Massive Volume .Mobi; Tracking Elusive Registrants; IDN Value; Shameless.Sucks; .Video Vs. .TV

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweWe’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

This is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • A massive search volume word but in .MOBI – worth the hand registration?
  • How to find the elusive registrant with either bad or fake information
  • or IDN.IDN, do they have any value today?
  • Shameless.Sucks shows up at INTA with condoms and an insulting billboard
  • Which new gTLDs the Sherpas WON’T be renewing in the upcoming year
  • How today’s new gTLD launch of .Video compares to the established ccTLD .TV
  • And much more!

Discussion (60:36): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors

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20 Responses to “Massive Volume .Mobi; Tracking Elusive Registrants; IDN Value; Shameless.Sucks; .Video Vs. .TV”

  1. Brian Kitching says:

    Thank you for putting together another great show.

    Liked the .TV vs. .video topic
    and the .sucks is gonna be one to watch.
    Their marketing could make or break them and the pricing and tiered name categories is too much and agree that it will slow the adoption.

    I appreciate each sherpa taking the time to share about the industry.

  2. Gaara says:

    I have is that also worth just a hand reg fee?

  3. Anunt says:

    After Rick Schwartz left, i haven’t seen Adam Dicker and Mike Berkens together on the same domain sherpa show for a long time now…why?

  4. Albert says:

    Just received an email from Godaddy.

    .club registrations for only $1.00 (for the first year of course)

    Thanks for another great show Mike and Sherpas.

  5. Dennis T says:

    Awesome chat this time guys, looking forward to many more. Y’all had me laughing with the .sucks talk

  6. Nick says:

    Thank you for another great show

  7. Xavier Lemay says:

    Another great show.

    Thank you all for answering my question about IDNs. I think I will keep my only one and wait. I think it’s a smarter decision than renewing some .ooo and .whoswho.

    Also, I don’t like the .Video. In the modern world, we “type” Vid or Vids.
    I agree that .Tube sounds adult. Name me 5 website that are using the word “Tube” in their domain name that aren’t Youtube and adult related?

    If I could, I’d pick Xavier.vid instead of or

  8. albert says:

    To be honest, I think the new TLD’s are basically dead and they took down .Net and .Org with them.

    I really thought .Club had a chance and other then, I am not sure what else is being used. has gone no where even after paying six figures for it (if the transaction even occurred which I am willing to bet that it did not).

    I have not even seen .Realtor around anywhere even though they claimed to have an incredible amount of traction (10% I think it was.)

    Let’s face it, in todays’ world, even the one word .coms must be advertised as search engines (i.e. Google) are not going to put you up on the first or second that fast unless you are the only one talking about that niche.

    1. Eric says:

      I agree with you about the new TLD’S, there are so many of them that it just makes no sense whatsoever, most are way too long, too confusing or just absurd. I disagree with .net & .org because they’ve been around since .com & people are familiar with them. People can only retain so much information, so if someone is listening to the radio & hears an ad for “something.NEW/TLD” they won’t remember & use the default search engine for whatever comes up or type in .com/.net/.org

      I believe .com will always rule supreme and the prices of .coms confirm this. There is simply too much vested in the .coms & that’s where 95% of my money is going. In the past 7 months I’ve hand registered over 100.coms mostly one words & was quite surprised that they were available, as well as some two words.

      1. albert says:

        The only reason I say .Net and .Org have been taken down is because I am getting emails offering them for hundreds of dollars and no longer thousands.

        A couple of years ago, I would have paid hundreds and today no more.

        I had sold a .net for $3,500 about 2.5 years ago (hand registered it in 1999 and the .com version was sold for $30,000).

        The person who purchased for me immediately put it for sale and it is still available today. (Would I give give him $350 today? No)

        At any rate, congratulations on your recent registrations and good luck with them.

  9. Ruben says:

    Interesting topics!

  10. Noor Manji says:

    If .sucks guys show up and pay that fee, this will be their best marketing ever….pay more than everybody else, money goes to charity and they are the butt of the jokes…..cannot buy publicity like that. I am betting that they show up.

    Overall a great show again, thank you Mike Berkens, Andrew, Page and Mike Cyger.

    Noor Manji

  11. Tom says:

    Fantastic show today. My commute flew by and now I’m sad that I don’t have another DS show to listen to on my way home tonight! I guess I re-listen to an older show from your archives. :)

  12. Quack says:

    Interesting that the IDN the caller was most likely talking about was available for hand registration. I picked it up, but I will probably be dropping it this time next year. Just curious to see how it will do in parking. There is almost no end user market for domains in Japan, even less for IDNs. I have a feeling the IDNs will never really catch on in some places. Younger generations are used to an internet with roman letters.

    1. Xavier Lemay says:

      I was asking for よう.COM.

      It’s hard to understand them.

    2. Xavier Lemay says:

      Maybe I am wrong.

  13. Helmuts says:

    ha!! :) awesome :) .. thank you guys!!


    p.s. btw, @mr-dnw – very nice and interesting interview with another Andrew :)

    p.p.s. btw, @Michael – domainsherpa is my 2nd favourite show (on both tv and web).

    1. Thanks, Helmuts! Quite an honor.

      But then it begs the question, what’s your favorite show? :)

      1. Helmuts says:

        :D a podcast Strip Club Radio :D .. brutally honest and cynical :)


        have a great, great day,

        p.s. I do have netflix, 2 satellite dishes .. and a radio ;) but still – podcasts are the best!

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