
Domain Name Scams

Free Money - Domain Name ScamFor almost as long as domain names have been around they has been used by fraudsters to scam the unwary in various ways. In today’s high technology society, criminals make use of domain names to fraudulently represent ways to make money when in fact the only person making money is the person selling the product or service.

DomainSherpa received the following email inquiry on December 26th.

Domain Name Scams

Without even trying to determine if the offer is legitimate or not (which it isn’t), there are a few tell-tale ways to determine the credibility of the offer:

  • The name and/or email address in the From line of the email header do not match the signature in the body of the email
  • Email is not addressed to a specific person
  • Proper grammatical rules are not followed, such as using a period at the end of a sentence or using two question marks when one is appropriate
  • Links are displayed for one URL but lead to a different domain (in this case leads to an entirely different click-through URL
  • Offering unreasonable amounts of money for something ($700 for a .us domain that DomainSherpa registered weeks prior seems a bit odd)

The take-away lesson is that if an offer appears too good to be true, it’s a safe bet that it is. Don’t waste your time; just click the “report spam” button and ignore future inquiries from that person.

[Photo credit: Don Hankins]

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2 Responses to “Domain Name Scams”

  1. Corrine Weisse says:

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us, I am very much surprised after reading this blog. Glad I found this site lots of information for me to use thanks again.

  2. I got this same email, twice! :D

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