.” When I saw “no-reserve,” to me, that struck me. I mean, somebody’s got a lot of confidence in the NameJet platform to put a name like that with no-reserve up there. So, yeah, it’s a standout name, but I don’t know if Drew is trying to talk it down because he wants a better price, and I didn’t see the “This is not for sale” or not…I didn’t see any of that on there, either.

I’m not in love with any…I thought “rawbar” was maybe one of my favorite. I think that that’s raw foods, and a bar named “Raw.” I think that’s a good name, but I agree, those kind of names…well, it depends on the owner. If the owner really wants to get things done, and wants to open, and wants a great name, they will pay. I’ve seen a lot of kitchen and restaurant names do five figures because the owners had a lot of cash, and it’s their fifth restaurant. You can ask…Adam Strong sold a really good restaurant name for a lot of money, but I didn’t want tell you what it is.

“Weddingchapel” is a good one, you know, just exactly that, for drive…you know, even Vegas, I can see somebody paying for that. I think it’s a $10,000-to-$15,000 name, but I agree it’s gonna be a wait on that.

I don’t like “70s.” You know…I don’t know, I guess people will spell that out, and I was thinking, “Well, maybe they want 7-0-S, but then it’s confusing with the…if I own the “70s,” I’d want 7-0-S and that name to build my brand. I’d like both sides of that.

And then, there was one more that I didn’t think was too bad. Oh, “tohe,” I don’t know anything about the word, what it means, where it comes from, but I know CVCV sells, and I know it’s good for 2 grand, 3 grand, 4 grand. And, if you can get something for pretty cheap, if you can get it for $1000 or $1200, you can flip it on NameJet, and that alone is a business model.

Liquid names, there’s….you know, you don’t have to do what we do, or talk about in the show, wait for 10 return 30-time return. There’s people that make a living buying Toki [SP], privately throwing it up on NameJet and making $1000. That’s a perfectly good business model for people, and I think CVCV is always a good…if you make a good buy, you’ll get a sell out of it. [Inaudible 01:11:40].

Michael: Yeah. Great, I’m glad you brought that up. There are a lot of people that do that in the industry.

Shane: And, “getbigger,” looks like something on the side when you’re visiting a porn site, or a muscle site.

Michael: Come on. All right, I’m cutting you out, we’re going to Ammar. Ammar, you just said you were into health, fitness, nutrition, “” Is that not on the top of your list?

Ammar: No.

Andrew: Not for those reasons.

Shane: You can get bigger.

Ammar: Look, it’s actually a good brand. I would say…I would probably pay $500 to $1000 for that, you know, depending on…

Andrew: To get bigger? You pay $500 to $1000 to get bigger?

Michael: But, is it a fitness brand, or is it, you know, a penis brand, or is it…it could be both?

Ammar: Well, speaking of that, penis enlargers was on DropCatch yesterday, but “getbigger,” I think, is a muscle built…you know, it’s like…

Michael: Yeah, that’s what came to my mind. That’s why I put it on the list.

Ammar: Right. So, it’s good. It’s not one of my favorites on the list. Like everybody, is a no-brainer. That’s an amazing, amazing name. It could be used for so many things.

Michael: Like what? Give me a couple of examples.

Ammar: I mean, it could be used for storage, data storage, it could be used for public storage, it could be used for security, it could be used for housing, it could be used for so many different things.

Shane: I thought Paleo when I saw it.

Michael: Oh, yeah.

Andrew: That’s a great branding play right there. Paleo, that’s a great play.

Ammar: It has endless uses. “Rawbar,” I liked, not for the restaurant use, but for creating like…you know, I own “proteinbar,” “proteinbars,” and “nutritionbars,” and a bunch of those kind of names. And so, to me, that would be a good one to kind of add into there and really have one for each different kind of, you know, bar you want to create. Obviously it could also be a great brand for a sushie bar, sushie place, but I agree that those are probably not gonna be the people that pay the most. I think, my…the use that I’m suggesting is probably gonna return a higher value, a higher ROI.

I like “” as well. I like that a lot. That’s obviously a huge, huge business. So, not…I wouldn’t use it for a actual wedding chapel. I would use it for a wedding-related site, that kind of thing.

“70s,” I like. You know, it’d be a great clothing brand. You know, what’s old is new, you know, retro. Those kind of names, I think, make good clothing brands. It could also be just…I mean, it could be somebody that restores cars from that era. It could be anything to do with retro, because people, when they think retro, they think ’70s first. They don’t think ’60s, ’40s, you know, and maybe ’80s, but I think ’70s is the best one. That would be number one, for me, of decades to use as a brand, then maybe ’80s after that.

Andrew: ’60s is pretty strong, man. A lot happened in the ’60s, I mean.

Ammar: But, ’70s is a better brand, I think.

Andrew: I would disagree. I think ’60s is a stronger brand.

Ammar: Okay.

Andrew: I mean, it depends on who you’re targeting, but…I mean, greatest music…

Ammar: We’re both thinking the same thing. So, yeah…that it would be a good, you know, brandable. And, are we supposed to talk about what we don’t like, or just…?

Michael: What would you recommend people stay away from, looking at this list?

Ammar: Well, there was one that was very obvious to me. “Greenrecycling” is stupid. It’s redundant. How do you recycle…like, it’s just…recycling is a green thing to do?

Michael: Dude, I don’t know. Those vegans probably have like, separate recycling on top of the recycling that, you know…I don’t know. Every time I go to like, something here on the island, they have me separate my food from the plate, from the fork, because everything gets recycled differently and…

Shane: Excuse me, Mr. Cyger, you put number three, plastic, and with number five, plastic. I’m gonna have to ask you to move it.

Michael: Separate your numbers.

Shane: Yeah.

Ammar: So, that one, I just didn’t like.

Michael: Okay. Anything else you didn’t like on the list?

Ammar: Let me see. I don’t think so, because that’s…

Michael: What about any of you? Any other like, dogs on this list that investors should stay away from?

Andrew: “Ecoshopper.”

Shane: “Vivafitness.” I mean, you could put a million words to the left of “fitness.”

Andrew: No, but I actually like “vivafitness.”

Michael: I know you like “vivafitness.” That’s why I put it on there, because, didn’t you solve…

Andrew: Yeah, I like “vivafitness.”

Shane: Why?

Michael: Did you have some relation to, or something?

Andrew: Vida.

Shane: But, that’s live. Viva is live.

Andrew: Yeah, but that’s…

Shane: Yeah, I guess that’s true, but then I feel like you could put a lot of words to the left of “fitness.”

Andrew: Absolutely, man.

Ammar: “Mauiweb” is probably the second one that I would stay away from?

Michael: Which one?

Ammar: “Mauiweb.”

Andrew: Yeah.

Michael: Now, “mauiweb,” 1995 reg. date has gotta have a lot of links coming in. I didn’t check it.

Ammar: It makes sense for [inaudible 01:17:06].

Andrew: It’s probably because an ISP…

Ammar: ISP, yeah, makes sense for an ISP or, you know, development…web developer, but I would say that the potential pool of buyers is pretty small.

Andrew: And probably shrinking.

Ammar: Yeah.

Michael: I may buy it, because I’m gonna retire on Maui for half the year.

Ammar: All right. Well, then let’s see [inaudible 01:17:28].

Michael: I’m gonna start up my own satellite system around there. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out.

All right, and nobody liked, 1996 [inaudible 01:17:37]?

Ammar: That’s okay.

Michael: You did?

Ammar: It’s okay.

Michael: It’s okay? Does it have value for an investor?

Andrew: Look at it. You’ve got to always look at the industry. So, “audioclub,” and we’ll see, whatever business model you’re gonna pick, it’s a loser. No…I mean, seriously, what do you do? You’re gonna compete against Apple, Spotify, Sonos, Google, Amazon, like, good luck. I dare you.

Shane: That’s what they told Spotify when they got in, too.

Michael: So, let me back up for a sec. I pay for music that I put in the background of some of my videos. I pay for special effects to get a license to them, like, when you guys curse and I need to bleep it out, I pay for that. “Audioclub” could be all of those backend audios that you need for just general video and audio production.

Ammar: It could also be a stereo retailer, brick and mortar shop. It could be…there’s…

Andrew: [Inaudible 01:18:33].

Ammar: There’s buyers.

Andrew: [Inaudible 01:18:35] big cash on your balance sheet.

Shane: It could be hearing aid rentals.

Michael: It could be hearing aid.

Ammar: But, Drew, this is no reserve. What do you…?

Andrew: No, look, here’s the deal. The real reason I don’t like this name is, because I know it’s not gonna sell for $69. I would buy this name all day yesterday, today, and Sunday for $69. I’d probably pay 100 bucks, but I’m not gonna pay the 2 grand, or the $1500, it probably it’s gonna end up selling for.

Ammar: No, I agree. I think it’s a…$250 to $500 is okay [inaudible 01:19:15].

Michael: Because, maybe you’ll get $2500 out of it some day.

Ammar: Why [SP] $250.

Michael: All right.

Andrew: Exactly. That’s my…okay, that’s a cute name. I could see it popping off at some point. I’ll put $250 into it. That’s pretty much where I would cap my investment in that name.

Michael: All right, thanks, guys. We’re at the end of today’s show. I’d like to give the Sherpas an opportunity to share anything that they have going on in their lives, personal and professional, brokering, selling opportunities they’re looking for, anyone they wanna give a shout-out to. We’ll go in order from left to right, and we’ll start with Ammar.

Ammar: Nothing really too exciting going on. I’m working on a couple of new ideas, but spending most of my time…I need to sell one of my cars, because I just bought a car, not gonna get…

Michael: What are you looking to sell? Maybe we can find a buyer.

Ammar: I’m gonna sell my ’75 Bronco. It’s beautiful.

Michael: Oh, I love that Bronco. That’s a nice car.

Ammar: I got a Defender now.

Michael: And, it’s totally refurbished, isn’t it?

Ammar: Yes.

Michael: That’s a nice Bronco.

Ammar: And then, [inaudible 01:20:14], getting ready to sell.

Andrew: How much is that?

Ammar: You know, I’m trying to figure out what the fair value on it is. It’s gonna be at least $50,000 and…it’ll be between $50,000 and $70,000.

Andrew: I might have a buyer for you.

Ammar: Okay.

Andrew: I literally just had a conversation with somebody today, wants to buy one, and just sold this company for a lot of money.

Ammar: Awesome, there we go.

Michael: Hey…need a lumpkin [SP] [inaudible 01:20:35].

Shane: Done, 10%.

Michael: All right, awesome.

Andrew: Fifteen, buddy, 15%.

Michael: Well, thanks, Ammar, for being part of the show.

Drew, anything you want to promote, give a shout-out to?

Andrew: Check out Definitely, if you are in the area of New York in early August, I would encourage you to check it out. I believe we are dropping ticket prices to attract more people. We just want to get more people to come and attend the maiden voyage. And, we have more auctions running at NameJet, still. Go to NameJet, click on the Media Options banner. You can check it out. We’ve got some phenomenal names selling at low or no-reserve. Any name that does have reserve, it is basically within 10%, up or down, of what we paid. So, there are great values on there.

If you’ve got a phenomenal, we want to talk to you. We are on a tear. We’re selling a lot of domain names, a lot of very big domain names, and we’ve got some exciting deals in the works that, you know, hopefully we can talk about sometime in the near term.

Michael: Cool, nice. And, NameSummit, it’s in New York, right, Drew?

Andrew: Correct.

Michael: So, you know, when I was building my media company, right before I sold it in 2008, I was going to New York all the time to network with people, to get to know…you know, New York is the media capital of the world, like, if you want to get in media, so I like what NameSummit….and unfortunately I can’t attend this year, because we have a family vacation planned already, but NameSummit, and what I hear that you’re trying to do, because you’re a part owner in it, is get all those media brands together with all the people that have the assets, and get the cross pollenization. So, I really like that. I think it’s going to be a valuable conference from that perspective.

Andrew: The idea is to create the conversation, to get these…get all these different pieces of the pie in the same room, even if it’s at a small scale, to just start that conversation, to get these people on the same page, getting everybody to understand each side of that conversation, because, you know, it’s rare that those people are seeing eye-to-eye on either side of it.

Michael: Yeah. You know, and just like Ammar’s conversation where he sold, like, you got to have the conversation, you know, making those connections, that’s the key.

Andrew: I think there’s such a big disconnect between the domain investment community and the real-world people who are using the domains, and the way that they’re looking at it, and domain investors have this opinion of, “Well, I think the domain’s worth this,” and that’s it. And, in the end, that’s fine, and sometimes that actually pays off, but I think it’s just way more productive if everybody understands what the other side is looking at. And, companies are looking at that and going, “Okay, well, where’s my ROI? How do I achieve ROI?” And, they are super-grateful if you can explain to them, because everybody’s trying to grow. So, if you can actually show them to go, “Hey, this domain name is going to increase your click-through rate, and this domain name is gonna, you know, cut down…” You know, you’re about to…you’ve been told by your board that you need to make a massive investment in cybersecurity to button it up. How are you going to address that? Where are you gonna even spend that money? Well, here we go. I can cut down your email spoofing and email bleeding by, you know, 70% with a single domain purchase. Okay, well, what does that mean in dollars? And, that’s their job. They can figure that out. But, those are real things that actually provide value, and domain investors don’t understand the way they’re looking at it, and they don’t understand the way domain investors look at it. They don’t really care about the scarcity aspect of it for the most part, and so, I think it’s just a very good step in getting those two sides of the conversation together. And, I think my partners that are involved in it more so than myself are doing a great job of trying to make that happen.

Michael: Look in your schedule, get a ticket there if you’re available, should be cheap to get over there.

All right, Shane, let’s go over to you. Anything you wanna mention, give a shout-out to, promote?

Shane: Nope. Yeah, just DSAB team of guys writing some articles, and looking at the auctions, and picking names, and I’m always buying four-letter dot-coms. I like good four-letter dot-coms at good prices.

Michael: Do you want people to reach out to you if they’re looking to sell some?

Shane: Yeah. You know, again, I’m not looking to pay premium prices. I’m looking for a good price. And, I’ve been buying Drew’s at auction. He’s getting rid of them, I’m buying them, I have no problem doing that. But…yeah, so I’m always looking for good ones. And, there’s been some great people from the show, from NamePros, from all the different places have reached out, and I’ve come up with some good prices, and I’ll just tell you what I’m willing to pay. And, sometimes it takes a month. We have people come back a month later and say, “Okay, that’s not so bad.” They realize that I probably know the wholesale market of four-letter dot-coms as well as anybody there is. So, I’m not gonna rip you off, but I’m not gonna pay over.

And then, I do have a reality show, too, that I just signed on with. Rick Schwartz and I are doing what is called “The King and I,” and I’m just gonna hang with them, we’re just gonna walk around, be funny. So, look for that in the fall. It should be pretty good.

Michael: Keep an eye out for it. I’ll set the TiVo.

If you received benefit from today’s show, please post a comment below and thank today’s Sherpas. Thanks to Sunwal Memon for submitting his portfolio and making a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Thanks to NameJet for submitting their portion of the DomainSherpa review and sponsoring that section, and thanks, again, to our domain Sherpas: Ammar Kubba, Andrew Rosener, and Shane Cultra for sharing their experience and insights.

We’ll see y’all next time.

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21 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – June 19:,,,…”

  1. Guys,

    Amazing show as always. The topics discussed today were great. Drew, congrats on the sale of MJ.vom. I always love listening the Ammar because he was one of the first domain investors I met. He has always been very nice to me. I admire Shane for all he does and his businesses. Great job and thanks for sharing insight.


  2. Tom says:

    You can buy domains/hosting on namecheap with bitcoin by the way

  3. Hi Sherpas!

    I have not been here for almost 3 years Michael! It’s great to see everyone is alive and very well indeed.

    What made me check out Domain Sherpa today is because I wanted to see if Michael had done a show on Blockchain and Blockchain Domains, so I searched on Google and found this particular show. Well done!

    However Michael, I’d like to help your network of domainers and beg to differ from Andrew and Shane’s perspectives on crypto currencies. The blockchain and crypto currencies is not only massive guys, it is revolutionary and disruptive on the scale of when the internet first started, called Internet 1.0. I came from a Silicon Valley background my self out of Internet 1.0 and now live in Spain and working on building a Blockchain Ecosystem called with up to 35 blockchain use case apps for development going forward. For instance, we are going to build, one of my domains as a global Litigation and Arbitration Smart Contract application on the blockchain.

    To help Domainers and your viewers exploit the significant domain and development opportunity I am going to share with you next, I strongly advise everyone to download a book titled: Blockchain: Blue Print of a New Economy by Melanie Smith, out of the Singularity Institute at Stanford University. You can google the free pdf for download. This excellent book written in 2015, helps you understand the entire disruptive nature of the blockchain across almost every industry including government. We are now entering Internet 2.0 called the Internet of Value, where there will be tokenization of almost anything. And those tokens or currencies will have value and can be traded through immutable distributed ledgers.

    I have personally held talks here in Barcelona Spain, and we are on route to raising €2.5m seed for Blockchain Company, and will then start launching ICO’s to develop our apps over a roadmap period. The largest ICO a week ago was which raised $270m in 4hrs! Before that, Bancor raised $150m and BAT raised $35m in 30 seconds!! Smart domainers who know what they are doing, can now develop a white paper for a blockchain app and do an ICO!

    As for regulation, you just need to know how to present your white paper and ICO interms of terminology. Just do the research or ask for advise from ICO consultants and lawyers.

    Before I share with you why all this money is being raised rapidly, let me quickly share with domainers the domain name opportunity. Take for instance that just raised $270m, who will search or easily remember the .im . Most people will always remember .com, .org or .info right? Now if you all go to and check out the site URL’s of all these crypto assets, they all have very crappy domain extensions ending like .io, .one, .network and all kinds of unheard of domain extensions that I can’t remember to type in. This is going to be their biggest and most costly mistake! Therefore anyone holding the .com, .org or .info equivalents could soon be making a fortune!!

    The reason most of their domain name strategy is wrong, is due to lack of domain marketing experience. They are mostly geeky millennials, who simply do not understand that your domain is probably the most important piece of your branding. So right there folks is a huge opportunity to exploit. Another one is going to be the significant demand for ” coin ” ” token ” and domains that have ” blockchain ” in the domain. The largest companies and silicon valley startups are only just starting to get into blockchain development. Mark Cuban told all his fans 2 weeks ago to buy bitcoin…why? On our platform, search ” motley fool ” and read the recent article. It said, had you bought bitcoin in 2009 and only spent 100 dollars, wait for it… they would be worth $86,000,000 today. The economist said the same. But that is not so much the big news. They break it down and project bitcoin could be worth $1M a coin within only 10 years, giving it a M2 supply of about $12 trillion and the World Economic Forum predicts pretty much the same.

    Now finally, to help everyone understand why ICO’s are extremely hot. It is because, if you were one of those lucky to own bitcoin and now ethereum in 2010 to early 2017 for ethereum, you are sitting on millions of dollars that has to go somewhere! But wait… Venture Capitalists like Tim Draper fund, Andressen Horowitz and several others around the world, are starting to dive in! But wait… even Bloomberg concedes that IPO’s may be a thing of the past and it is possible, that the nature of stock markets within only 10 years will be disrupted beyond recognition. As for banks, they are panicking big time! A 15yr old may never ever need a bank or visit one in the next 10 years. That type of consumer holds several crypto assets in his digital wallet and they all have value up and down. He/She may only use dollars, pounds and euros 30 percent of the time. Instead they will trade and do commerce in eth, dash, golem, gnosis and funky assets like these. I even forcast banks that want to stay relevant such as Barclays, may be forced to pivot their models and roll out digital assets such as Barclaycoin for instance. Get it??

    So all in all guys, this is an even greater time to be alive as the blockchain systematically democratizes everything and passes power back to the people, by redistributing wealth and policy through distributed ledger technologies. It is only just getting started. You can follow, discover, join and make comments on Blockchain Company. We are going to be issuing our first token very soon, so go join so you can get some for free! Most importantly, start snapping up blockchain domains from godaddy in the aftermarket, because most of the people currently owning them do not yet understand the value…you do! I have several of my own for development or sale, including to help change the world.

    Thanks for a great show as always Michael!


  4. Saul says:

    Great show again thanks. Drew nailed it perception is literally everything. The King and I show sounds quite promising as well ;p

  5. Page Howe says:

    so wonderful show, excellent job. Drew you certainly make sticking around for the end of show bonus worth it, reminds me of the bonus clips in an avengers movie..

    so everyone listen to the whole show

    Drew’s tip at the very end on communicating a specific , possibly quantifyable reason for a great domain name was gold.




    Please can you put me on your waiting list?

    Best Regards Michael.

    1. Hi Michael,

      You bet. I’ll let you know when we open up for August Reviews. Thanks for your interest!


  7. albert says: also means bathroom in Arabic.
    Great show guys.
    Congrats. to Ammar for the sale of and to Andrew for

  8. Niz says:

    Thank you Mike and Sherpas..

    Another fantastic show.

  9. Eric Jenkins says:

    Great Show Sherpas…..Thanks!!!!!

  10. Thank you as always for sharing such great content and helping the industry learn and grow on each show!! love the info about explaining the ROI to investors or a company. Very insightful and helpful

    Voight Thornton
    Cactus Croc
    Scottsdale, Arizona

  11. Mike Cn says:

    Great show..

    I absolutely loved PureFood, if i had it i wouldn’t sell it for anything less than six figures..
    Deco is a Name, a product, a brand and much more… Amazing name Mr.Rosener.. Definitely a six figure name…

    MJ, i have no words for of course.. and congrats on that..

    Other names i liked overall were,

    Cave – of course, i would pay a lot for it if i were a company looking for a name or looking to rebrand…
    Bargainbuys – Pretty popular in the uk
    Vgtn – Could stand for vegetarian
    Seventies – The decade of the legends
    Hamam, which i think sold for a good price…
    And Celebrated, which i thought has many uses in the holiday industry..

    Thanks, yet again for an amazing show and a back to back episode… makes it even better…

    (Sorry for so many dots but that’s how i try to explain myself lol)

    1. Sanwal says:

      Thanks, i just screwed up, sold it for what i bought it for. Out of the domain game now, into real estate now, hope you guys are doing well with your business!

  12. Mike and all the Sherpa’s,

    Thanks for another great show. It’s always a pleasure and great way to kick off the week. Great sale Drew with I’ve always been jealous of that Killer domain for the cannabis space. What do you think of MJ.Vegas now that it’s been recreationalized there? It’s available at right now.

    I agree it was nice having back to back reviews. I’d watch them daily if I could, but realize you
    all are giving up time from your very busy lives.

    Thanks Guys,

    John Magavern

  13. Jivan Bansi says:, and, are both 5 key strokes on an iphone, it is nice to see them together, and Drew is a superstar anyway, so ,good idea, added value.

  14. Brand says:

    WOW, two weeks in a row for the review, i like it.
    I know it takes a lot of work, but it’s great.
    Good to hear from Ammar, i like his insight.

    I was thinking about Andrew when i saw a report on a Medical Marijuana delivery service because Andrew mentioned on a Sherpa show, how most companies in this industry don’t really use the words, cannabis, marijuana etc for their business.

    This company was called.. Ease.. [ ] and according to the report, this is a huge and growing business in the cannabis industry.

    1. Its actually spelled and we were the ones that acquired the domain for them.

      1. Brand says:

        What an idiot i am , i even looked at the site and saw it was spelled with a Z, then as i typed the comment i used an S. Guess i’m smoking too much

        This type of service is spreading like wild fire.

        Thanks for your reply Andrew.

  15. nick says:

    Fantastic Show

  16. Tom says:

    Great show. How I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the chats you have prior to taping the show!

  17. says:

    Another great show guys .. thanks again!

    Congrats on Drew .. my guess is that you wouldn’t even have considered letting it go for under 5M! You got to stop doing those NDAs! lol

    Sunwal .. just to bring context .. how much were those .AL’s? And how much are the renewals? the one I thought was good was!

    Oddly enough I saw GetBigger as being a good brand for SEO or SocialMedia type agency that tries to help you grow your business and/or online presence.

    Sad to see that newer segment go that had each Sherpa add a name coming soon to auction .. I liked it!

    Ammar .. what was your antidote for becoming more reasonable with your pricing? I think I need some of that! lol

    You guys need to stop hinting at stuff you talk about off-air before the show .. I’m too curious about the inside jokes! lol .. “King and I”?

    Thanks again to all of you .. nice to have the Review back 2 weeks in a row .. was suffering from withdrawal that month you were working on DNSeattle! ;)

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