I received this very nice email from domain investor Fred Lepper of KeywordDomains.ca:
I discovered DomainSherpa a while back and I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for the content.
When I’m not glued to my computer screen managing my domain portfolio, you can usually find me out walking. Business audiobooks are always a favourite take-along, but lately your DomainSherpa MP3 interviews have grabbed the #1 spot on my ipod. I’ve listened to so many hours of your interviews, I feel like we’re old friends.
Anyway, thanks again for the great work. Please keep it up.
I had three thoughts after reading this email:
1. Wow
It’s always nice to receive an email like Fred’s, but it’s even more of a treat to know that experienced domain investors find value in the content we produce.
2. I hope everyone knows there are multiple ways to take in our interviews
Every interview we publish contains a video, audio and text. Depending on your preference, you can watch, listen or read.
My favorite way to consume interviews from other sites is definitely via audio during my morning run. I download the MP3 to my computer, plug in my iPod, open iTunes, and copy the MP3 onto my iPod. It’s that easy.
If I’m in a rush or want to reference content I watched or heard, I’ll read the transcript either on the web page or in PDF format (both included in every interview). It’s faster than any other option since I can skim the content. But I definitely enjoy video the most – it’s engaging, personal and entertaining. It lets me get to know the person, not just the content.
3. Thanks for sharing!
As Fred said, it takes only a few minutes to write an email but it’s appreciated immensely by the recipient. I’m always curious what people think of my show, the value they’ve received and the constructive feedback they have to provide. I hope others let me know too.
Thanks, Fred. I hope that we are able to meet in person someday soon.
[Photo credit: stefo]
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