Drop Shipping for Domain Name Entrepreneurs

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy new year from DomainSherpa.com.

One of our interviews had to be pulled down for legal reasons, so I’ve decided to take many lessons learned and couple them with internal research to create the DomainSherpa eGuide entitled Drop Shipping for Domain Name Entrepreneurs.

Why Drop Shipping for Domain Name Entrepreneurs?

Imagine a situation in which you could run a business like Best Buy or Target, BUT you would:
• Not have to buy products to display to customers.
• Not have to maintain any inventory.
• Have an easier time finding and training sales people.
• Serve the world population of interested consumers.
• Have significantly higher profit margins.

Drop shipping offers just that, which is why businesses that utilize a drop-shipping model are of interest to many entrepreneurs.

Case in point: On April 3, 2012, Inc. magazine published a special report entitled “Wayfair’s Road to $1 Billion,” in which they detailed how niche websites can sell millions of products – online only – and drop ship directly to consumers without purchasing any inventory or stocking any shelves.

Sorry if you’re checking in late, but we’ve removed the free download option from this ebook. Thanks for reading DomainSherpa. Follow us, fan us and/or join our newsletter list to be notified if we offer it again in the future.

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116 Responses to “Drop Shipping for Domain Name Entrepreneurs”

  1. Darlington says:

    Michael, How are you doing? I notice drop shipping guide has been removed, please is there any other place i can download it from..?

    1. Hi Darlington,

      Not at this time, I’m sorry to report. Follow us through our social media accounts and we’ll announce when we’re offering it again in the future.


  2. joel says:

    Hey Michael,

    I have just clicked on google plus and refresh the page but the link doesn’t appear. Could you please send me the ebook


    1. Thanks Joel. I’ve sent you the URL for download. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Vic says:

    Hi Michael,

    I just opened my email today and still I haven’t received the ebook yet.
    hope you can send it to my email then.


    1. Hi Vic,

      I just resent it again. Please confirm via reply to my email so I know you received it.


  4. Pete says:

    Hi Michael.. I google+’ed it as well.. could you email over when you get a sec? Many thanks!


    1. You got it, Pete. Check your inbox.

      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Eric Verona says:

    Hi Michael…

    Gladly liked on FB. The posting worked but I cant find a download link anywhere. Sorry, can you please forward the report to me?

    Keep up the great work


    1. Sorry for the trouble, Eric. It’s on the way to your email inbox.

  6. Teresa says:

    Hi Michael,

    I also google+’d and refreshed, but no PDF. Could you please send, I’m looking forward to reading.

    Thank you! You’re doing a great job.
    Sincerely, Teresa

    1. Thanks, Teresa. Check your inbox. It should be there.

      I appreciate your support.

  7. Betty says:

    Hi I tweeted and liked, now waiting for the ebook thanks

    1. On the way via your inbox. Thanks for sharing, Betty.

  8. Adam says:

    Thanks for all the great info. I find the interviews with people who have built successful web businesses the most interesting.

    I Tweeted, but like others I don’t see a way to download the PDF.

    1. Coming your way. Thanks for sharing!

  9. william says:

    Hi Michael,

    +1’d it but didn’t get option to download.

    I have been visiting your site for the past year now and I think its great. I’m quite “green” when it comes to domaining but I’m learning all the time. I’ve just recently built a mini site, https://wirelessvideosurveillance.net which I could do with some pointers on to improve as it doesn’t have much internet presence and I’m also in the process of building a directory site which is a bigger project and alot more substantial, https://edinburghlawfirms.co.uk.

    Thanks for all your hard work with domainsherpa. Its an excellent place to come for knowledge and inspiration.


    1. Thanks, William. Your PDF should be waiting for your in your inbox.

      I hope DomainSherpa continues to educate and motivate you in 2013. Best of luck on your ventures!

  10. jason says:

    Thanks for all the great post Michael, hope 2013 will be great to all of us. Had some problems with the plugin hope you dont mind sending it via email. Thanks

    1. Thanks, Jason. Check your inbox.

      Happy new year!

  11. vic says:


    Im really thankful for this oppurtunity since I am thinking of starting dropshipping bussiness and Im glad this is absolutely for free.However,I still dont have the link,would you please just send it to my email instead?I really appreciate it.

    Thank you and looking forward for some other helpful tips.

    1. You got it, Vic. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Sabby says:

    Hi there:)

    Liked on FB: done
    Shared on G+ and linked in: done
    Tweeted: done

    now waiting for the ebook:)


    1. Much appreciated, Sabby.

      I hope you find the eGuide useful. Best of luck to you in 2013!

  13. Dale Walker says:

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for taking the time to create the ebook and your generosity in giving it away for free. I liked your link on FB, but no PDF jumped in front of my bus. Would you email me a copy please?

    Thank you, and sorry your plugin didn’t work.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Dale. Always nice to be appreciated. :)

      Check your inbox. It should be waiting for you.

  14. Lya says:

    Already click the G+, but i did not see any download link. Please send the PDF file.. Thanks

    1. Thanks, Lya. Check your inbox. It’s on the way over to you.

  15. David says:

    Already liked by FB but cannot download.
    Please send me the pdf.

    1. You bet. It’s on it’s way.

  16. Parker says:

    Like this page but no pdf :( Would appreciate if you could send it to my email :D Thanks in advanced

  17. David says:

    Hi Michael

    I have tweeted the link and but no Pdf file.
    Wishing you continued success in the New Year.

    Regards David

  18. DomainTem says:

    Hey there…

    Tweeted and refreshed page but no PDF. Can you hook us up Michael?

  19. yo says:

    need the pdf. tweeted that ish, refreshed the page and nada. thanks.

    1. You got it. Check your inbox. Thanks for sharing, and happy new year.

  20. Joshua says:

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for taking the time creating the ebook and giving it away for free. I tweeted your link, could you email me a copy?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry your plugin didn’t work.

    Happy New Year!

    1. On the way to you, Joshua. Happy new year!

  21. Wayne Grant says:

    Hi Michael,
    I also “G+” it but did not see the PDF. Can you mail it to me?
    Have a great 2013!

    1. You got it, Wayne. Check your inbox.

      Thanks for sharing. Have a great 2013 also.

  22. Chris says:

    I g+’d it and did not get any download link.

    Please email to me.

    Thank you for doing the interviews, I have learned some things here and there.


    1. Thanks for sharing, Chris. It’s in your inbox.

      Happy New Year!

  23. donnied79 says:

    I’ve liked it both on FB and G+ but I can’t see the link,

    1. Thanks for sharing, DonnieD. It’s in your inbox. Hope you like it.

  24. Rob says:

    Nevermind. Just got it on the page.

    1. Glad it worked out for you, Rob.

  25. Rob says:

    Just started following you on twitter and tweeted this page. No pdf. Please forward when you get a chance.

    – Rob

  26. M Hall says:

    Thanks for the info! I tweeted and G+ it, but am not able to download.

    -M. Hall

    1. You should be set. Check your inbox. Thanks for sharing on G+.

  27. Mary Jo says:

    Happy holidays,Michael, twitted the link but couldn’t download the Dropship “Guide”… will appreciate if you email.

    Mary Jo

    1. Thanks, Mary Jo! Check your inbox. It’s should be waiting for you.

  28. Sean Herndon says:

    Hi Michael ,

    Happy Holidays…

    I always value your information. I tried using the Google+ and tweeted to see if the PDF would work but nope. Please forward the PDF to email.

    Thank you!


    1. Thanks for sharing, Sean. It’s in your inbox.

      Happy New Year!

  29. Andrew says:

    Hi Michael,

    I appreciate what you have done so far for the domain industry. Please keep up the good work.

    FB share not working. Please email me the PDF. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Andrew. I appreciate your comment and sharing.

      Check your inbox. It should be waiting for you.

  30. Richard says:

    No luck with the share widget. No download.

    Can you send please?

    1. Thanks for sharing. It’s in your inbox.

  31. Hello Michael,

    happy holidays. Please forward pdf. Nothing happened after FB share

    1. Sorry for the trouble. I’ve sent the PDF via email.

      Happy New Year!

  32. kin says:

    Hi Michael,

    Google +ed, please send me the guide and you have done a terrific job with domain sherpa.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Kin. I appreciate your comment and support.

      Check your inbox. The PDF should be waiting for you there.

      Happy New Year.


  33. Henning says:

    I tried G+ twice. Counter works but I´m not able to download .

    1. Thanks for sharing, Henning. Check your inbox. Happy new year.

  34. Jeff says:

    Hi Michael –

    Similar issue, G+’d it and am not seeing a download button. Would love to check out what you’ve put together on this topic. Keep up the great work, big fan of your site!

    1. Sorry, Jeff. Thanks for sharing. It’s on the way to your inbox now.

  35. Don says:

    Just did G+ I do not see a link to download the pdf


    1. Sorry for the trouble, Don. Thanks for letting me know your G+’d it.

      Check your inbox; the PDF should be waiting for you.

      Happy New Year!

  36. Thenn says:

    Hi Michael,

    I “G+” it but did not see the PDF. Can you mail it to me?


    1. Thank you, Thenn. Check your inbox.

      Happy New Year!

  37. Michael W. says:

    I appreciate your interviews. They offer valuable and informative information. I am not a member of Facebook or Twitter and I don’t want to sign up with Google+ right now. Can you please e-mail me a copy of your eGuide.

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Mike,

      Do you have a LinkedIn account where you can share it? I’m not asking for any fee even though I’ve spent hundreds of dollars researching, writing, editing, and laying-out. I’m just ask for a single share.


    2. Michael W. says:

      I just joined Google+ and gave you a vote. I refreshed the page and don’t see a download button to download the eGuide. Thanks, Mike

      1. Thanks, Mike. It’s waiting for you in your inbox.

  38. Domaintwit says:

    couldn’t download the “Guide” regarding Drop Ship… would appreciate if you mail me.
    Thank you

    1. Thanks for sharing on your social network. It should be waiting in your inbox.

  39. zinj says:

    Hi,can you please email me too,tx

    1. Check your inbox. Thanks for sharing!

  40. Amanda says:

    I liked, tweeted and plused the refreshed every time in two browsers (Chrome and Firefox) with no luck. Please shoot me a copy of your Drop Shipping for Domainers pdf.

    Also, this app does the same but works: https://codecanyon.net/item/facebook-like-to-download-for-wordpress/930859?sso?WT.ac=search_item&WT.seg_1=search_item&WT.z_author=TylerQuinn

    I’ve used it several times with no issues and it is easy to implement.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll have to try it someday.

      Check your inbox. You’ll find the PDF there. Thanks for sharing!

  41. Kimberly says:

    Also shared on LinkedIn, looking forward to seeing the download. Please email and Happy Holidays Michael

    1. It should be in your inbox. Happy holidays.

  42. Dhana says:

    Can you please email the download?

    1. On the way, Dhana. Check your email.

  43. kan says:

    Hey Michael
    Thanks for the report.. I shared it on linkedIn but couldn’t download it..
    Appreciate a link to download it.Thanks again..

    1. Sorry about that. Check your email; it should be there.

  44. SoundsGood says:

    Not working for me either. I tried the Google+ button and LinkedIn, but neither worked. Please email me the file. Thanks!

    1. It should be in your inbox. Thanks for sharing.

  45. Albert says:

    couldn’t download the “Guide” regarding Drop Ship

    1. Sorry for the trouble. Check your inbox. It should be waiting for you.

  46. mike says:

    couldn’t download the “Guide” regarding Drop Ship… would appreciate if you can allow me assess.



    1. Emailed the file. Let me know if you can’t download it.

  47. drrdroid says:

    crapola! not working

    1. Check your inbox. If AWS is still up and running, you should be able to download it.

      Happy holidays!

  48. Dev says:

    Hi there,

    So excited to read out this guide. But it looks like the Download button isn’t working (even after 3 refreshes) after I shared it on linkedin.

    Would appreciate if you could email me tooooo.

    Best regards,

    Big Fan…

    1. Thanks, Dev. An email should be waiting for you in your inbox.

      Happy holidays.

  49. Kevin Allen says:

    Hook a fellow DBR Member up & Merry Christmas Mike!

    1. Done. Thanks for tweeting.

  50. Tech says:

    Can you please e-mail me a copy? Doesn’t seem to be working.

    1. You got it. Check your inbox and happy holidays.

  51. raymond says:

    Thanks. I managed to download, please ignore the email request

    1. Great to hear, Raymond. I guess the plugin is working sometimes, but not others. :(

      In any case, glad you downloaded it and I hope it’s helpful.

  52. raymond says:

    Thank you for your great interviews of valuable information in great details that you share to the
    domain community.

    Happy Christmas to you Michael and your family.

    I liked your twitter, but unable to download, please send the file link via email. Thanks.

  53. Hello Michael,

    Love your interviews. I tweeted your link but was not able to download the e-book twitter.com/nameorder

    Happy Holidays

    1. Thanks, Richard. Sorry for the trouble. The PDF should be in your inbox.

  54. Ava says:

    Thank you so much for your valuable insights, interviews and hardwork throughout the years. Your interviews have been such an incredible ‘free’ resource for me and I appreciate all your hardwork and efforts as I tenaciously cling onto to my domains..believing and hoping that one day I will strike it rich! I could not download drop shipping info, I am not a fb fan, so I would appreciate it if you could email it to me.
    May the spirit of the season and the new year find you and family blessed in health and wealth as you have blessed others.

    1. Hi Ava,

      Thanks for you kind words.

      I’ve sent you the PDF and you should have it in your inbox.

      Happy holidays.


  55. Ashutosh says:

    Thanks soo much for the wonderful info you post on your site.

    I have liked, shared link on Linkedin and google+ but not able to download the file. Please help.


  56. Michael,

    Thanks for a year of great interviews! Your KISS approach to discussions and investigation is refreshing. Keep up the excellent work. If you could also email me the pdf, that would be great! Happy holidays!

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. Much appreciated.

      PDF sent via email.

      Happy holidays!

  57. RK says:

    I liked it on facebook but the link doesn’t work for me either.

    1. Thanks for liking on Facebook, RK. I’m sending you the file link via email now.

  58. Pat says:

    I google+ ‘ed, and reloaded, but the download didn’t work :-(

    1. Sorry for the trouble, Pat.

      I’ve just emailed you the file download. Thanks for G+ing it.

  59. thanks Michael Cyger

    I admire your ability to navigate the infested waters of sharkdom, that is the domaining business, an eclectic cut-throat gauntlet survived by few.

    For what it’s worth, “it takes money to make money.”

    There will be no domaining business without significant investment of money, success in proportion to initial outlay. No surprises here? Not the bill of good I first was pitched when starting a short three years ago.

    Why don’t you tackle the “All the good .coms are taken” question. I mean seriously. If you can, with a straight face, say that the “domaining business” hasn’t been GUTTED by the first to the trough, and demonstrate somehow, well then, there, you may have something.

    5 years with a minimum of $50,000.00, minimum is needed. There is no get rich quick here, and in the “domaining business” an added gift of competing with and against a group, domainers, that are intelligent, competitive, computer savvy, viscous, vindictive, egocentric workaholics all playing with a loaded deck of anonymity furnished in cyberspace.

    How many times have you been ripped off by parking companies and software snake oil cyber gypsies?

    Huh? Ah, yes, the cost of doing business….. hmmmm

    Thank you for your hard work.

    Robert McLean

    1. Hi Robert,

      Thanks for your thought.

      Regarding the 5 years and $50k comment, I think it all depends on your goals. If you’re just dabbling or domain investing as a hobby and you want to buy domains on the drop for $20 or $69, then I think you can flip them for 2-10x, depending on the niche and demand.

      There are plenty of examples of successful entrepreneurs listed in our archives. Watch any of the Adam Dicker interviews and you can see that there are still plenty of opportunities without having to purchase domain names for $10-$50k.

      Best of luck and happy new year.


  60. Zonqor says:

    Thank you for a wonderful year of information that you brought to us, and a Merry Christmas to you Michael and your family.

    1. Thanks, Zonqor. To you and yours too.

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