ICANN Calls You a Domain Hogger; $17MM Domain Sale Dwarfs Schwartz’s Porno Sale; Superbowl Winner…

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweWe’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

This is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • Who won the Superbowl commercials: GoDaddy or up-start Wix?
  • Rick Schwartz proves he’s still Domain King with his Porno.com sale for $8,888,888
  • 360.com overshadows Schwartz with it’s $17 million sales price
  • Credit.Club, worth $200,000, sells for $10.99 – wow!
  • Fadi Chehade, CEO of ICANN, calls you a “hogger” of domains
  • Verisign is giving away $100,000 CASH – we tell you how to get some
  • And much more!

Discussion (59:22): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors

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Fadi Chehade, CEO of ICANN, Interview at the World Economic Forum

  • ICA responds to ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé’s ‘Hogging’ remarks“, DomainNameWire.com.

    Your DomainSherpa Discussion, Audio Only

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    33 Responses to “ICANN Calls You a Domain Hogger; $17MM Domain Sale Dwarfs Schwartz’s Porno Sale; Superbowl Winner…”

    1. Meer says:

      Nice show!!!
      Thanx to Michael and the Sherpas for all the information.
      Would be interesting to see the VeriSign contest results…

    2. Max says:

      Re. Verisigncontest – the link is here – https://blogs.verisigninc.com/blog/entry/verisign_celebrates_com_s_30th – BUT it is open to US residents only ! A bit odd.

      1. John says:

        Read the rules. Re-read the rules. OK. Question. Hoping I am wrong. MUST the domain name be registered within each active contest “submission” period or can you submit a domain registered say 2 months ago or earlier but never yet acted upon.

        Multiple submissions up top 5 acceptable… right?

    3. Bruce Marler says:

      I just wanted to re-iterate what Mike B said, the dotClub guys are good guys to work with, since everything went down with the domain and we finally spoke (contrary to the conspiracy theorists), it became real clear they are stand up guys and I am happy to be part of the .Club now.

      I know I sound like a broken record saying good things, but I deal with enough Fortune 500s and execs around the country on a day to day basis that it is a breath of fresh air when you run into stand up guys running the show somewhere.

    4. Cindy says:

      Thank you for providing an important platform for the industry.

      Thank you .Club for doing the right thing.

      After reading the J. Cohen story, I hope i don’t hear from the registrar about a purchase I made 2 days ago ! I’ll let you all know if i do !

      After looking at the contest, Hmm, a very cost effective marketing plan for a handful of registrars
      to squeeeeeze out what’s left of .com (unregistered) and retaining all rights to creative submission to use as they wish.
      I call it the .com partys over contest. Happy Birthday.com !
      .com will always enjoy the legacy factor, however there are so many new, bright, shinny
      CHOICES now.
      As Rod.tv pointed out a contest should include all buyers. A good reason not to support the contest.
      Here’s my short list of what I found to be the best thing since sliced bread (according to the
      contest) and available now for 99 cents.

      ICANNHOG.COM ( ICANNHOG.CLUB is also available) (for the astute investor)
      Whatthehellruthinkin.com (A beta site for registrar video ads)
      stupidtohatestupid.com (a dark hole site to post dumb things humans do, but learn from)
      .comofplenty.com (.com Auction site for HOGGERS)
      pokergranny.com (Just for fun)


    5. Elton Thomas says:

      I have been watching something very interesting for most of 2014, and I cannot understand what the logic is in all of this.

      At dailylchanges.com/DomainTools they track movement in name servers.

      If you look at rookdns.com they have been adding new registered domains for the majority of 2014, I have counted up to 69,158 new domains.

      I also counted up to 22,427 of these that were deleted during the same time period.

      First of all I am not totally sure of what I am seeing, and then there the “why” and “what” are they up to?


      Thank you in advance,

    6. Simon says:

      Thanks for an interesting show as always, it’s appreciated.

      With regard to 360.com, is there a reason why you omitted to mention that it was previously used by the telephone company Vodafone?


      1. Thanks, Simon.

        No specific reason about the Vodafone omission. It was in my notes; just forgot.


    7. Shaun says:

      Thanks to the Sherpas and Michael for the interview


      1. Thanks for watching and posting a comment, Shaun.

    8. Rod.Tv says:

      Wow …….. godaddy two verification is for U.S residents only and now I just discovered the verisign competition is only for U.S residents …….. WTF ….again we see our “overseas money’ is only good enough in certain situations, to alienate your customers is very BAD BUSINESS! Thanks for the show

      1. Hi Rod,

        I agree. I have asked GoDaddy that they use Authy or another app-based authentication system that will work with Wifi and not require text messages. I hope it’s in the works.

        Thanks for posting a comment.


    9. Eric Jenkins says:


      Great show Sherpas…….Thanks!!

      Eric Jenkins

      1. Thanks, Eric. Much appreciated, as always.

    10. Eric Jenkins says:


      Great show Sherpas…….Thanks!!

      Eric Jenkins

    11. always interesting what Rich Schwartz has to say because he is so direct.
      Great idea to invite him back for some input. Appreciate Berkins pointing out Rick’s wilingness to be patient and not jump on money even when it is exceptionally large.

    12. Jay says:

      mike / sherpas , what do you think about wwwExample.com domains? literally putting www in front of generic keywords. Rick Schwartz owns wwwGames.com so there is legitamacy here. thanks mike and sherpas

      1. Hi Jay,

        I believe you posted this question in the past, and Rick answered it: https://domainsherpa.com/discussion-20141023/

        I may have even asked them on the subsequent show….you can watch/listen and see. In general, they all agreed with what Rick posted above. None of them recommended this practice.


        1. Jay says:

          thx Mike, new computer old one had everything on it :) great show cant wait for the next one.

    13. Nick says:

      Rick the Domain King your presence is requested :)

    14. Noor Manji says:

      great show again Mike…..thank you all Mike, Page and Andrew…..

      1. Thanks for watching and posting a comment, Noor.

    15. John Copen says:

      Kuddos to Page and Michael…

      My take on the .club fix and the ICAAN issue.

      I respect dot club for honoring the grab of what they later said was a premium domain that sold for $10.

      Sadly I registered racedrivers.club for a dear friend and professional race car driver and was delighted to see that I got it at the regular price. It was not showing up in any whois, was available on all the registrars and when investigated was a very worthwhile buy. I was doing a good thing for a friend and it was a good value. UNTIL it suddenly became unavailable (post sale) and withdrawn. I should mention that Godaddy was auctioning racers.club for $195K. And I had investigated this prior to trying for the racedrivers.club….

      I was upset at a lot of levels and would love to get a straight answer from anyone.

      So to Page’s point about the appropriate “Hey sorry… we made a mistake…. we were doing this or that” as opposed to getting a form email from Godaddy saying we are revoking your ownership!!!! HE’s RIGHT!!!!!!!! Sure mistakes happen. But with about $80K spent at Godaddy thus far I think I deserve better and so does anyone whether the spent $80 or $800K.

      Here’s my request to dot club to honor my timely registration and thanks in advance to them and to Michael Cyger for bringing up this appropriate issue.

      A lot of this “Sherpa Cast” has been about dictated choices. So my feeling is every speculator of land, purchaser of forward thinking products, early stage successful stocks and anything that required foresight has rights to do exactly that and benefit from their inherent insights. They are called PIONEERS.

      Best to all. Thanks to Michael for another insightful show. Mike… love your Chinese necklace… presume its bringing you good fortune. Happy Chinese New Year… almost

      John Copen

      1. John says:

        Follow up on my upset. To clarify.

        My upset was with the manner in which GoDaddy handled informing me of the problem given my long term and deep commitment to them. I was in touch with management at .Club and they have been quite professional and empathetic. Hats off to them. I don’t know what the outcome will be but I have what all consumers want… someone on the other end of the line THINKING and responding.

      2. Mark says:

        John, are you saying that you had registered racedrivers.club and then the dot club registry pulled back the name from you?

        Right now I see that the name is unregistered and unavailable for registration

    16. Helmuts says:

      :) domainsherpa discussions are like honey for Winnie the Pooh :D

      .. am I addicted? … might be :)

      thank you Michael, Rick, Michael B., Page, Adam, Andrew R., Andrew A. and all the other past guests for all the past episodes you guys have created.

      Best wishes from the UK,
      .. small Sunday investor :)

      1. Ha! Thanks, Helmuts! :)

    17. Christopher Lumley says:

      Another great show guys. I have one question that I’ve been thinking about quite a bit that I would love to see what the Sherpa’s perspectives are. There is no question that .com domains will continue to be the most valuable, but will the one word “category killer” domain names in the new GTLD’s start to become fluid much like the NNN.com and LLL.com domains are since it has been proven that the new GTLD’s provide the same SEO benefits as .com does. Thanks for your time guys!!

      1. I’ll ask the Sherpas on the next DomainSherpa Discussion. Thanks, Christopher.

    18. Max says:

      Awesome discussion, will send my 2cents to Rick and hope to see him back on for an encore :)

      Totally agree that .Club took the stand-up path in response to Credit.Club and that Page has a great point need for increased clarity on rules/processes for dealing with such occurrences.

      Cheers, Max

    19. KC says:

      Here’s the page Mike mentioned on reported sale of 360.com, in Chinese.


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