DomainSherpa Review – Mar 14:,,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Andrew Rosener, Sam Dennis and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NO RESERVE NameJet auctions:,,…
  • Plus, much more!

For each domain name portfolio, the Sherpas answer:

  • Which domains are valuable, and in what way?
  • What is the market value (both wholesale and retail) of the best domain names?
  • Which domains are worthless and should be dropped?
  • Which domain names may invite legal issues, such as a UDRP case or cybersquatting lawsuit?
  • Which domains do our Sherpas want to make an offer on?

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Rosener, Sam Dennis and Shane Cultra.

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Investor Submitted Domain Names Pre-Auction Listings

This Show’s Sherpas

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis
Sam Dennis is the CEO of YTZ International, a monetization platform for advertising networks and publishers.

Dennis started in online marketing in 1999, founding Suite66 – one of the first banner networks. Since then, he has expanded his expertise into lead generation and performance-based marketing.

Dennis is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario.

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript

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Andrew: My favorite name on the list by far is Michael: That is the Schiz, baby. Andrew: That is the Schiznick, baby. I would make that an email address. Hands down, best name on the list.

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Michael Cyger: Hey everyone. I’m Michael Cyger, Publisher of, and this is the Domain Sherpa Review. This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples, so we can learn strategies and tactics.

We have four segments to the review. We will start off learning what the Sherpas recently bought and sold. Next, we will discuss and value an investor-submitted domain name portfolio. Then we will preview some domains going to auction at NameJet soon. And, if there is time, we will wrap-up with a question or two.

Joining us today on the Domain Sherpa Review are three past Sherpas and industry thought leaders. In order from left to right, we have Andrew Rosener, CEO of the domain name brokerage firm,; Sam Dennis, CEO of YTZ International, a monetization platform for advertising networks and publishers; and Shane Cultra, Publisher of the blog,, and owner of Country Arbors Nursery in Illinois. Sherpas, welcome to today’s show.

A big, warm welcome to Sam, Domain Sherpa’s latest Sherpa. If you did not see his show last week, entitled How to Simplify and Manage Your Portfolio, it is definitely worth watching right after this show. Sam, what did you think of your interview?

Sam Dennis: I was pretty happy. I only got a few people laughing, so I felt like it was good.

Michael: Would you recommend other people come on Domain Sherpa and share some aspect of their investment tactics or strategy like you did? Was it a good experience?

Sam: Oh, one hundred percent. Yeah, I would definitely do it again. I am doing it again!

Michael: Awesome. All right. We are running a couple minutes behind, so we are going to jump right into the first segment, called What’s New, Sherpas, where the Sherpas share one purchase or sale that they have made over the past few weeks and we get to learn what they paid or received for the domain, why they thought it was a good deal, and how the negotiation progressed. We get to basically look inside the Sherpa’s lives using one domain name to see what they are up to.

I will lead you through the questions, but the other Sherpas will get get to comment on the process as well. The order for this round will be Drew, then Shane, and then Sam. Drew, what is one domain name that you personally bought or sold or negotiated in the past couple of weeks? Tell us the domain name first, not the price.

Andrew Rosener: Okay, I got

Michael: Awesome. Three letter. Shane, what do you think that Drew paid for

Shane Cultra: It is going to be one of those things where we say something and Drew goes how stupid can you be? LI is the most something, something.

Michael: Right. So, the first thing you are thinking is like okay, it is not Chinese premium because it has got the I in there.

Shane: I is for International. After the real estate thing, I am a little nervous every time. He got me so good there. Don’t you know it stands for real estate, God dang it? What is the name again, CLI?


Shane: I am pretty good at this, even though I mess up. I am going to say 28 thousand.

Michael: 28K for a three-letter .COM. Sam, what do you think that Drew paid for

Sam: Drew is cheap. He paid 25.

Michael: Drew is not cheap. Sometimes he throws down way too much money for stuff. I am like dude, what are you doing, and then he turns and flips it for double. I do not know how he does it. So, what do you think?

Sam: I like names like that a lot. I would pay 25 thousand, so I assume he did.

Michael: 25K. Drew, what did you pay for

Andrew: So, both of them are correct. I mean that is pretty much what the market is, but I paid up for this one because it is part of my collector portfolio. This is 1988 domain registration.

Michael: 1988!

Andrew: Yeah, so this is number 106 .COM ever registered. April of 1988, so five months after our other three-letter, which is the KSR, which was November 1987. So, we paid 35 thousand for this one.

Michael: Wow. So, Drew, one of the things that new investors always talk about is this is a premium domain name because it is aged. It has got ten years, and 90 percent of the time that means that somebody was stupid enough to pay ten years of registrations on a domain name that was not worth renewing for ten years. But in this case, the first thing you say is it is April 1988. When does age actually make a difference in a domain name?

Andrew: Okay, so first off, ten years is nothing. From a brokerage standpoint, if somebody emails me and says oh, the domain is ten years old, I mean I do not even have to look at the domain. It is mostly like okay, thank you very much. I am not interested. I do not care what the domain is. Anything that was really good was at the latest 2001 registered.

Most domains which are of substantial value were ’99 and earlier. and there was really a sweet spot between ’94 and ’97 where most of the great names were registered. Whether or not this domain being 1988 adds any value to it to anybody except for me is yet to be determined. As far as I know, I am the only one in the antique domain market, but it takes two to make a market and someday there will be a second.

Sam: Some other idiot.

Andrew: I have to believe though that this is a piece of Internet history, as is I also have to believe that there is some correlation between the age of a domain name and the desirability of that domain name, simply because they are an earlier domain name, up to a certain point.

Michael: Right.

Andrew: So, if you have the inception of the Internet and all of the domains are available to register, you have to assume that the best domains will be registered first, right? And that is more or less the case. Obviously there was different desirable traits to a domain name at different points in time in the evolution of the Internet, but for the most part, I think that there is a sort of general correlation between age and desirability of a domain name and I think that this domain is worth a lot.

Michael: So, Drew, let me ask you. Where did you come across this domain name? Did you approach the private seller? Did one of your friends acquire it and then flip it to you? How did you hear about it?

Andrew: A friend acquired it and flipped it to me.

Michael: Got you.

Andrew: Actually he held on to it for a while. I had expressed interest in it for a quite while. I had been trying to buy it from him for a while.

Michael: What was the initial asking price in that ‘for a while’ process?

Andrew: There really was not one. It was like you are going to have to make me some offer that will spin my head around for me to sell this. And then, I am just patient. Well, actually I am not that patient, but when it comes to something I really want.

Michael: You are persistent.

Andrew: If you stick around, I am persistent.

Michael: You are not patient necessarily, but you are persistent. Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah. Circumstances have a tendency to change and people come around. So, if you are still there, then sometimes you just get those things that you want.

Michael: Yeah, definitely. So, 35K. Did you have to do some negotiation, or were they asking for 40 and you were like 35, let’s do it, and they said okay because you had done a lot of business with them?

Andrew: This was not one of my best negotiation outings, so basically he said, “What would you pay for this? I am thinking about selling it because I need some cash.” I think I offered 30, knowing that the average market for any given name like this with a vowel would probably be in the 25 to 28 range. And so, I said okay, I will offer him 30 because there is that extra little value there, and then I did not hear back from him for about an hour and I got nervous that he was shopping it around, so I just emailed him and I was like all right, I will take it for 35.

And then he came back and he was like well, I was hoping for 40. And I was like no. He saw me being soft and he was hoping to get another five out of me, and I was like no, 35, and he was like okay, fine.

Michael: That is awesome. All right. Hey, do either of you two guys have a question for Drew about that negotiation?

Shane: No, I have been on the other side of it. I know how it works.

Sam: I am going to look at my portfolio and find something really old now.

Andrew: I already bought your oldest name.

Sam: I know. You are an ass.

Michael: All right.

Sam: I think I have older ones.

Michael: All right, we have got to move. Thanks, Drew. Awesome buy. Congratulations on buying the – what is it, 165th oldest?

Andrew: 106.

Michael: 106. Jeez Louise.

Andrew: So, I have got 99 and 106 now.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Awesome. Shane, let’s go to you. What is one domain or what is a domain pack that you have bought or sold recently?

Shane: Well, I have to go this route because no matter what my names are, they are going to pay. All my keywords suck, so I always have to take the frame as getting labelled as the fringe buyer, but I do buy keywords as well. But I will go a different route, just to change it up and give a discussion. I bought something that I do not really like. I have learned in my industry that what I like does not matter.

Michael: I have learned that as well, yeah.

Shane: I buy it if I like it or not. So, I bought

Michael: All right, So, a three-letter and .CO. So, there are a lot of three-letter .COs selling. Somebody in the DNAcademy group was just asking this question. We went to Name Bio and I saw a bunch of them on there. SO, let’s go over to you, Sam. Any idea what you think Shane paid for

Sam: I like that it is three letters. I’d say three hundred bucks. I would say he probably paid for it. It is a Chinese name. I like that it ends in C, but I am sure he bought it just as a flip. That is my guess, so he paid about three hundred bucks.

Michael: Drew, what do you think?

Andrew: I have got to be honest. I truly do not know the three-letter .CO market at all.

Michael: Right. Do you hear that there is a three-letter .CO market?

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

Shane: No typing. I am watching your shoulders.

Andrew: I do not know.

Michael: Order of magnitude. Is it a ten-dollar name, a hundred-dollar name, or a thousand-dollar name? What do you think?

Andrew: I am going to say five hundred bucks.

Michael: Five hundred bucks. All right, let’s go to you, Shane. What did you pay, buddy?

Shane: I paid seven hundred for it.

Michael: Seven hundred, so you guys were right in there. So, where did you buy this one, Shane?

Shane: So, I bought it on GoDaddy auctions, but what I will say is I really have not liked .CO. I always just feel it is a type of .COM. The registration renewal fees are a little higher than I thought the Chinese market would like, but after talking to a lot of people, this I truly believe is a next Chinese take. It is going crazy.

Again, these are rumors. I always buy the rumors and sell the news. I have since I have been a trader and I am watching these things like crazy. I bought a couple hundred four-letter .COs as well in the 20-dollar range. And my return on investment I think I can double here in a couple months. So, again, I am not a huge fan of .CO, but I also see where the money is flowing in and people are selling .COM to buy .CO in the Asian market and I am watching it climb every day. You know I watch this every day, the auctions.

Michael: Yeah, you and other people on your team. So, it seems like every domain TLD is claiming the numerics and the acronyms are on fire. I hear .YS. I know you are an investor in there. CO. .IN. Is it ten different TLDs that are selling all the short numerics and acronyms or is it all of them that are going right now? What do you think, Shane?

Shane: Well, here is the thing. You have to realize when you hear there is a sellout. You have to look at why there is a sellout. .IN, for instance, you are hearing a lot of this week. Well, it is $2.88 per name. It is 98 cents in .XYZ. If there is not a sellout, it is crazy. It costs you nothing to buy out a category. When it is a higher renewal, like .CO, and it is buying, that makes you think a little different. At 20 dollar per piece, people do not mess around with them as much and there is not really a lot of discount code, so there is something to be said about that.

But yeah, every three-number and two-number dot anything is worth watching. Even .IO has moved and that is a higher renewal fee, so yeah, again, I think this is a gambler’s market. There is no doubt about it. There is a flipper’s market, but we could argue all day what is going to be used for end users and what is not, and you cannot pretend to know what two billion people are doing. You go to Chinese websites and they are nothing like we see here. There are numbers and letters and they are mixed. We do not understand that, and people are pretending that they are and calling for crash.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: It is an unusual market. You need to stay in keyword. You need to stay in .COM, but there is nothing wrong with playing this other market, and that is what we do. It has proved very, very profitable for me this year. I have had the best year I have ever had.

Michael: All right, so let me ask you about LZC then. Chinese premium. Three letters. You paid seven hundred bucks. What do you think it is going to go to in the next 6 to 12 months?

Shane: Oh, I think I will double my money by November. I really do.

Michael: So, why do you think that that is a better investment than buying the equivalent dollar amount in four-letter .COs?

Shane: Return on investment. Oh. COs?

Michael: Yeah. So, your three-letter. You paid seven hundred bucks. Now, what if you took that seven hundred bucks and you put it into a certain number of LLLL .COs?

Shane: Well, here is the thing. So, when I do something new, I put ten thousand dollars into it. That is what I have always set up and half of it is in the four-letter and half of it is in the three letters, so I have chosen both.

Michael: So, you are spreading the risk around.

Shane: Two hundred name is a pain in the ass to move around. See, that is the truth. I bought a thousand of one kind. To sell a thousand, to move them, I am so lazy. I do not have Drew’s assistant. I do not have staff of 50 like him.

Andrew: Yeah right.

Michael: Yeah, so it is easier for you to manage one domain name at seven hundred dollars than the equivalent dollar amount for the four letters.

Shane: That is the honest truth. I mean just buying one hundred .COs, we went through Name Cheap. And Name Cheap is a good registrar, but he had to individually push one hundred names and I got one hundred emails for one hundred .COs for two grand. The process is not really easy. So, I do base my decisions on it is too much work for me.

But at the same time, there is money to be made. And when you are at 20 dollars, your return on investment. If it goes up to 35, you made good money. I am not really concerned about who is holding the bag. I just do not get wrapped up in all that stuff. I am here to make money and I will be holding the bag at some point I guess on something.

Michael: All right, thanks, Shane. Let’s go to the resident newbie on the panel. Sam, what is one domain name that you have bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain name and not the price yet.

Sam: I will do a China one, so I will do

Michael: All right, so we have got three X’s in there with a double at the beginning. Shane, let’s go to you, bud. What do you think that Sam paid for

Shane: Well, it is a four-letter. Three of the four, and X is one of the favorite in there.

Michael: So, it is a good Chinese premium four-letter.

Shane: Yeah, it is an excellent Chinese premium. As a matter of fact, I was looking at some five letters that looked like that and even those are going for a lot. So, I would say about four grand probably.

Michael: Four grand.

Shane: If it was any other letters, I would put it in the three thousand, 31 hundred, but the X’s are kind of special. I would say 35 hundred to four thousand on that.

Michael: And when you are playing in this Chinese premium, really the retail and the wholesale pricing gets smushed down together. You are paying the same price regardless. So, when you throw out a number, there is no difference between retail and wholesale. You are saying he is probably paying market unless he got a great deal. He negotiated with somebody that needed money or whatever the case. So, you are saying 4K is the going rate for this kind of domain name.

Shane: I would say that it can go for that. He could have gotten a deal, but there is not a ton of deals in the four-letter market unless you are buying a big package at this point.

Michael: Yeah. Okay. Drew, let’s go over to you. What do you think Sam paid for

Andrew: I am going to say probably around 38 hundred dollars.

Michael: All right. Sam.

Sam: Oh, they are both close. 33 hundred.

Michael: 33 hundred.

Sam: I chose this name because I guess it has two outs for it. So, it was an expired name at GoDaddy auctions actually, and there has been a few good buying opportunities in the last week to two weeks. Not as many people playing there, so I saw this name and I knew this name because I have four or five names very similar to it. There is a very large website with X’s in it. Drew will know the one.

Michael: It is an adult website. Is that what you are saying?

Sam: It might be an adult website. But this name I chose because it was expired. It also gets 35 hundred type-ins minimum per month.

Michael: Wow.

Sam: So, I like that.

Michael: So, did you know that it got 35 hundred type-ins a month before you bought it?

Sam: Yeah. GoDaddy shows the traffic, and their traffic is sometimes a little off, but I knew from other names that were similar that this was actually a steal. And just because I can use this name if I want to. I can send traffic to Drew and he will be happy. Get what he is looking for. So, I have got two options on it, so I liked it. The price was basically five hundred to eight hundred bucks below market, somewhere around there. It has the traffic as well, so it is a good buy.

Michael: Hey Drew, why were you laughing when Sam said that it is getting 35 hundred visitors per month and he said GoDaddy is slightly off?

Andrew: Well, GoDaddy is. Most of their traffic stats are way off, and so if it is an expired domain, then it tends to be a bit more accurate depending on what was going on with the site before it expired, but you have a lot of just wankers on there that are listing their stuff, pumping a bunch of bought traffic or whatever kind of garbage traffic to the domain. So, it is like 30 thousand unique visitors a day, and then you get the domain and it is two.

But no, I was mostly laughing because I participated in the sale of a very similar domain, which Sam is aware of, which is why he bought this domain in the first place, and we have a friend in common that would very much enjoy the traffic that is coming to this domain. Probably assign a tremendous amount of value. More than what Sam paid for this domain name, so I am giggling because I think he is a sneaky bastard.

Michael: Hey Shane, how does Sam get a domain for five to eight hundred dollars under market value at GoDaddy when we see them going for more at NameJet and other sites? Did he get lucky?

Shane: No, that is a great question. There is a lot of fear in the market in LLLL .COMs and it is a little soft in China too. The buying has not been there. If you go to NamePros, and you can just read all the threads about. If you want to get scared, go to NamePros. For me it is perfect. Fear is great for buying. Fear is fantastic. If you believe in something and nobody else does, it is the best opportunity you will ever get.

And right now the market is soft, but it is not like there is a flood of names. When you go to the auctions, they are not flooding there. There are just not as many buyers, but for the first time some of the biggest buyers on NameJet did not participate in some of the four letters and some of the Chinese names, which that says a lot about the market.

Michael: That scares you, doesn’t it?

Shane: Yeah, that tells you a little bit, and that does scare you a little bit. But at the same time, this is a long-term thing. I did not realize this was only a one-year play. We have all been doing this a long time and a good name is a good name. Most of my names I bought. I put a post. Reese Berg had a bog in 2008/2009 called, and that is how I started. Four letters have been trading forever, and so this is just a new addition for the Chinese markets.

So, he got a good deal because he is smart. He is buying. He is still buying what he believes in while everybody else is scared to death and they are trying to flip something and make three hundred dollars and afraid now it is below market. No, you add when you want to add, and right now is a good time to add I think. If it goes down again, it is even better if you are looking for the right name.

Michael: Yeah, and Drew often says he buys names that have double applicability. It is an acronym that maybe the Chinese like, but it is an acronym that the Western world likes as well. And you have talked about that, Shane. So, Sam got a great one here because the Chinese love it, but even if that falls away, it has still got type-in traffic, which can be monetized, so it has got the dual purpose, which is good.

Shane: Every domain I had, every four-letter. As a matter of fact, I was buying last year things that ended in XC because my daughter was in cross-country, so I had no idea that these Chinese would love that name, so I bought a ton of four letters with XC and I looked like a genius. Do not let anybody know this, but I was buying it because I thought it meant cross-country.

Michael: It does mean cross-country.

Shane: Yeah.

Michael: All right, thanks, Sherpas. Great buys. We are going to move on to the next segment of the show.

In the Domain Portfolio review, we take a user-submitted domain name portfolio and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners, so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold them long-term, or figure out a sales strategy or a disposition strategy going forward.

Quick break from three sponsors of today’s show:

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In the Domain Portfolio review, we take a user-submitted domain name portfolio and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners, so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold them long-term, or figure out a sales strategy or a disposition strategy going forward.

Today’s portfolio was submitted by Michael Basso. As part of Michael’s submission, he made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer. Thank you for that, Michael. Michael’s list is focused. He has got 25 domain names that starts with a domain called and it ends with six .APARTMENTS domain names.

The order for this round is going to be Shane, then Sam, and then Drew.

Shane, when you look at Michael’s list, what is your overall impression? How do you feel by looking at this list? Right direction. Wrong direction.

Shane: Well, I thought it was so much better than last week. I think we can actually have some intelligent discussion on these names here. The last one just did not work out real well.

Michael: It did not, but they got some great feedback and Ali offered to help them get moving in the right direction if they dropped all of them and took that money and put it into other ones, so it worked out.

Shane: And you see in the comments that Josh from Domain Shane, DSAD, put a list of names that he thought were better that you could hand register and a lot of them got taken and some of them got flipped at NamePros. Registered off that and sold for more than 20 dollars on NamePros this week.

Michael: Yeah, Josh is a good get on Domain Shane Accidental Domainer there. He is on my short list to interview. Get him on here for what he has been buying. We talked at NamesCon. And if Josh is listening, I do not want him to think that I forgot. He is still on my short list to give him a call.

Shane: But it shows you. So, these names are much improved. The first name that came to mind is because I almost bought the package earlier from another blog. Elliot Silver had up for sale, and I kind of gave him some information about our industry and that we do not pay very much money for it. He soon found that out. He could not move the package. I even called people at Scott’s and did my homework too, trying to see if I could flip them from his flip.

But they ended up going on NameJet and that name went for eight hundred dollars, and I think that is a great buy at eight hundred dollars. I think there is more money, but it is not a 20-thousand-dollar name because it is an action, but we all know what that is and we all know what it represents. So, I think that is probably a three to five-thousand-dollar name to the right person, and I think the buy at eight hundred dollars was a great buy. It is a good one-word.

They are all a little long in today’s market. That is the other problem. People do not like to type. I think there was an article saying the chances of them coming to your website decreases the longer the name. I think I read on Domaining this, and these are the reasons. LaundryDetergents. We know what they are. We know we use them every day, but are you going to sell laundry detergents at LaundryDetergents? I think those days are ending, in my opinion. You are seeing people that bought those categories and used for individual sites are now changing that and going under one name.

So, I think they have less and less value. I do not think they have no value, but what those names go for are not anywhere near what they used to.

Michael: So, I think a lot of people have said this, that those keyword domain names are not necessarily selling like they used to and I think people lump all keywords then into that, where certain keywords still are phenomenal domain names, like OnlineMortgage or QuickCash, or something like that, but LaundryDetergents. It is not that it is necessarily long. It does not have any commercial value, like nobody is going to go online and buy laundry detergents.

Shane: Absolutely. I mean there is no margin in laundry detergent. The only money you could possibly make would be have other people like Tide and everybody advertise or give coupons to their things. Other than that, it is tough. There are businesses behind all these names, and you have to think what kind of business could you run on these names. Mortgage. Huge lead. Lawyer. Huge lead. LaundryDetergent. Eh. I do not know what that is.

Michael: So, is that like a drop, would you say, or is that one he should just blow out for a thousand dollars or whatever he can get for it? What would you do with it if you owned it?

Shane: If I were doing it, I would spend a day building a website and put it on Flippa. People love that little thing. They are worthless, but yet there is a market for them and people think if they get a head start, they will pay two hundred dollars for a starter site.

Michael: Two hundred dollars. So, you are saying if somebody had the skills to go develop a website for free that they could do in like a few hours, go do that, but do not go spend three hundred dollars buying some snake oil salesman website development kit that puts it up there because you are just going to waste your money.

Shane: Absolutely. So, yeah, that is exactly right. If you can do it yourself and you know how to use WordPress and you write a couple articles, but as a buyer, those are the websites I do not buy either. I do not pretend that they are going to get any value. But those are build-outs perhaps. I just do not see a lot of value in those names. I have seen worse names and somebody will buy them, but I do not think Drew is in the market for laundry detergent names and I do not think his buyers are either.

Michael: So, what do you like on the list then?

Shane: The one thing that I liked, believe it or not, was TeacherLessons. Lesson planning online is huge. Millions and millions of dollars. They are easy to get backlinks from .EDUs. There is a lot of stuff. And I know this because of my mother. She is a teacher. Was a teacher. She is retired, and that is a huge thing for her, is lesson planning and teaching. So, that is actually one of the bigger names that people probably do not realize.

And I like the UmbilicalCordBlood. It is just a little long, but that is big. I think Drew was into some cord blood stuff for a while. I think that was Adam Strong actually. UmbilicalCordBlood. That is some good keyword to get CPR, but it is a little long. It is just a little long for me. So, I do not know. To me, all of these are pretty long. And I will go easier for the things I do not. LBJ23. I think most people know that is supposed to be LeBron James. You did not know that, did you, Michael?

Michael: I did not know that.

Shane: You shake your head like you knew, but you had no clue what LBJ23 was. That is LeBron James, and I think they thought there was money. CheapElectrician. God, do you want to be a cheap electrician?

Michael: I do not want to be a cheap electrician.

Shane: Those are adjectives that just do not make sense to me. And BobcatHire. I drive a Bobcat, but I do not lease. Again, most of these just do not make sense to me and I would think that most of them I would try and sell through a NameJet type auction system and gather down to one name. Fertilizing I would keep.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Thanks, Shane. Sam, let’s go over to you. What stands out to you on this list that is a good domain name that you would keep?

Sam: Well, I looked through them all actually. I actually decided to take a quick peak at them all. I noticed he is buying them all on NameJet. I think 98 percent of these names he bought on NameJet within a two-month period, and there is a pretty big range of names that he is buying. So, it looks like he is just trying his luck out and it looks like he is paying about two hundred bucks. I think the highest one was Fertilizing. I think he paid about a grand for it.

I like ServerLeasing. It is an old name, ’99. He only paid 223 bucks for it, so I think he got a good price on it. There is a business for that, but once again, all these things are very random.

Michael: Like his strategy seems random to you because they are all over the place in different categories.

Sam: Which is fine. It is a good time to be like okay, now what should I actually do. And I would just put all these up for sale again. Every single one and try to focus on one vertical that he knows a little bit about maybe, or just at least something more liquid. None of these are going to be liquid. No one is touching these.

Michael: Now, you said you like ServerLeasing. For 223 dollars, that seems like a pretty good buy. These EstiBot value is 17 thousand. Is that one that he should do some research online, find some hosting companies that focus on leasing servers, and try and sell it to them?

Sam: Yeah. I mean I do not know his skill, so if he is a sales type of person who is willing to go out there and send out a few emails, it is worth it. It is worth developing that site if he actually knows how to do that. But if it is something he is not interested in and does not have the skills, then do not do it. It is not going to work out for you.

Michael: Yeah.

Sam: If you are actually interested in any of these categories. That is why I was looking to see if there was one thing maybe he was interested in, but it looks like he was just trying his luck out on a couple areas. But overall, that is my favorite name out of all of them. I actually did not like Fertilizing because I just did not understand who would buy it. It is the wrong acronym. It is like gardening, yes. I am not fertilizing because fertilizing is like okay. I just cannot see it being used for a TV ad or radio for a company.

And he spent a thousand bucks on it, so I thought you know what. Buy two four-letter domains. Western ones. You can get those easily on NameJet or GoDaddy that look correct. End in a C. Always good. That is company at the end. Has a vowel in there that visually looks correct. I just think that is what I would do. I would just really look at this and go okay, that was fun. Put these all up for sale. I do not think NameJet is going to accept these again. Just by themselves, it is not going to happen.

Put them on Sedo. Put them on GoDaddy. Put them on Flippa and see what happens. And if you are going to develop any of them out, my favorite is ServerLeasing.

Michael: All right. Thanks, Sam. Drew, let me come over to you. And before I ask you which ones you like, I am going to ask you a question about development, because Shane said develop it out, put it on Flippa and sell it and Sam said I would develop that out. I hate that advice for newer investors because they think that they can develop stuff. And I have done development and I have done publishing websites. You have done development. I know you have developed a bunch of stuff. Some of which has worked and some of which has not.

What is your advice about development?

Andrew: Go to the bathroom, put your head in the toilet and press flush, and then rethink whether or not you want to develop it. Just —- forget about it. Just do not even think about developing. This is domain investment. Stick to domain investment.

Sam: To be fair, we both did say if he had the talent to do it.

Michael: Okay, good, if he had the talent.

Shane: See, mine was pretend development, so now I really take it back.

Michael: I know, but you know these guys. They watch you guys and what, development. All right, I am going to go buy a development package or something.

Andrew: I know, depending on your financial situation, that it is very hard to digest and understand that time is money, but it truly is. At any point in the spectrum, time is money. Time is more valuable than money. So, to spend any amount of time on a domain that is not worth any money is not going to make it worth more money, unless you make a real business out of it, which you are not going to —- do because that is not what you are here for.

So, I think any name that you need to do “development” in order to add value, just —- delete it from your portfolio. Which name was it though? The one that Shane was talking about.

Shane: LaundryDetergents.

Andrew: Yeah, LaundryDetergents. That is a great example though of like the next greatest fool, and there are plenty of them in this industry, so that is a great name to go on NamePros and find the next greatest fool that will pay you something. I mean I would not delete that domain because there is some sort of perceived value, even though it probably is worthless, and there will be somebody that will give you some value for it. So, it is not worth deleting, but it might be worth the ten minutes to go on to NamePros and post it up for 250 bucks and somebody will.

Michael: Yeah, move it along. All right, so what do you like on this list from Michael? Which ones stand out to you, Drew?

Andrew: ChildbirthClasses. That could be a lead gen site. When I say that I could be a lead gen site, I am not saying you should build it into a lead gen site. I am saying there are people that would see value in it because they would utilize it for their campaigns.

Michael: Right, so it has commercial appeal to other businesses that exist.

Andrew: Yes. ChronicHeadaches. I know people that suffer from chronic headaches, and it is a bitch. And you know what. If you can offer them something, there are people offering them something, and so there is commercial value for that as well.

Michael: Yeah, people search for that.

Andrew: Huge name.

Michael: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, these are not huge names. I mean ChildbirthClasses. I could imagine that would pop for five to ten grand or something. And ChronicHeadaches is probably low four figures. ExecutiveInsurance. Great name. I like that name a lot. I do not think that it has a tremendous amount of exact match search, but executive insurance or sort of key personnel insurance I think is actually what it is called, which is also kind of a form of like disability insurance. Those all kind of fall into the same category. And I think ExecutiveInsurance would be a great brand for somebody in that space.

I could imagine that name easily selling for 15 to 25 thousand dollars at some point, and maybe even more. We just saw sell. That was like 7.1 or 7.2 million dollars. Most of that is in earn out, but there was over one million dollars in cash. I think it was like 1.2 million in cash, and then an additional 6.something million in some form of earn out. I think it ends in 2018. So, that is a great example. I mean there is not a lot of search for cancer insurance, but it plays into the fear of people having cancer and not being able to cover the expenses with their insurance, and so it is another writer or an additional insurance. A supplementary insurance and probably on the rise because cancer is on the rise.

And executive insurance is kind of the same thing. It plays into the fear of losing a key man, and that is a great brand. It is a great way to attract professionals looking for that service. So, I think that that is probably an easy sale if you spent some time hitting up the people that are in that space. I think you would get a sale in the 15 to 25 pretty easy. And I think if you had patience, this could pop. I am not saying you are going to get 6.8 million or seven million, but it could be a mid to high five figures, maybe even low six figures if you get the right guy at the right time, but probably he has to come to you to get that kind of price, not the other way around.

Michael: Yeah, so you just need to put up a landing page and wait for them to come.

Andrew: Yeah. In this particular case, you might add a little bit of content just to get a little bit of Google love. Let it get a little bit of traction in Google. Let it age nicely. Just treat it nice. Stroke it. Add a little bit content once in a while.

Shane: That is called development.

Michael: Yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, relevant content.

Michael: Do not develop it though. You are saying just put up a couple of pages.

Andrew: Yeah, exactly. You do not even need pictures.

Michael: All right. Drew, what do you think about Sam and Shane have weighed in on that. Do you like it? Do you not like it? What do you think the retail value is?

Andrew: No.

Michael: You do not like it.

Andrew: No.

Michael: It is just the wrong suffix.

Andrew: This is another example, like LaundryDetergents, where I think the wholesale value exceeds the retail value. I think that there is no retail value, but I think you could find the next greatest idiot that would pay you something for it. I just do not see Fertilizing. I do not know. It is like I do not see it. My favorite name on the list by far is

Michael: That is the Schiz, baby.

Andrew: That is the Schiznick, baby. I would make that an email address. Hands down, best name on the list.

Michael: All right, what about ServerLeasing? Do you like that one, Drew?

Andrew: No.

Michael: You do not like it. You do not think it has commercial appeal to some hosting company that does server leasing.

Andrew: It does. It is just the wrong ending. If it was like, I would be like okay, there is some call to action. ServerLeasing is maybe like the name of a segment of an industry. Now everything is just cloud. I do not know. I just do not love it. I mean it is not a worthless domain. If you own this domain, it is not a domain that you just let expire or delete it, but I would not go chasing it.

Michael: Huh. Yeah, I do not know. I think the reason why EstiBot gave it that 17-thousand-dollar retail value is that there is search volume. If I just type in server leasing.

Sam: It is a real business. We spend 20 thousand a month on it.

Andrew: You are the consumer. You do not go searching for server leasing. I do not know. It is not a terrible domain.

Sam: With the names in here, he did not pay much for it. 223 bucks. He is fine on it. Some of these other ones I think he is in trouble on. Fertilizing for a grand. You have got some problems there.

Michael: But he could cut his losses based on your recommendations and he could make it all back, plus some on some of these other domain names, like ExecutiveInsurance.

Andrew: Where are you seeing what he paid for these domains? I do not have that information.

Shane: He did not give us that. You had to look it up.

Michael: Sam did some research. The newbie shows up prepared, baby.

Shane: And the fact that I did not pay eight hundred and I am in the fertilizing business tells you a little bit.

Michael: All right, so let me ask you guys. He has got six .APARTMENTS domains here. That new TLD. CentralPark.Apartments. HydePark.Apartments. MarinaDelRey.Apartments. Tuscany.Apartments. What do you guys think about that?

Sam: Drop them.

Michael: Sam says drop them. Shane.

Shane: Move the dot over to the far right.

Michael: Drew, last week you were like I am warming up to these new TLDs. Do you like them or not like them?

Andrew: I would not drop them. 1Bedroom.Apartments. I do not like it, well, for two reasons. Number one is I just do not like it when you have to start mixing a number with letters. Is it the one? Is it the number one? And secondly, if we are going to get into these new gTLDs, if it more than just one word on the right and one word on the left, then pretty much forget it altogether.

Michael: But Marina Del Rey is a city name that counts as one word.

Andrew: Tuscany.Apartments. Not a fan. I do not know if you have ever been to Tuscany, but not a lot of apartments. It is mostly.

Sam: Villas.

Andrew: It is villas. It is homes and villas and farms. It is not a city. Marina Del Rey. I mean yeah, I am sure that there is. Probably today you are going to have a hard time to sell that, but maybe in a year or two or three or five or ten, there will be a real estate broker that would find value. If you are a real estate broker in Marina Del Rey and you specialize in renting apartments or selling apartments, then it probably has a lot of value. What you have to ask yourself though is it is not about is this name.

Does this name have value? Yeah, it has some value to somebody, but is it enough for you to keep paying renewal fee until the world catches up to the new gTLDs? And then, by the time you have paid whatever the ridiculous renewal fees on most of these things are, if you are five hundred or a thousand dollars into this name over five years, the cost of that money. That real estate broker. What are they going to pay? 15 hundred bucks. 25 hundred bucks. And then was it worth carrying that cost and paying those renewals for five years or three years to make that margin?

I mean there are just better opportunities. If you are an investor or a negotiator, it is like what is your next best opportunity. What is the next best option? And I do not know what he paid for these, but I do know that renewals are not eight dollars and I just think that there are better things to spend your money on right now.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Opportunity cost is a huge thing. Unless you have some revenue source that continues to pump money into your account, a lot of people are taking money from their paychecks of their regular job and keep dumping it into that. That is just not a good business model. You do not feed your portfolio from your other income. Your portfolio has to pay for its own income. So, a name like this is not going to pay for itself.

But at the same time, Drew proved a point. If there is a numbers game, you get one out of ten right and you can pay for the other nine. It is when you do not get that one right and it gets ugly.

Michael: Right. All right, Michael asked a question. I am going to paraphrase is because we are running short on time. With all the focus on LLL.coms, NNN.coms, the CHIPS, etc., he feels like may not be focused on keyword domains and that it could be a buying opportunity for him. Do you guys feel like it is a buying opportunity for keyword domains and do you think that his portfolio of keyword domains will appreciate in value over time if he holds them long enough? I will open it up. Drew.

Andrew: Yeah, I agree one hundred percent. I think that everybody, even people that were not focused on China. It has just been so overwhelming that everybody is focused on China. If it is not some kind of Chinese liquid domain, them might as well be worthless in the eyes of most of the market right now. And so, we actually have been taking advantage of that and there is an opportunity.

We have spent seven figures in the last couple of months buying keyword domains because of that. Now, again, I am not buying HydePark.Apartments. We are buying one-word .COM domains. Some two-word .COM domains that we believe could be the brand of some venture back startup or the next brand of some established company, product, service, etc.

Michael: Yeah, and the second part of that is do you think that Michael’s portfolio of keywords are ones that will appreciate over time.

Andrew: Yeah. I mean UmbilicalCordBlood. I did not get to touch on that one. Great name. I mean that is a great name. That is a name you should just hold and wait until somebody comes along. That is an industry that is very young. It is growing. Super high-paying keywords. More and more facilities are being built. More and more people are learning about it. I think the penetration rate is super low on that and it will only grow. So, at some level, unless you have religious beliefs that prevent you from wanting to do that, you are pretty silly not to do it.

Michael: All right, Drew, let me give you three domain names. Say yes, keep or no, drop.

Andrew: Trademark. Drop it. Just delete it from your —- portfolio.


Andrew: Keep it.


Andrew: Drop it.

Michael: All right.

Andrew: If it was in my portfolio, I would not let it expire, but I would not have really high hopes.

Michael: All right. Sam, keep or drop?

Sam: Drop.

Michael: All right.

Andrew: Drop it. I want the Schiznick, baby.

Sam: I am trying to hook Drew up.

Michael: All right, Michael, thank you for submitting your portfolio and making a donation to cancer research. We hope this review has been helpful to you in your domain investing activities going forward.

All right, we are going to move on to the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by NameJet. We have got 12 domain names that are heading to auction soon. The earlier auctions start today, the day that this show is airing. So, if you are late getting to the auction, getting your first bid in, I am sorry. Watch the show earlier or listen to it on your commute.

For transparency, I always ask if any of the domains below are owned or brokered by the Sherpas. I do not think that the list that I gave you guys has any. Just verifying. Shane. Sam. No, none of them are your names. If you like one of the names below, click through as soon as you can. Put in a minimum bid of 69 dollars to be a part of the auction just to watch the results. The link below just take you directly to the auction. They are not commissionable links. They are just trackable, so NameJet can see what we are sending them.

All of the domains are no reserve or reserve met. So, what we are trying to do with the NameJet section recently is just focus on domain names that we think are going to be good investment for newer investors. So, maybe you guys look at some of these and you are like yeah, great investment, but it is going to be too high. It is going to go for too much. I would not pay that much if I were a newer investor.

So, let’s get your feedback. The list starts with, as in Certified Nursing Assistant, and it ends with This segment will go Sam, then Drew, and then Shane.

Sam, let’s start with you. What do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Sam: Well, I like some of the ones I chose, but I like Greenfest. I like that one a lot. I like MixStream. I like GlobalMail. There are other ones I like, but they are going to go high. I like Fliers. It is an alternative spelling of it, but I still think it is going to go high. What else do I like here? Those are the basics.

Michael: So, let me ask you. What do you envision? Why do you like it?

Sam: Just green is big. It is short. I can see it as a name for a festival or something. A business wanting this. This is definitely a name that I would like.

Michael: But do you typically think of like green industry as paying a lot for a domain name like this?

Sam: I am not sure what the exact budget is going to be, but you are talking about putting it for a 69-dollar bid and see where it goes. I would pick this name up for seven hundred or eight hundred bucks, I would go up to. I would not go higher than that.

Michael: And if you picked it up for seven or eight hundred bucks, what would be your asking price on it?

Sam: I would ask five to ten. Somewhere around there.

Michael: Okay, and then what about MixStream? What do you envision would be on a MixStream? It is sort of a brandable.

Sam: I just like the sound of it. Just sounded kind of interesting. It sounded like a brandable name to me, and I just think it might snake through and go for cheap. I like that type of name for 80 bucks to 100 bucks. Just you are going to take a shot in the dark. You are going to try for five to 10K and that is not a bad name. It is short.

Shane: It will not go for that anymore.

Michael: Yeah, I could totally see MixStream going on to like a They would take it and price it at 25 hundred bucks. Somewhere around there. GlobalMail. What would you envision being there? I am not even sure what I would expect to see on GlobalMail.

Sam: For me, it is another one. I mean Drew might disagree on this, but I liked it. GlobalMail, for me, sounded like it could be an email provider. It was short enough. It was still memorable enough for me. And once again, I am not sure how high it will go. So, a lot of these names I like cheap and that is how I chose them. I do not like it if I am spending a thousand bucks, two thousand bucks on this name.

Michael: Yeah, totally.

Sam: But if you are getting it for two hundred bucks, I would like that name a lot more than some of the much longer names above. These are short. I chose relatively short names that sounded like it could be a business.

Michael: Cool. All right, thanks, Sam. Drew, let’s go over to you. What are your favorite domains on the list and why?

Andrew: Okay, so I like CNADegree. I mean I think that is just a clear, good, education domain name. That industry has been distressed for a little while, but still great name. GlobalMail. I agree with Sam. Good name. That is it.

Michael: What about Greenfest? You do not like Greenfest?

Andrew: I mean look, Greenfest. It is a decent brand, but it is some tree hugger. What is he going to pay you?

Sam: It is like those marijuana huggers.

Michael: There is no money in marijuana, yeah.

Andrew: There is none. Greenfest. I do not know. It is okay. I like it. Again, like Sam said. There are a bunch of names on here, like if you can get them super cheap. If you get that for 69 dollars, you are in the money. If you pay three thousand dollars for, which I am going to be honest with you. I bet that that is what it is going to go to on NameJet. I think this is another example, which I think the wholesale value is going to end up being higher than the retail value.

I think this is going to go to two, three, or four grand and I think that you reach out to a couple of hippie festivals, music festivals, marijuana festivals, and they are going to be like no, we will go with Greenfest2017-1. It is what it is.

Michael: Yeah. All right. Drew, what about Major keywords, but it has got that hyphen in there. Is it worth?

Andrew: Yeah, I mean the hyphen really —- that domain up. So, I think that domain actually does have value. Hyphens are pretty much all but dead.

Shane: Except in Germany.

Andrew: Yeah, except in Germany. We just sold on NameJet and I think it went for like three hundred dollars. I think we paid like two thousand dollars for that name years ago. And it is like oh, Oil-Change. Erectile-Dysfunction. These are big industries, but nobody wants a domain with a hyphen. It just kills it. In a world of a thousand new domain extensions, it is like what is better:,,, ErectileDysfunction.Whatever, or the hyphen?

But in this particular case, the affiliate marketing side, and Sam could speak to this more than I can. The affiliate marketing is so big on erectile dysfunction, there probably is somebody that would pay a few thousand dollars for this name, even if it was a burner campaign. Even if it was just to use that name for one massive email spam campaign.

Shane: You would rather have If you are running a campaign, that is what I would go with.

Sam: You do not need that name for a campaign. You can fake it. No one can tell with a campaign.

Andrew: Just spoof it so it looks like the one that does not have the hyphen.

Michael: All right, thanks, Drew. Shane, let’s go over to you. What do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Shane: Well, I do like Veganland. I have said it a million times. Those people will pay anything. You put the word vegan in front of anything and it will go for a thousand bucks. I guarantee.

Michael: So, you are the grandpa that shows up for every family reunion that tells the same jokes over and over. I cannot help but pull in vegan domain names.

Shane: But if you look, every time I am right. Vegan names sell. Those people dominate a room. I tell that joke every time. They do not tell you. You know there is a vegan in the room because they are going to tell you in two minutes.

Michael: And this is going to be one of the better. I pull in vegan ones all the time. This is one of the better ones, right?

Shane: Oh yeah.

Andrew: Why is this one of the better ones?

Shane: Oh, Veganland. A whole land of vegans. Are you kidding me? The only thing better than one vegan is ten. They can talk to each other and talk about not hurting anything.

Andrew: Instead of Mickey Mouse, do you have like carrots running around?

Shane: Absolutely. Everybody is wearing a hemp rope belt instead of a leather belt.

Michael: All right. Shane, give me two domain names that newer investors should not invest in. Do not put money down on these domains.

Shane: Do not touch fliers. Fliers is spelled like you are going to fly an airplane. It is confusing. Flyers is with a Y. You are going to overpay for that. It is not going to be used. That is one of the scariest names on the list. Someone is going to lose money on that name. I know airplane. Oh, people are going to even sell tickets. No, too confusing. You do not want names that could be spelled two ways. That is gray-grey I call it. You never buy anything with the word gray in it because it is always wrong.

Michael: Right. What did you say, Drew? You were muted or something there. I cannot hear you, Drew.

Shane: That is probably better. I think everybody is winning.

Andrew: What about now?

Michael: Yeah, I can hear you now. Were you making fun of Shane?

Andrew: No, like this. Fliers. Is that like I hand a flyer?

Sam: Yeah, it is an alternative spelling for it. Terrifying.

Andrew: What do you mean by alternative? Is that the spelling?

Michael: Flyer, like a handout. That is the way you spell fliers, yeah.

Andrew: So, it is a real word.

Michael: It is a real word.

Sam: It is a real word, but it is not very popular compared to the one with the Y.

Andrew: Without the Y, it is like frequent fliers.

Sam: Well, they are both the same thing.

Michael: I just looked it up. The definition number one: a person or thing that flies. Number two: A small handbill advertising an event or product.

Shane: Yeah, see, I think I is the air and Y is the handout, in my opinion.

Andrew: I would have said the exact opposite of that.

Michael: So would I, so hence the confusion.

Andrew: Exactly. The fact that we spent five minutes discussing this means that.

Sam: Does not pass the test.

Shane: That is what makes vegan so good in this comparison.

Michael: Yeah, exactly. So, what is another one to stay away from, Shane?

Shane: Well, who the hell buys fake trees? That is just blasphemy. Why would you ever buy a fake tree? I mean God damn, trees. Oxygen. What are you, 80?

Michael: I have got a big palm tree right over there that looks awesome all year long that I never need to water.

Shane: So embarrassing.

Michael: I dust it a little bit.

Andrew: Hold on. Step back. I remember on a Domain Sherpa Show, going back a while ago, that Shane was in a shed full of fake trees and plants, so I just want to note that the guy with the nursery was in a shed full of fake trees.

Shane: Well, I was trying to save a life.

Michael: I know, dude. Can’t we just diversify and call it a day?

Shane: Oh, God. See, that is why I do not get any respect. People say I say one thing and then something else happens in the background.

Andrew: Might as well be Donald Trump.

Shane: Yeah, that is exactly. There goes NamePros. A whole other thread about Shane. Cannot be trusted.

Michael: All right.

Shane: I am not buying anything. And the other thing is SolarStores. That is where people throw and S on and it changes everything. SolarStore: big time name. SolarStores: worthless.

Michael: All right, and that was a lesson from our new Sherpa, Sam, on what not to buy. So, thanks for mentioning that before we run out of time here. We are going to move on. We are actually out of time for questions. Thanks to everybody that did submit questions. Watch the next show. We will get you on there.

This is the point of the show where I let the Sherpas say that is going on. 30 seconds a piece to promote anything you want. Shoutout. Thanks. Somebody did you a solid and you want to pay it forward. Anything that is going on. Shane, let’s start with you and work our way that way.

Shane: DomainShane. There is a big group of guys there. I think Josh and Travis are doing an excellent job on a daily basis, talking about the Chinese market, giving real numbers. It is an interesting time right now because it is not climbing every day like it used to, so it makes it a little more exciting. So, yeah, or

Travis and I have a couple big things in the works that we are going to be starting here that we will be announcing in a couple weeks. So, behind the scenes, we are working on a side business. It will be in the domain sphere, so it should be pretty good. But right now, come to the blog. Ask questions. Email me. It is what I do.

Michael: Is it or shorter? What was the second?

Shane: DSAD.

Michael: I thought you said

Shane: Believe it or not, contrary to what people think, I do not really want everything to be about me. There are three others guys that are working hard, so I got the acronym.

Michael: Are you going to eventually go to

Shane: Yeah, we are going to move over to that. Again, I do not mind being Domain Shane and I like what I have built, but there are other people working hard and I do not want the limelight to always be on me.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Thanks, Shane. Sam, let’s go to you. Anything you want to promote or mention?

Sam: No, I just wanted to say thanks to Drew for recommending me. It is good to actually get to swear with you on air. Normally it is just privately. That is really nice. That is about it. I do not have anything to promote.

Michael: Awesome. Well, I am coming to Toronto because I see what is on the table behind you there, Sam, and we are going to party one of these days. Look at that thing.

Shane: How did you get your hair to look so nice?

Michael: Yeah, because it was not that nice on your interview. What is that?

Sam: It was for Drew.

Shane: I get jealous. I just look at that.

Andrew: He knew I was an Elvis fan.

Michael: Awesome. Well, welcome to your first review show, Sam. Drew, let’s go to you. Anything you want to mention or promote?

Andrew: We continue to have a phenomenal auction going on over at NameJet. Lots of great names selling. We have also just reduced the reserve or even dropped the reserve altogether on about 90 percent of the domain names. So, actually probably more than 90 percent. Almost every single domain in the auction has had its reserve reduced or removed altogether as of today, or two or three days ago actually since this will be posted five days from now.

And I would encourage everybody to check it out. will bring you directly to our NameJet listing page, or just click on the banner on NameJet and backorder the names. Get into the auctions. There are going to be some great deals. There are phenomenal domain names, similar to some of the domains we talked about today, most of them better, and bid away. Good luck.

Michael: All right.

Shane: I still like the name, the MediaOptionsAuctions. Before it used to be go to X42-L23.auctions.

Andrew: I think it was a pretty good URL shortener. It was for NameJet. How much easier could it be?

Michael: I do not see why he is having a problem with it, Drew.

Andrew: You can also go to by go to

Michael: All right. Hey, I received a couple of emails over the past few weeks saying why don’t I do transcripts for the review show, so I am like that is because we are all talking over each other. It has been a while. You guys are still asking. I am going to give it a shot, so thanks to our transcriber, Michelle. I am sending it to her today to try to get her to transcribe this. I apologize in advance, Michelle. Let’s see what we can do. We are going to do the best job we can.

I also want to mention is doing really well. Thanks to everybody that did sign up. If you have not signed up and you want to give it a go, use SHERPAFAN for a 50-dollar-off coupon. Any of the packages and let me know what you think. There is a seven-day money back guarantee. You get in there. If you do not like it, if you do not think it is the best course you have ever taken in your life regarding domain names, ask for your money back. I am happy to give it back.

Shane: Is the live show going to be before? Don’t you have something with Ali before this airs?

Michael: No. So, as part of the Pro membership, we are doing live Q&A webinars, and Ali Zandi is coming on to do the first one of those and he is going to walk us through how he finds valuable expired domain names at the end of their life cycle on So, he is going to show us hands-on the tool, what filters, how he uses it, what he looks for, and things like that. And so, that is going to be on March 17th.

So, this show airs on the 14th, and so if you sign up for the Pro membership, you can attend that webinar live and watch Ali. And if you happen to miss it because you watch this a week later or whatever, you can watch the replay of that. We will be answering questions live. He will show us the process. Thanks for letting me plug that, Shane.

If you received benefit from today’s show, please post a comment below to thank today’s Sherpas. Thanks to Michael Basso for submitting his portfolio and making a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Thanks to NameJet for submitting their portfolio and Sam for selecting a few also that he likes and sponsoring that section of the Domain Sherpa Review.

And thanks to our Domain Sherpas – Andrew Rosener, Sam Dennis, and Shane Cultra – for sharing their experience and insights. We’ll see you all next time.

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13 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Mar 14:,,,…”

  1. It depends on how you view building websites. What if Michael Cyger said it wasn’t worth his time to create and build DomainSherpa? There would be no interviews and domain review shows here for people to enjoy. Over 6 years + of shows and info that would have never have been shared (well there were 100 shows that were removed). This website is one the best resources for people that know zilch about domains to hardened veterans.

    If you want to understand what makes a domain name valuable, or not, you must have a basic understand of building sites and creating content. That could be writing articles, podcasting, videos, etc. How can you expect to show someone the value of domains if you don’t understand the economics of the internet?

    Even if you don’t necessarily have active websites you should have a business. The three Sherpas here do. Andrew Rosener has Ganjapreneur, Sam Dennis YTZ, and Shane Cultra runs his family’s nursery business.

    You do not have to be knowledgeable to launch a website on a topic. As long as you have interest in a topic, you are good to go. That’s how DomainSherpa got started.

    This is an interview Michael Cyger did a few years ago talking about how and why he started DomainSherpa. Before this point I assume he was some sort of seasoned domain industry veteran and was just doing this site for fun.

    Choose what niches you build sites in carefully and consider what other have not done. I’d say focusing on passions and hobbies first is a good starting point, but keep in mind if you make those your business you might not enjoy it as much. Andrew fairly recently took down due to the fact he doesn’t have time for it. Too bad as we all know how much he loves Spearfishing.


  2. Zac Zarev says:

    Another great show!

    Thanks Michael and Sherpas!

  3. Kirk says:

    Hey Guys,

    I just listened to your podcast this morning and wanted to take a moment to thank you all
    for the excellent information.

    I found your podcast to be funny, informative and extremely educational.

    As a newcomer to the domain name investment world, it was absolutely worth my time.

    I can’t wait to dig into more.

    Great job!


  4. Michael says:

    Really happy about you putting a transcription of your multi-guest reviews.

    Even if it is not accurate or well done (although it seems to be) there is some GREAT reference info there to be found without having to try to find it later by listening.

  5. Michael says:

    Great show guys. Thanks for the review of my portfolio.

  6. Graham Haynes says:

    great entertainment – keep it coming.
    all sherpas give valuable insights

  7. Mike Carson says:

    great show – thanks everyone!

    I am so jealous of CLI.COM. A domain from the eighties! And, as a developer, to me it means “command line interface.” There is no way a domain like that will lose value – even if everyone stops using the internet.

  8. Ryan says:

    Interesting talk about moving on to different tld’s when it comes to short domains.

    I remember Shane speaking of purchasing with 0,4 in bulk that market has taken quite a hit the past few weeks, right now dead money, as you will not find someone to take you at a profit.

    Also with .co, if you are looking to double your money at $2x.xx, you need to take into consideration if you can’t flip them into renewal which is $22.xx you make no money.

    Food for thought, and followup.

    1. Shane says:

      Thanks Ryan for the concern. Not too concerned on my part. It’s only been 4 weeks. I try and have exposure in a lot of areas and is just one if them. I’ve done great on my Chinese investments over the years. So don’t take my paper losses too hard. I’ll be OK.

  9. Thanks guys for another great show. As a DNAcademy student I enjoy the information given.

  10. Great show- so funny too!

    Nice to have Sam on the show- fantastic addition.

    Thanks again guys!

  11. DC says:


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