Latest Interview
On today’s DomainSherpa interview, we discuss content marketing with Joe Pulizzi, the person who coined the phrase and the world’s leading expert on the topic.
We also discuss why he passed up the opportunity to buy, whether he regrets it, and what it would have taken to close a deal when it was offered to him.
It’s an interesting case study on pairing exact-match domain names with the best end user of the domain name.
Michael Cyger April 11, 2016
Does Google have you guessing about your SEO strategy? Have you been slapped with a search engine ranking penalty, or worse, is your site not even showing up in the organic search results at all?
This interview with an SEO veteran covers not only the current state of affairs, but where SEO is heading and how to create great content for your business.
The days of thin sites, inexpensively purchased content and machine-generated websites are gone. Learn what you need to do in the future to have high-ranked sites by watching this show.
Michael Cyger April 8, 2013