DomainSherpa Review – Dec 7:, Portfolio,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Ali Zandi, Andrew Rosener and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,, Portfolio
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised: “Strkli” Portfolio, “Pro” Portfolio…
  • Get your bids in soon for,,…
  • One Sherpa almost sweeps the “Name That Price” game
  • Plus, much more!

For each domain name portfolio, the Sherpas answer:

  • Which domains are valuable, and in what way?
  • What is the market value (both wholesale and retail) of the best domain names?
  • Which domains are worthless and should be dropped?
  • Which domain names may invite legal issues, such as a UDRP case or cybersquatting lawsuit?
  • Which domains do our Sherpas want to make an offer on?

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Ali Zandi, Andrew Rosener and Shane Cultra.

Review (76:45): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists

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Investor Submitted Domain Names Pre-Auction Listings

This Show’s Sherpas

Ali Zandi
Ali Zandi
Ali Zandi is the founder and senior broker at Starfire Holdings, a domain name brokerage and consulting firm.

Prior to Starfire Holdings, Ali was the director of sales and acquisitions at, a private domain name investment fund.

Based in Hawaii, Zandi boasts a wealth of knowledge and sales experience and has facilitated millions of dollars of successful transactions in the domain industry.

More shows with Ali Zandi »

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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34 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Dec 7:, Portfolio,,…”

  1. pixel gun 3d says:

    That’s so great. It’s nice article.

  2. I really like and those companies probably don’t mind using a cctld.

  3. Great show as always~!
    so much valuable content
    thank you all for sharing!
    much appreciated

  4. Zac Zarev says:

    Great show, thanks to Michael and all the sherpas!

  5. Eric Jenkins says:

    Great show Sherpas!!

    Ali…..Good luck with Raindrop.Com…The site looks great!!!

    Thanks Guys…..
    Eric Jenkins

  6. Lucas says:

    Great show, as always! :-)
    keep up the great work!

  7. DT says:

    …scratching my head regarding numeric domains and now scratching more because of these crazy 5L patterns. It only highlights that there really aren’t any bad domains (trademarks squatting excepted), although, the investor submitted list was pretty bad – surprisingly, not much worse than large chunks of names people are asking $500 plus for on marketplaces ( including portfolios owned by folks we see here occasionally).

    I am still waiting to see a site with momentum which uses a numeric dot com name. I have always rated easy memorization as one important factor when selecting domains – was it or Anyone?

    I really appreciate Shane’s down to earth input. Seems like domain investing should be selecting what’s hot at the moment and turning it for profit. And not getting so attached to your investment that you hold it too long. So many domain investors (me included) see domain names (in their mind) as developed sites. Following patterns (numerics etc) irrespective of what you can ‘do’ with the domain (or it’s application) is probably more appropriate for the successful investor today. Remember though, even long domains can make valuable sites – not everyone can use 3L’s, 4L’s etc. For better or worse, when I look for new domains, I spend a significant amount of time thinking about a potential business that could use it. These ‘pattern’ domains seem to be more about crunching the numbers – literally! I wish I could get excited about these.

    Hey Andy, don’t drop the f-bomb so much, it has more impact when you use it sparingly! :-)

    When most people ask about mentoring, I think they’re really asking to be a master’s apprentice.

    Thanks for another great show.

    Thanks Michael.

  8. Will says:

    Awesome show! I definitely enjoyed it. It was good to hear all 3 sherpas be specific about the hard work that it takes and how it really comes down to getting a good name and then hustling to get potential buyers for it. I was always wondering about outbound marketing and if it actually worked and it seems it definitely does just have to be intense and aggressive when it come down to it. Of course as I mentioned very important to get the right domain name. If you have a crappy name it does not matter how hard you work in outbound marketing it will just not sell.

    As Ali said the information i definitely out there it just comes down to reading and reading a lot. This is something I’ve been focusing on and it has worked wonders especially being over at NamePros all the time and watching all the Sherpa Videos.

    I actually came across a great post by Ali and thanks to that I found out about and how powerful it is to find the right person to contact within a company. Perfect example of instead of asking questions just read =-D Thanks Ali!

    Here is the post –>

    Thanks again guys and keep it up! Critical useful information and hilarious entertainment always!

  9. Nile Patel says:

    Great show as usually but many domaineers got scared by watching last show coincidently it came on bed time when market was diving lower and some of smart cookies grabbed good on that panic wave , but this 5L investment thing going to make seller’s realize what they have lost by selling at lowest point. name at valued around $500 make me feel what’s going on with market when many vcvc name is selling way under this price and sherpa grabbing 5L at this high market price, I have already registered 100, my name may be not worth 500 each but it is at least 10 time higher then what i have paid in past.
    I love this show and hates off to current speakers by helping the cancer society but i request Michael please bring atleast one Chinese speakers who know this industry since long time and had invested quite amount of fund, now even you has to realize this sherpa’s already following Chinese market and paying way high prices to grab their share in market and so the conclusion is this chinese pattern show will not going to end in short time frame may be few more years.
    Congratulation again to Andrew for buying , I know many family has this last name in India and some of them really wealthy , i do not know its spanish meaning and i left that auction at one point where prices started going up.

  10. Paul Singh says:

    Oh and no joke and no jokes please – Hora is my wifes mothers maiden name. It’s a popular Indian last name…

  11. Paul Singh says:


    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question about the Chinese premiums. Shanes suggestion as to hit on letters that cover both Western and Chinese was spot on great advice. Truly amazing what you do for the domain community…and I look forward to meeting you all at affiliate summit and namescon.

    Paul Singh

  12. Glenn says:

    Great show , as usual.
    But what’s up with all the profanity ?

  13. James says:


    McAfee virus checker does not like…

    1. Ali Zandi says:


      I believe the previous website that was on had some sort of content that triggered a McAfee SiteAdvisor warning, however, that is in the process of being resolved :)

      1. Troels says:

        Same here. It’s blocked by my McAfee. Usually it’s a bad advertising network that triggers these blocks.

        1. Ali Zandi says:

          Hmm, only advertising network I use is AdSense. Still waiting on McAfee to resolve the issue on their end.

  14. Gary Moore says:

    I know I said thank you to a couple of you already, but just wanted to say thank you here, publicly, to Mike and the Sherpas for taking the time to answer my question. It really highlighted what I need to work on. And Mike the show was awesome, as you said, “go back and listen”. I will be again tomorrow. I generally listen to each show twice. Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and congrats to Ali.

  15. albert says:

    Congrats. on the new born Ali.

    Keep up the good work Sherpas.

  16. Scott says: sold back in 2008 for $50,000 on Sitepoint Marketplace (now Flippa) Ouch.

    Was an old forum only doing $25 a month in revenue.

  17. Michael K says:

    Great show. Very fun.
    Especially like the 5L discussion — not sure if it’s cutting edge or over the edge, but it’s enlightening an entertaining.

    1. Ali Zandi says:

      Haha! It’s probably cutting the edge enough to put us over the edge!

  18. Nick says:

    Thank you Sherpas!

  19. Michael says:

    Great interview! Thanks, Guys!

  20. Andy says:

    Great show guys. Thanks

  21. Mike says:

    For all we know, this guy has inside information on a huge company named strikli that’s about to begin operations.
    …Or he was just simply drunk when he registered them.

  22. Mitchell says:

    Andrew, thank you for wearing the earbuds my friend. It does and did make a difference.

    Great show, everyone! I wish it was daily.

  23. Noor says:

    Only one way to describe this show…. kickbutt, telling it like it is….loved it.

    thank you all.


  24. Bonin says:

    What can I say, another great video, just was surprised with the “investment portfolio”, but anyway everyone make a mistakes.

    I would say to this fella, keep going my friend, it’s a difficult business, but in the same time very profitable when you do your homework.

  25. Nuno says:

    I can honestly vouch for Andrew’s negotiation skills…
    Great to listen to another show!

  26. Very surprised this portfolio was picked ?? Anyways, thanks

  27. Quack says:

    Hora is nice in Japanese, too. Means “hey, look at this” or “hey, see what I mean?” It’s used a lot as a less polite (casual) way to get someone’s attention.

  28. Jay says:

    Great Show Mike / Sherpas

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