DomainSherpa Review w The DomainShane Crew: 10k .XYZs for $100,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Aaron Wilken, Josh Eisenhower, Shane Cultra and Travis McKeeThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We get to know the entire (DomainShane) crew, including one of them who just bought 10,000 .xyz domains for $100
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NO RESERVE NameJet auctions:,,…
  • Plus, much more!

We’re joined by four DomainSherpas: Aaron Wilken, Josh Eisenhower, Shane Cultra and Travis McKee.

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This Show’s Sherpas

Aaron Wilken
Aaron Wilken
Aaron Wilken works in commercial real estate, is an individual investor in domain names, and is a regular contributor to

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Josh Eisenhower
Josh Eisenhower
Josh Eisenhower is a paramedic/firefighter at County Government in Maryland, an individual investor in domain names, and is a regular contributor to

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Travis McKee
Travis McKee
Travis McKee is a retired technologist, an individual investor in domain names, and is a regular contributor to

His professional history includes roles in technology management and as the chief information officer at multiple companies.

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Michael Cyger: On today’s DomainSherpa Review, we’re joined by the four guys behind — as most of us know them. Meet the guys that you never see, except for today.

Michael Cyger: Hey Sherpa network. I’m Michael Cyger, Publisher of and this is the DomainSherpa Review. This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples, so we can learn strategies and tactics.

We have three segments to the review. We will start off learning what the Sherpas are investing in. Next, we will discuss and value an investor-submitted domain name portfolio. And finally, we will preview some domains going to auction soon at NameJet.

On today’s DomainSherpa Review, we do not just have a panel of Sherpas. We have the DomainShane panel. The four guys that are responsible for putting out the regular, interesting, funny, sometimes quirky, and useful content at In order from left to right, we have Aaron Wilken. Say hi, Aaron.

Aaron Wilken: Hey folks.

Michael: Josh Eisenhower. Give us a wave. There is Josh. Shane Cultra, and Travis McKee.

Travis McKee: Hi there.

Michael: Sherpas, it is great to have your entire team on today’s show. Welcome.

Shane Cultra: Thanks for having us. It is the first time we have been on together.

Michael: I know. I was just going to say I do not think I have ever seen you guys all together, and you guys I do not think have ever met in person all of you together.

Shane: No, not all. Not Travis.

Travis: No, I have never met any of them in person.

Michael: Yeah, so what do you think? Are you guys going to show up at the domain conference this fall or NamesCon in January and go full force? Take over a whole craps table. Hit the bars.

Shane: I am trying to think what position Travis is going to play on the soccer team. I am just analyzing.

Travis: I will not be playing on the soccer team.

Michael: Dude, you still have not recovered from that last soccer game.

Josh McKee: I was not going to play either, but it worked out so.

Shane: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Hidden skills.

Travis: You are crazier than I am.

Josh: That is a point. That is true.

Michael: All right, so we are going to figure out some conference where we are going to get all four of you guys in person, right?

Shane: Oh, absolutely.

Michael: All right.

Travis: I am thinking about Vegas in January. Yeah, definitely.

Michael: Vegas. I know Aaron had a good time in Vegas. I will not talk about what happened, Aaron.

Aaron: That is very kind of you. Very kind of you.

Travis: We have actually got four or the five people on today’s show that were at NamesCon last year. Travis, we missed you.

Shane: Yeah, I know did not make it.

Travis: Yeah, I will go next time.

Michael: All right, today’s show is brought to you by some fantastic companies. I am going to try something new on this show and talk about the sponsors live because maybe you guys want to interject something.

Our first set of sponsors are,, and We all know Estibot as the service you can find the order of magnitude valuation for estimates of domain names. What is their value, but more importantly is the data behind the Estibot valuations, including which extensions are registered, the comparison sales, the search volume, the type-in traffic, the cost-per-click across all the search engines, not just Google, and much more. Once you find the domain name you want to buy, you use of course. They make sure that the money is paid and verified before the domain name changes hands, so both parties in the transaction are protected. They are licensed, bonded, approved in all 50 United States and every other country around the world they are able to operate in. And then of course Uniregistry is the place where you can go and use a beautiful interface that is optimized for investors to manage your domain names. No cross sells. No up sells. Just a great interface for managing your portfolio.

I am going to tell you. You guys use all three of those sponsors.

Shane: Yeah, absolutely.

Travis: Definitely.

Michael: Yeah, I know Uniregistry is the newer registrar on the block. Maybe you guys have not tried some domains. Maybe you did register a few .XYZs that were only one penny last week.

Josh: Yeah, like ten thousand.

Michael: You did not.

Josh: Yeah, it was one hundred bucks. Why not?

Michael: You threw down for ten thousand .XYZs last week.

Josh: Yeah, I made a play at the five-character consonant-vowel for a penny. So, if I sell one, it pays for it. If not, then I have got a lot of domains to manage.

Michael: See, I am looking forward to hearing what you guys are investing in because when I met you in Vegas, I heard about some of the stuff that you are doing and it is different, so I want to hear more. What about the rest of you guys?

Josh: You can say crazy if you want.

Michael: Crazy. Well, one hundred bucks. I put down one hundred bucks on a craps table and lose it with one roll of Shane like that, so it is a gamble.

Shane: I knew there was a hundred percent chance that Josh was going to buy a lot of name. I mean if the sun was coming up, then when I saw that penny, I just smiled. I just giggled because we saw Elliot talking about should I do it or should I not do it, and I thought Josh right now, as we are all reading this, is binging away.

Travis: It is like too late. He has already got them all.

Josh: The funny thing was he was talking about the time invested. All that sorting through. Who cares? Just click add all. They are a penny. Run a list through and just add. Yeah, I was not sorting through and taking out the ones I liked and did not like. It was a penny. That is why it did not take me that long.

Michael: Well, and now that you have them all at Uniregistry, you throw them into a certain folder, you set them all to do not renew, and you go from there, right? You can easily edit them all. I do not have ten thousand domains at Uniregistry. Is it easy to manage them all there?

Josh: Yeah. So, you can edit up to ten thousand at a time.

Michael: Yeah, nice.

Aaron: Hey Josh, where are you going to list those? And do you have to manually put them up somewhere, like Sedo? How does that work?

Josh: So, I obviously put them right on the Uniregistry market at a buy it now price of something low and I experimented with different price points, but I mean it is a pain in the —- to put them all on like Afternic 50 at a time. But hypothetically, you could upload a CSV to them, but I have never had luck with that. The last time I bulk added anything on Afternic, I just called my rep at GoDaddy and I was like hey, if you know somebody over there, send all my names with premium listings at GoDaddy over to Afternic, and they did because it was a pain.

Michael: Yeah, if you have got ten thousand names, you want to manage that in a spreadsheet and work with one of the representatives to get them added. So, yeah, interesting. Okay, so I want to hear more about that and we are going to get into that.

I have got three more sponsors we are going to tell you about later on in the show, but right now we are going to start off with a segment called “What’s New, Sherpas,” where the Sherpas share what is going on with them. Usually we talk about a buy or a sale that they have made and then other Sherpas get to learn about it. In this case, I want to learn because I do not know much about the DomainShane panel that we have on today. What is the investment style? What is a little bit behind the back-story of the people who are writing the stories on DomainShane?

So, I want to start on the far left with Aaron Wilkin. Aaron. Where are you from? Where are you living right now? How many domain names do you own and what type of investor are you would you say?

Aaron: So, living in Denver now. Grew up in Illinois, about 45 minutes north of Shane, although Shane and I did not know each other growing up. Grew up on a farm. Central Illinois, so good working man. Domains. Probably using round number right now. Call it eight hundred, give or take, and probably 60 percent of those have crappy little, mini sites sitting on them that were built back in 2008, 2009, 2010, so they have been live for a while and that is how I got those, from hand registering a bunch of junky names back in the day. However, they do pay for themselves every year in Google AdSense, so that is why I have still go them around. Drop a few of those each year.

So, that is 60 percent. Another 20 percent is probably another trench of hand registered names from back in 2008, 2009. Some of them are some obscure first names. Some of them are some Spanish terms that were available. One-word Spanish terms that were available back in the day. And then the final 20 percent are the names that I actually care about and probably have the most value, some of which are more liquid domains. Have a bunch of three-character .COMs and then a bunch of other names that I have been trying to bulk up that section of my portfolio with one and two-word .COM domains, and that is really where the focus is these days and that is really where the value lies as well.

Michael: So, you are moving out of the lower quality domain names that you may have had for a while and you are moving into the higher quality, single-word and two-word .COMs. Is that what you said?

Aaron: That is the intent. Absolutely. It took me a little while to have the guts to spend more than a hundred bucks or two hundred bucks or three hundred bucks on a domain name. That progression took me a little while. I am a slow learning, but that is definitely the focus these days, over the last 12 to 18 months or so. A little bit of my time still dabbling around. We have the liquid domain names because they have treated me well over the last couple of years, but I really would like to focus on the one and two-word .COMs, which frankly is not unique to other folks in the industry.

Michael: What is your favorite domain name right now, Aaron?

Aaron: What is my favorite domain right now?

Michael: Yeah.

Aaron: It is probably I remember that one. Wasn’t that a NameJet auction recently or something?

Aaron: No, it was a little bit longer ago on Flippa.

Michael: Okay. Oh, that is where it was. That is a nice one. Welcome, Aaron. Josh, let’s go over to you. Where are you living right now? How many investment domains do you own and what type of investor would you say you are?

Josh: I live in Pennsylvania, Lancaster County. So, with my recent ten thousand .XYZs, I do not know.

Michael: Yeah, pull out those ten thousand. How many do you have?

Travis: It is going to be tens of thousands more.

Josh: 25 thousand.

Michael: 25 thousand.

Josh: Yeah. So, when you say investment grade.

Michael: I do not even say investment grade. I just said investment.

Josh: So, they might just be somewhere in a different category, but as far as like words and maybe short brandables, maybe 12 thousand.

Michael: Wow.

Josh: So, what I have been doing was I basically kind of test-drive the domain. We talk about hand registering domains. I like to call it hand catching because I am not making stuff up. I am going through the drop list and finding value. And I mean there are all different angles I have taken, but my my original strategy was I would go through the drop lists, find names I liked, and then get them for eight dollars, list them, and then sell them and take the profit and buy another batch. And that is what I have been doing, so that is how I have gotten up to whatever it is. Ten. 12.

Michael: So, you have not put anymore. Did you just make an initial investment and from those sales you are just plowing that back in, or do you put some money in as well to buy better domains?

Josh: I mean I am not that organized to be able to tell you that. So, I just sold a bunch of LLLLs, but I still have like two hundred of them that I got when they were 20 to 40 bucks. So, I would sell stuff and then I would do my drop, hand-catching strategy, but I would also take some money and go into the auctions and buy some higher valued stuff. Pretty much everything right now is just domain money flowing in. I make like six to seven hundred bucks in parking per month.

Michael: Wow.

Josh: But when I say you can trial them, if I pay eight dollars for it and it sucks, I get rid of it in a year, but if it makes me 20 bucks and it still sucks as a name, I keep it because it made me 20 bucks.

Michael: Yeah.

Josh: So, I think, digging deep, you can find some good stuff and I like that. We always talk about Domain Name Sales prices everything at like 50 thousand, right? But there is this whole other group of people looking for names from the five hundred to two-thousand-dollar range. They are not going to ever spend that kind of money.

Michael: Totally.

Josh: And there are lots of these people. So, I feel like I am finding names for them and selling to them.

Michael: Yeah, I would even bring down the five hundred to like 250. If you pick something up for eight bucks and you put it in for 250 bucks and a couple people searching on GoDaddy see it in the checkout path. They are going to press that button and take it right then.

Josh: Right, especially with these new gTLDs with premium prices that are way above that. If they see the .COM for 250, and it is not static. You could try. I will start out at two thousand. If it does not sell, and if I want to get rid of it, I can put it down to one hundred and then it is just out the door.

Michael: So, you sound like the ultimate opportunist. You are just looking at whatever opportunities are out there per day and sometimes you buy a whole tranche of them and sometimes you will buy just a few on the drop, but you are willing to play the game and see what happens per year.

Josh: Yeah. So, even stuff, if you know something is selling, but you do not particularly like it, there is still opportunity there because you know that people are buying that crap. So, there is a lot of paying attention to the market as best you can and learning from that, and then you will find little chunks of opportunity all over the place I think.

Michael: And so, some of that opportunity could be end users that you are setting the buy it now price and you are selling it to them, and some of that opportunity is to other investors. You will see where the market is going with LLLL, for example, and you will buy a whole bunch of them. Two hundred. One hundred. Whatever. And then ride that up and then sell those.

Josh: Well, and this is all a new thing for me. Until September of last year, I did not do anything with investor to investor stuff. It was all listed at Domain Name Sales, GoDaddy premium. That is all I did until the numbers started picking up and then I started looking into those different avenues. But before that, it was all words and short stuff on sales platforms.

Michael: Got you.

Josh: So, this is all fairly new to me too.

Michael: Yeah, and what is your favorite name, Josh? If you had to pick one that you can only keep out of your profile, which .XYZ would you keep?

Josh: Which .XYZ?

Michael: Which domain would you keep? What is your favorite?

Josh: I do not know.

Michael: Not on stands out to you like that is the gem of my portfolio.

Josh: Not really. I have a lot of names and I have ideas. When you see them, you are like that is the perfect name for this industry or something. Maybe nobody else recognizes it, but I have a lot like that, but maybe everybody else thinks they are junk, but I do not know.

Travis: What is the one with the highest Estibot value then?

Josh: I have not run them through in a while.

Michael: You are not going to give us anything. I am going to go look them up on DomainIQ while Shane is talking.

John: Yeah, look them up and give me some option, and then I will tell you which one I like the best. I cannot remember. There are too many names to keep track of.

Michael: All right. All right, Shane, let’s go over to you, buddy. You are in Illinois, as I like to say. Did you grow up there?

Shane: No. So, my family has got a nursery here obviously for 150 years literally a mile from Aaron’s family, so Aaron actually knew my family. His dad knows my family for generations, which is very ironic in this whole thing. But I did not grow up there. My dad split off in the ‘70s from the family business to be a hippie. I guess you would say he went and replanted trees in Alabama. So, we moved to North Carolina. He lived a little in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Travis: You lived in Alabama.

Shane: Yeah, I lived in Alabama for eight years. He replanted trees for the paper company in Birmingham, Alabama. So, that is what he did, is he worked for the paper mill, just making sure the trees. And now it is common practice, but in the ‘70s, they just cut down trees. They did not plant them. So, that is what he did and then finally he got in the nursery business and it was a national company. It was a paper company. Weyerhaeuser paper. Weyerhaeuser. So, they started a nursery all over the nation, so I actually went to high school in St. Charles, Illinois, but I have lived all over the country.

But I have lived in here Champaign, Urbana for 21 years, so I still do not know if I call home, but it is definitely been home for 21 years. Raised my family here, but it is in the middle of nowhere, but it is on a college campus and living on a college campus is absolutely the way to go. Lots of sports and girls from 18 to 21 to make sure you yeah, always.

You were muted there.

Travis: How old is your daughter?

Michael: I know. I said stop it. Your daughter and your wife are going to watch this.

Shane: That is it. Whether it is boys or girls, to just see youth having a good time and smiling and walking down the street constantly all day makes you feel good.

Michael: I agree.

Shane: There is no doubt about that being surrounded by young people.

Michael: All right, how many domains you have, Shane?

Shane: So, I probably now have probably 12 hundred. I would like to be at five hundred, but maybe I am at 15 hundred to 16 hundred. Of course like everybody else during the Chinese invasion, I bumped up my portfolio with all these five-letter .COMs. I did some risky moves, but I basically done the same thing forever. Short names that I think are good brands. I think anything companies can use it and end users were the Chinese. They were end users. You can call them whatever you want, but they were paying end user prices, so that is how I treated them.

I still buy short names. Anything that I think a company could use, and I have learned a lot from Josh. I am not going to deny. I have watched. This is all about selling names and who to sell them to, and he has shown that there can be some value in a numbers game. I did not do the numbers game. I still do not have the time to manage the numbers game. Like he said, ten thousand names is brutal. Uniregistry is making it easier. The registers understand and they want more names, so they are making it easier for us, but it is still not easy and I do not have a lot of time to do it.

But my portfolio is getting up there. I have been blessed that I have never put a penny of my own money ever in domains. So, not one paycheck. Not one outside money. I have blogged my way and sold my way to where it is, and I am fortunate now it generates enough revenue. I can buy new names and still get good names and not have to sell. And once you turn that corner like I did last year, it is a beautiful place to be because you can buy names that just keep steam rolling. That is your goal in the domain industry, is to get to the point where there is no outside money and it just builds and builds and builds, and I turned that corner last year and I am happy about it.

Michael: Yeah, it is an interesting point and I think a lot of people look at bloggers or websites in the industry and they are like well, but they do not do it full time or they cannot. That is not the point. How many people have a 401K and do not manage their investments full time? Everybody. 99.999 percent of the United States of the people that have 401Ks and are saving for retirement. But the fact is you buy index funds or you buy stocks or you like Apple Computer and you put it in there, and then you let it compound and you let it appreciate, and that is what most people do with domains as well. I know I am going to retire off of the domains that I have and that is what it sounds like you are doing. Shane.

You are buying the domains that you think are going to appreciate over time and you are going to sell those and you are going to compound it and you are going to grow your domain wealth, and then someday hopefully we will have a big exit like Mike Berkens and sell our domains to GoDaddy for 35 million bucks.

Shane: Yeah, you hope to compound it and you cannot compound it as well if you are having to sell a domain to pay a high water bill. If you are living off your domains, it makes it easier when you can just roll them up. So, that is what I have been doing. I am always less active in the spring and much more active in the summer and fall just because that is how my schedule is and how I put the most time. We talked about it here. I have bought I love plant stuff and I think plants make great brands. My favorite names are Botany and SugarMaple, and all these names that were meant to be plants, but companies love them.

Michael: Yeah

Shane: But then I bought a name. I bought for eight dollar. It is eight dollars. GetANewLogo and a lot of people type that into Google. Those to me are the perfect names, like Josh are getting. If you could just get on to those. I am going to sell that for more than eight dollars.

Michael: Four-word .COM. Come on, Shane. You are not going to sell that.

Shane: It is not how many words. It is what the words mean.

Michael: All right. So, instead of asking you what your favorite domain is, what is the domain that gets the most inquiries, Shane?

Shane: The funny one is Jeeto. I do not know why or what. I am not going to say they are great.

Josh: Are they real buyers or are they spam?

Shane: No, it is Fleeto. I forgot. I know what it means. It means homosexual in Spanish.

Michael: Did you know that when you bought it, because that sounds like a good brand to me, not knowing Spanish?

Shane: Five-letter .COMs make good brands. I always buy them. They are cheap, and I have got a lot of them that get good traffic.

Travis: But that one is not a good brand. It is not Nova.

Michael: Somebody may buy it. It could be like Pinto. Does not go. So, Josh, I just typed into just your name. That is all I did. Josh Eisenhower, and it came back with a bunch of domain names that you own, and then I filtered on it and I see a five-letter, just like what Shane was talking about. I love that at a brandable.

Josh: That is actually on BrandBucket I believe.

Michael: Is it? What is it listed for? Let me go see.

Josh: I do not know. Voozo.

Travis: 4295.

Shane: 3295.

Michael: 3295. So, even BrandBucket thinks that that is a good one because usually they will price like the okay ones around two thousand. 2995.

Josh: What is it?

Michael: 2995. Buy it now.

Josh: Yeah, I have got inquiries on that before I listed it on BrandBucket. I thought it would have sold by now. I think I have had it for about a year.

Michael: Yeah. So, some of the other domains in the five to ten-thousand-dollar range because he uses Estibot valuations. Shippingassistant. That could be a good brand.

Josh: That is a good example of why I don use Estibot that much anymore. I use it for the metrics, but it takes a lot of the longtail ones. Really when I am looking, trying to value away the domain, I might look at Estibot, but it is more how it is going to be as a brand rather than all just based on metrics alone. And a lot of those, I do not even know what they mean, but they have good Estibot values.

Michael: Yeah, totally. All right, thanks, Josh and Shane. Travis, let’s go over to you. The man I know the least amount.

Travis: What do you want to know?

Michael: I want to know where you live, how many domains you have, and what is your investment type.

Travis: All right. I live currently in Grapevine, Texas, right next to the airport, so right in the middle of the DFW airport if you are familiar with hat. I grew up in Plano, Texas, so I have been in Texas my whole life. My experience with domains is really only a couple years at this point. I was in IT for long. I was a developer a long time ago and I was IT management. A CIO of a dating site and then online ad server. And was the dating site, and when it liquidated in bankruptcy, which was kind of a fun process to go through, we had to sell the name,, and we did that through Sedo and it was a big sale.

I do not know if it was confidential or not, so I guess I cannot talk about how much it was, but it was a big sale, and so I kind of got interested in domaining just from that aspect. And so, what kind of the domain investor am I? I have no idea. I am trying to figure that out. I have got names that I plan on holding for a longer time and I have got lots of names that are liquid. So, I have got just under a thousand names and those have all been purchased in the last last year and a half really.

So, I have been kind of floundering all over the place. Buying names that were expensive to start with to see how I could do with those, and then lately I have been doing a lot of the same thing that Shane talked about, learning from Josh. He has got a pretty insane process. I mean if you look at his lists, just like you were reading them off, it looks like a drop list sometimes, but he has got this knack for being able to find the best of the best out there. And if you look at the names that he sells, which it seems like it is every week he is talking about a new one, you are like damn, I do not know if I would have even bought that, and so it kind of changes your mentality.

Michael: Yeah, I am going to need to dig into what Josh is doing and maybe get him on his own Sherpa show.

Shane: I am not sure he knows completely. That is the beauty of it. We all do not.

Michael: Yeah. Travis, I did look up. sold for 350 thousand dollars on January 27, 2014 via Sedo.

Travis: Yeah.

Michael: That seems like a pretty good deal. is a great brand.

Travis: We actually bought it for around 750 thousand though.

Michael: Oh, ouch.

Travis: And that was back in 2004 that we bought it. We were originally, which was a terrible name, and obviously a really great brand, so yeah, True Car actually bought it.

Michael: Oh, nice. Nice. All right, and I see you are a drone fan. You have got drone behind you there.

Travis: Oh yeah, it is a cheap drone, but they are fun to fly. I have not paid for an expensive one yet. I live right next to the airport, so I do not think I can even fly it here.

Michael: No. Yeah, that is trouble waiting to happen. And then Josh was just talking about flying a drone over a river this morning on Why were you flying a drone over a river, Josh?

Josh: We wanted to see how effective it would be to recon the river for drowning victims or people. A lot of times we will get calls for an overturned kayak or boat at Tomic, so it is crazy. Maryland State Police fly a helicopter over. There are all these resources that descend. We do not even know what is going on half the time because it is a big river. And all through the summer there are tubers. Actually it is Park Service property on the bank, but in the river, people drink on the rocks and they are allowed to and then they will get drunk and then float down the river.

Aaron: You better tell people what your job is.

Michael: Yeah, what is your job?

Aaron: I am a firefighter paramedic.

Michael: Got you. That is a great way to survey the water. Every emergency type of management system should be flying drones over to see what is going on. That is a great idea.

Josh: Yeah, it worked out. Look at Shane. He is frozen with a crazy smile.

Michael: Oh no, he is freed up. Hey Josh, why do you go by Mike on Somebody watches this show and they are like man, I want to see what Josh is saying, but there is not Josh on

Josh: Well, yeah, there is both I think.

Michael: Is there?

Travis: It is just Josh.

Josh: I like to confuse people, but yeah, it is Eisenhower.

Shane: See.

Michael: That is why you go by Mike sometimes. Okay.

Shane: It is not DSAD because first it was Domain Shane. Then it was DomainShane Accidental Domainer. Now we have got this great group of guys who are transitioning just to It is definitely not about me anymore and it is not just about Aaron. I will give a quick description of everybody how I see it.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Just to play around. So, Aaron and I are kind of the same people. We run all the time. We work all the time. We are pretty relatively conservative. I was the crazy one before Josh came here, between Aaron and I. Aaron’s thought is straight laced as it comes, but it is a good mix.

Michael: Imagine that, Aaron.

Shane: Yeah.

Travis: He comes from a farm. Farm life.

Shane: Exactly. His dad has the strongest handshake. I met his dad and I could just see where Aaron came from because his Dad is the strongest, toughest man I have ever met. I mean he is a stud. I do not know how old he is. Maybe 65 to 70, and the guy has got guns and hands that could break steel. It is amazing. Anyway. So, that was a good mix and it was together.

But then we met Josh and I see Josh. He is a go-getter. He does it. When he wants something. he is all over it. There is not even 11 on his dial. I think it is a 15 or a 16. So, that is where Travis came and Travis is like the perfect mellow mediator guy and he is pretty much in between. As everybody knows in the emails, he pretty much keeps Josh and I from battling it out over you are crazy and Josh will say well, you are too slow. But Travis is he only one in this whole group that has a possibility that can code whatever he wants and do technically whatever he wants. It is a skill that every single one of us talk about. I would build this and I would do that, and if I could do this. There is one guy sitting on this screen that could anything he wants whenever he wants and it is an incredible skill and gift that I think everybody who is in this industry would be jealous of, and it is an amazing talent.

He keeps the website going. He does things that we just do not even know he does and we just pretend like oh, that is great. Glad you did it. I do not even now what he said half the time. Josh has a better understanding. It is really good.

Michael: Awesome.

Shane: so, it is a great mix of personalities and people

Michael: And background, yeah. All right, guys. Great to get to know you a little bit better. And Travis, are you currently a CIO doing IT type work?

Travis: No, I basically retired after that was done. I am one of that little 0.1 percent that manages my portfolio actively.

Michael: Nice.

Travis: A lot of it anyway, and then try to do domain stuff at the same time.

Michael: Awesome. All right, guys, we are going to jump into the second section. In the Domain Portfolio Review, we take a user-submitted domain name portfolio and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners, so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold the domains long-term for appreciation, or figure out a sales strategy, disposition strategy going forward.

Today’s portfolio was submitted by Bill Ryan Smith. As part of Bill’s submission to DomainSherpa and being a part of the show, he made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer. I know you guys have heard that statement a number of times. In order to be a part, you have got to make a donation. Once you give, you often times get back. Bill’s list. He submitted 25 domain names that starts with and his list ends with

This segment, we are going to go Josh first, then Shane, Travis, and then back over to Aaron. Josh, let’s start with you. Give me a couple domain names on Bill’s list that you think are like winners and what would you set the retail price at if you owned those domains.

Josh: So, when I mentioned the trial and error domains, I would put a lot of these in that category. All of them, where I would not remove them necessarily unless they had some kind of traffic, but with that said.

Michael: Okay, so let me back that up for a second. So, I am understanding you are trying to be a nice guy. I am going to cut to the quick. You think these domain names may not be worth renewing and the only way you would determine that is if they are getting traffic or inquiries or the actually sell.

Josh: Yeah.

Michael: So, what would you do with these domain names if you had them in your portfolio today? You picked them all up for eight bucks on the drop or registered them. What would you do with them first thing?

Josh: I would list them all at 50 dollars.

Michael: Where?

Josh: On GoDaddy.

Michael: GoDaddy. So, go to GoDaddy or Afternic, either way, and list them all buy it now.

Josh: No. So, if they are at GoDaddy right now and I registered them, I can put the premium listing on them right away, which will show up in all the feeds, the auction feeds, and if somebody types in something similar. If I go to Afternic and submit them, I still have to wait till the ICANN restrictions are over before they are a premium listing.

Michael: Got you.

Josh: So, yeah, I would list them everywhere.

Michael: Right, the 60-day lock, if it just changed, you would have to wait for that at Afternic. But if they are at GoDaddy, you can list it. So, you are willing to pay the GoDaddy premium 30 percent I think it is if it sells because you picked it up for eight bucks and you would be willing to take 35 dollars for them.

Josh: Yeah, I am saying with this list, yeah, that is what I would do. But out of that, there is a couple that I think like maybe there would be an end user. There is a bunch with award winning. Architect. HomeDesign. Really I think there are so many other variables that you could throw in there that I really do not see. If you sold them, it would just be an anomaly, but like the interior designer, you might be able to find somebody that likes that as the interior designer. I mean you can even reach out to some people and try to get five hundred bucks for it maybe.

SupplierExpo. Again, it is not a great name, but if somebody has a bunch of wholesale stuff, maybe they do a show, but it is a long shot, but still I can envision a use for it. Some of the other ones I cannot. HarborHigh is probably a high school somewhere, but you can probably sell it to like a Baltimore drug dealer and they can sell all their drugs with it.

Michael: All right, let me cut you off there. So, you like TheInteriorDesigner. Maybe you could find somebody that wants to brand as the interior designer, just like Mike Berkens does at And you like What would you price those two at? What would you price that one at?

Josh: I mean you could start out at like 1488. Something like that, and then just kind of work your way down. Next month take it down to a thousand. Something like that until it is getting ready to expire and then put it at one hundred. I do not know. I am not really good at pricing. I kind of just put them at whatever.

Michael: You take your shotgun with your buckshot and you just sitter it all over and see what hits.

Josh: Right. So, I have taken eight-dollar domains and sold them for five thousand, but it is all timing. And definitely if the name has a little bit of value and it is in the right price range, it is more likely just to be gone. Somebody is going to take it.

Michael: All right, thanks, Josh. I am going to move on to Shane just because we have four of you guys and we need to move through a little bit faster. Shane, what do you like on Bill’s list and why?

Shane: Yeah, you touched on the only name that I like.

Michael: Those two.

Shane: I would not renew them. I thought TheInteriorDesigner was by far the best name on the list and some of them are just bad. I know he is probably a new domainer, but there are just some simple rules and that is in the plurals and knowing which ones that are plural and not plural.

Michael: Give me an example of the plural. Tell me one that clearly.

Shane: FasterEscrows. You take the S off and it is a good name.

Michael: Right, it becomes brandable as FasterEscrows is not a great brandable.

Shane: Yeah, and then LetsParty.Party. Lets.Party would have probably worked, but again, you are just one offing it. You can one-off your way to bankruptcy. You are stretching it out too far. And Josh is going to prove this after the show. He is going to take these same subjects and he is going to find 25 names. I am not putting your out there, Josh, but you could fine 25 names in an hour that are in the same categories, but have a much higher chance of selling, and that is just experience. That is all it comes down to is looking at what sells, what has sold the past. He needs to do a little more of that and he will realize that these names are just not worth the eight dollars where they are at. You just have to start over.

And I agree with Josh. Put them up. See what happens, but you can do that with anything. So, what he really needs to do is do a little homework on what has sold in the past and use like then ten or 20 basic rules of registering a domain, and one of them is do not double up the word. LetsParty.Party is just not the way to go.

Michael: Yeah, and BabysCrib. Babies plural is babies, and that does not even make sense. BabiesCrib. If it were, Josh, would you like that one?

Josh: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah, that could be a brandable actually. BabyCrib.

Josh: It would not be horrible, but there is actually some decent search volume for that misspelling, so maybe it works okay. Who knows? And then he keeps it if it works okay.

Michael: So, in terms of traffic, how do you look at the traffic? You are just going to look at the GoDaddy number of page views or are you looking at the WhoIS lookups or what?

Josh: No, I am saying once he already owns it, then he can evaluate it. So, if he buys it for eight dollars and then now for a year he is going to get the traffic numbers.

Michael: Right, but you have to sign in at GoDaddy and then you can look at the traffic by running the report, right?

Shane: It has got to be WhoIS search. There is no traffic.

Michael: WhoIS search, right.

Shane: Yeah, WhoIS searches, and that is a valuable tool.

Travis: Estibot does it.

Michael: Oh, you are saying search volume.

Travis: Volume.

Michael: All right, you were saying the search volume. I got it. Okay, we are going to move on to Travis. Travis, we have heard that these guys only like two domains. and Do you agree with that or is there another domain on this list that you would keep if you owned?

Travis: Well, SupplierExpo is the one I had the top. And I had that at the top, but if you do a Google search, there are actually a lot of supplier expos that go on every year. It is usually SuppliersExpo, but SupplierExpo would also kind of work, and so I think it is decent enough that I would not drop that one. I would hold on to it. That is pretty generic because most of these are supplier expos for something specific, but still why not have SupplierExpo, so I would keep it.

Michael: Okay. HomesAlongTheCoast. It is a little bit of a stretch. It is another one of these. We talk about four words and it is has got to be the right four words. That is a tough one because it is pretty long, but people do search for that. It has got some search volume and people do have homes along the coast. So, I might keep that one. I am not sure.

Michael: Is that one of the domain names? HomesAlongTheCoast?

Travis: Yeah.

Shane: Fourth one down.

Michael: Oh yeah, okay, sorry. I should have put them in alphabetic order. Yeah, okay.

Travis: And then the other one that I would probably keep is the CommodoresClub just because there are Commodores clubs, so it seems like a pretty decent name to have if you have a Commodore’s club, and then AeroTechDrone. There are a couple other done names on here. AeroTech is kind of a cool-sounding drone manufacturing name. There is a little bit of a trademark issue maybe. There are several companies with trademarked Aerotech. Some of them in aviation that I do not know how much that would. I am not an expert in that area, so I do not know how much that would cross over aviation and drones. Could be an issue.

Michael: Yeah. All right, good feedback.

Travis: You saw OCBRG, right?

Michael: Yeah.

Travis: So, that is Oral and Craniofacial Biology Research Group. I am surprised you guys did not know what that one was.

Michael: Yeah, you guys are like falling down on the job over there.

Josh: Well, I knew. I just did not want to take up all the time.

Michael: Yeah. So, if there is a company that has a really long name like that, I would get on the phone with them and try and sell that acronym to them.

Travis: Definitely.

Michael: All right, generally speaking, Travis, if you owned these 25 domain names and you got an offer on any of them, would that be enough for you to keep it and pay the renewal for another year?

Travis: Wait, I am sorry. I did not understand what you said.

Michael: If you owned these 25 domain names and you got an offer on it for like ten dollars, let’s say, is that enough for you to keep it for another year’s renewal or would you just sell it for whatever you can get?

Josh: Sell it for ten dollars.

Travis: A lot of them. A lot of these I would sell for ten bucks.

Michael: What about What if you got an offer for ten bucks on that one?

Travis: I would probably sell it. I do not like it as much as they do. I think the word ‘the’ works in front of a lot of things, like TheCommodoresClub. It makes sense. ‘The’ in front of a job name. I do not like the way it sounds. It is like the baker or the stockbroker.

Shane: You are not a baker. You are the baker.

Michael: Yeah, ‘The’ domains sell. Go to NameBio and type in front of the name. They sell.

Travis: I have got a bunch of them, but I just do not like the way it sounds in front of that, by why not.

Michael: All right, let’s wrap up the section. But before we get to Aaron, who is going to wow us with a completely different take on all of these things, I got great three quick sponsors to mention on today’s show.

First, if you are buying a domain name from a private party and you want to know what else they own, just like I wanted to know what Josh owned and I just typed in his name, Josh Eisenhower, is the tool that you use to figure that out, and then you can go in and you can sort and you can look at the domains that are of higher value as determined by Estibot. It may not actually be because you may know something else that Estibot does not, but it definitely gives you an order of magnitude look at somebody’s domain portfolio.

Second, if you want to increase your sales, your inquiries, and your profits check out, and do not email saying I cannot find the software at Etsy. Etsy is not it. It is Efty. Forget spreadsheets and archived emails. If you want to manage your entire investment portfolio in one place using a secure and confidential platform, Efty is a place to do it. Your leads are your leads. They are not owned by anybody else. There is a free 30-day trial. Go check that out.

And finally. if you are struggling with domain name valuation, how to determine the wholesale price, how to determine what the retail price is, where to sell your domain names, how to maximize your profit, or how to sell it the quickest, go check out It is an accelerated learning system developed by me based on listening to awesome guys like these over the past five years, and Uniregistry liked it so much they are onboarding all their new employees with A brand new investor came in, Mohamed El Zaafarani, and he emailed me saying, “The Course is pretty freaking amazing and I personally learned a lot from it. The best thing about the course, other than filled with great information, is the fact that it is so simple to read, understand, and straight to the point.” You can go read some more testimonials at, and if you are a Sherpa fan because you are watching the show, enter in SHERPAFAN for a 50-dollar-off coupon when you are checking out on the tuition.

Let’s go over to you, Aaron. Anything else on Bill’s list here that stands out from what the other Sherpas have said.

Aaron: I do not have a lot to add. One name, if I did own it. He could consider taking and reaching out to a bunch of folks who have developed that name on other extensions or have three or four-word domains. Maybe they want to use it as an email shortener. Search volume according to Estibot. I personally would not own that name, but if he is so inclined to hustle a little and reach out to some folks, he could probably sell that for a few hundred dollars if he wanted. It is developed in a ton of extensions, so if wants a couple hundred bucks and spend a couple hours, he can probably get it done. It is not something that I would do, but if he is looking to dig himself out from a hole, that is an opportunity there.

Michael: Yeah, great advice.

Aaron: I would also keep TheInteriorDesigner. I do not mind that name at all. It is not worth a lot, but it is probably worth renewing every year. Nothing else jumped out at me. Two pieces of constructive criticism. When I see five domains that have award winning something, if you are going to put some time and money into registering those domains, do something as simple as going out to NameBio and see if any other award winning domains have ever sold. And according to NameBio, there are zero, so it is not something that I would advise anybody to register because there have not been any other sales in the past that made it NameBio, so I would stay away from those award winning domains.

The other piece of I guess advice or constructive criticism. Think of your potential end user before you register some these domains. Travis mentioned that there is a bunch of Commodore’s clubs. Maybe I am just not familiar with them, but when I look at HarborHigh, I think there is only one or two high schools out there named Harbor High, so who are you actually going to sell this domain to. I just do not see a lot of end user demand for a couple of these things. First in Broadway. There are a lot of first in Broadways out there, but who brands their business on their location, so know your end user.

Travis: That first in broadway name. I actually did have it on my list and I forgot to mention it because I think Bill is in California, and so when I did a Google search for it, it looks like maybe they are building an urban park or something like that. So, maybe an area that is going to be up and coming, and if so, that could be a good name, where he kind of jumped on something that may be coming out. I am assuming that is what it is.

Michael: It could be.

Aaron: That might be.

Michael: Yeah, and if he had inside information for something like that, there are a lot of first in Broadway. Figure out how many there are. If there are ten across the United States and they are building towers, like condos, maybe they will want to buy that for their brand, but you have got to play the numbers. We are all trying to buy domain names that hundreds of companies could potentially want around the world, and if there is only first in Broadways in the US, it limits the pool. And if there are not that many developments per year, then it limits the pool even further.

So, to your point, Aaron, I think you are saying look at the greatest quantity of potential buyers that there could be. And if you do not think that first in Broadway is going to be that domain name, then it might be one to let go.

Aaron: Yeah.

Michael: Okay.

Aaron: And that is pretty much it for me. Everybody buys things like these when they first start out in domaining, so take it as a learning opportunity. In the words of Paige Howell, aim higher for your next batch of domains. Just aim higher.

Michael: Great quote from Paige Howell. Bill, thank you for submitting your portfolio and making your donation to cancer research. We hope that this review has been helpful to you in your domain investing activities going forward. We are going to move on to the Marketplace List.

This segment is sponsored by NameJet. We will be reviewing 14 domains with no reserve or reserve met heading to auction soon. For transparency, I always ask if any of the domains are owned or brokered by the Sherpas. None of you are brokering, so any of the domains listed onwed by you guys.

Aaron: No.

Michael: No, all right. If you like one of the names, click through soon. Some of these auctions end today, the day that this show goes live, Monday, June 13th. They are not commissionable links. We are just tracking them to show NameJet that we are sending them some traffic. The list starts with a three-letter,, and it ends with

All right, we are going to start with Shane this round. Shane, what do you like on the NameJet list and why? Give me two or three domains.

Shane: All right, the first name that came to mind was BuzzTalk, but there is BuzzFeed. There is a problem sometimes when a name becomes so big that you cannot use it anymore. I think buzz is starting to get close to that term, but BuzzTalk. If BuzzFeed was not huge, BuzzTalk would be a great name. It is a perfect Internet name. Two words that everybody can spell. You cannot really mess up buzz or talk very easily, and that is important for me when I am doing a domain. I am not the greatest speller in the world and there is a lot worse people than me typing on the Internet, so I try to get names that are pretty easy to type out.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Another one was CertifiedNurse. I did not look up the price. I should have done more homework, but I do not know if there is a certified nurse versus an uncertified nurse. I mean I do not know.

Michael: There is definitely a certified nursing profession.

Travis: It is a whole degree.

Michael: Yeah, CNA. I do not know what the acronym stands for. Certified nursing administrator.

Josh: Certified nursing assistant.

Travis: There are several certified nurse types, yeah.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Okay, so that is perfect. And nurses are one of the most in-demand jobs in all of the nation right now. There is probably not any more in-demand, easy to get job once you become a certified nurse, so that is a fantastic name. I think that name goes for three thousand plus probably. Three thousand to 35 hundred dollars. NameJet has had some good prices lately. I mean for the names that are solid names, they are not messing around. Because the names are getting harder and harder to find in the .COM, the pricing is starting to reflect that.

Michael: So, even the Estibot value is 18 hundred. You are saying it is going to go higher than Estibot and go for three thousand dollars, in which case you are hoping that if you were to buy this at Estibot, you would hope to sell it for ten thousand to 20 thousand dollars.

Shane: Yeah, there are many nurses and programs. To me, those numbers make sense because a nursing degree is not cheap. Online education is huge. The CPCs are big. Yeah, those numbers all work together, and I do not say that lightly. Some of the neighbors do not work together. They want 20 thousand for a name that sells for three dollars. Unless you are selling a million of those three dollars, you just cannot work the numbers. With that one you can, so I really like that one a lot.

I am going to go ahead and hit the stupid vegan names because that is what we always talk about. I looked up vegan before this show. I just want to see. Okay, we talk about it all the time. What do vegan names really go for? There is no rhyme or reason. They either go for one hundred dollars or they go for three thousand dollars.

Michael: Well, so the hundred-dollar ones are like the people buying them in the aftermarket because we keep talking about them so much, but my question is – I was thinking about this beforehand. Am I doing a disservice to people, because we always joke about the vegan names? What is your joke? How do you know when a vegan is in the room?

Shane: Yeah, how do you know there is a vegan in the room? You have to wait one minute. They will eventually tell you.

Michael: The rubber hits the road. If you go to NameBio and you see something vegan or vegan something selling for end user pricing, selling for 14 hundred dollars, two thousand dollars or more, and actually being used. That is where the rubber hits the road. And so, did you do some research on that, Shane? Are they actually selling for retail?

Shane: Yeah, it happens to do with the sale. So, vegan cooking or vegan shop or anything that is truly going to be used as a store or a place, it is selling for two to three thousand dollars.

Travis: VeganPlanet can do that.

Michael: You think VeganPlanet could do it.

Travis: As a shop, yeah.

Michael: Everything vegan, yeah. It is like the Amazon for vegans.

Travis: I do not know if I mentioned this before, but actually I eat vegan most of the time.

Michael: Oh yeah.

Travis: I snuck into DSAD and I am a secret vegan.

Michael: And you are from Texas. Dude, now that this comes out, they may kick you out of the great state.

Josh: It is the first time he has ever talked about it.

Travis: No, I eat vegetarian probably 95 percent of the time. Vegan 50 percent of the time.

Shane: I am on some days too. I mean I ate vegetables yesterday.

Travis: No, I am just saying the meals I eat. I do not eat beef, pork, chicken. None of that. I have not done that in like five years.

Michael: Wow.

Travis: So, if I do eat an animal product, it will be cheese. And then if I actually eat, I eat fish and shrimp on a very rare rate. Other than that, I do not eat vegan.

Michael: I eat vegan breakfast. I had Cheerios with strawberries. Oh, but I used milk.

Shane: Yeah, you cannot use milk. I am a total vegan breakfast guy.

Michael: All right.

Shane: But I think those names go. I think VeganPlanet actually goes for three or four hundred dollars. I really do. VeganCuisine. I think we are going to be surprised. I mean I know those go for several hundred dollars. It is a big enough market that those names do have value.

Michael: It is not a shrinking market from what we can tell. Travis, let’s go over to you. What names stood out to you on the NameJet list as potential investment opportunities for you?

Travis: Well, I also like to think of the build out opportunities, so it is a little bit different. But AirportAlert I think would be a good name for being able to check ahead of time on security lines, for instance, and some things like that. And then I looked. There is already a company I had no idea that does that, and from what I could tell, they just probably scrape the TSA site, so it would be pretty easy to duplicate that. Scrape the TSA site and out market them maybe, so that is one potential opportunity. It can be used for other things too.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Just scrape the TSA site. It is not big deal.

Michael: Hey man, we are paying taxes.

Travis: They do not care.

Michael: We are paying taxes. I should be able to scrape that government site if we need to.

Travis: Yeah, that is my data, man. There are the short ones. would be at least a few hundred dollars. The actually. sold a year ago for 36 hundred, which is kind of surprising on NameJet. And the closer one maybe is ZPI, which sold for nine hundred just two days ago. So, I think it goes for over a thousand. Well, that was at GoDaddy though, so we will see.

Michael: Yeah.

Travis: Then PalmHotel. There are tons of those, so that might be a decent name to pick up too. I do no know what it will go for on NameJet.

Michael: But that is the kind of domain name that if we were not talking about it and you saw it on a list, PalmHotel, go look up how many palm hotels there are around the world, and there is a name that probably is world wide, not just the United States, and there you have got a ton of opportunities. You pick it up for 69 bucks or one hundred bucks, two or three hundred bucks. I would probably go four hundred bucks because you could probably sell that pretty easily for two, three, or four thousand dollars. Would you guys say?

Travis: I would think so.

Shane: Yeah.

Travis: Eventually yeah.

Josh: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: Sometimes I will actually send, like if they are losing leads, and sometimes I will just send them the leads and say here, I think you should have this. I am not stealing data. I am just forwarding stuff and then eventually they say well, God, how many of those are you getting, and I say well, that is because you have the wrong domain. You have to be careful about it, but at the same time, there is a lot of people that monetize leads in their domains from the emails that get sent randomly. There is a whole world.

Michael: Hey Travis, you mentioned and I like the CPI because you can actually go out and look up how many companies have those initials in their name or you can go do an acronym search on Google for CPI and see how many are not-for-profits, so you can make a determination. Do you like that one as an investment? Do you make those type of three-letter investment .COs or CCTLDs?

Travis: Not .CO. I have not done that yet. I have got others though. And I am not against it. I just do not have any right now. It has got a floor value that is out there. It is pretty easy to see on something like what the floor is.

Michael: Yeah, You can see what the floor value for a three-letter .CO, and that is based on the current sales that are happening in the market today.

Travis: Yes, all current.

Michael: All right, awesome. Thanks, Travis. Aaron, let’s go over to you. What is on the NameJet list that has not been talked about or that you agree with?

Aaron: One that I disagree with just to get that out. I do not actually like CertifiedNurse. I think it is registered nurse. I think certified nurse by itself is sort of an adjective, and the actual degree or an actual job title. That is based on very limited research, so take it with a grain of salt. But certified nurse has like 33 thousand or 44 thousand searches per month, so people, do your research before you go ahead and bid.

Michael: Yeah.

Aaron: My favorite on the list is probably MindWorks. It is an upgrade name for a bunch of different sites out there. I think there is a site out there for like kids developmental toys and things like that. I think there is an ad agency out there. It feels like brain food or something like that. I really like MindWorks a lot. It is my favorite on the list by probably a long shot. So, I like MindWorks.

Michael: Are you going to bid on it?

Aaron: I am going to bid on it.

Michael: What are you going to go up to?

Aaron: I cannot disclose that information because then you will outbid me. I saw you nod when I highlighted it.

Michael: I would never do that to you, Aaron. If you said you are going in on MindWorks, I would not outbid you.

Aaron: I am not sure I believe that.

Michael: What? That hurts.

Aaron: It is a tough business out there, Mike.

Michael: It is a tough business. I got your back, buddy.

Aaron: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Michael: All right. What else do you like on the list?

Aaron: The other is Atomizer. I did not know what that was until last night when I Googled it. It looks like it is part of like the e-cig device that turns it into vapor or something, so it is a product.

Travis: He said it atomizes it.

Aaron: Got it. Fair enough. See, I do not understand what that means, but it is a real product. I do not know if it is a standalone product or just a component of, so I would not pay a ton for it, and it would require a little bit more research there as well. But it has got decent search volume. It is 14 thousand per month per Estibot. It is a product that sells for 25 to 75 bucks, so there is some value to that name. It is not the same value as what Estibot puts on it, but that is not the function that I use Estibot for anyway. So, those are the two that jumped out at me. MindWords and Atomizer.

Michael: Awesome. Thanks, Aaron. Josh, let’s go over to you. You get the last say on the NameJet list. What do you like and what do you dislike?

Josh: So, I think Atomizer is the best name on the list.

Michael: Why?

Josh: Not only for vape stuff, which is huge and it is the key component of it.

Michael: What? What have you got there?

Josh: Right here.

Michael: What is in that oil though? That is what I want to know.

Josh: I bought it just for this show, just so I could show you.

Michael: Oh, nice. You are considerate that way. Now, if you are in Washington State, that is legal, baby. Oh, it is just a cigarette. Yeah, of course.

Josh: Yeah, I cannot go to work. I am not going to go to work next week. I get drug tested like every three months randomly somehow. I do not know. But also, the atomizer is the thing that is used for narcan.

Aaron: The what?

Josh: So, narcan is the drug that counteracts opiates. Okay, heroin. A lot of different opiate-based drugs. Street drugs. Prescription. So, there is a big push that has been in the news a lot lately about cops carrying them. Narcan. You can buy it over the counter now. So, if your buddy overdoses, you can give them the narcan. Well, the delivery route is inter nasally with an atomizer that attaches to the end of it. So, basically it turns it into a mess, but atomizes it and gets through the mucous membrane to deliver the drug so that it counteracts the heroin.

Michael: Got you. So, I think it is a big name that way. It could be because, like I said, they are flying wine off the shelves. The other thing. We really do not need this narcan on the street because we just have to bring it for the people. If you had a pocket mask, you could just ventilate the person. That is what they need to breathe. People do not want to do that, so we just put extra drugs out there. But any case.

Travis: Is this so we do not have to plunge a needle into their heart?

Josh: We do not put it in the heart. It is just a deliver route.

Michael: And I just did a quick search on Google and atomizer perfume came in, and that reminds me of those special perform jars. I think you put the perfume and then you pump it and it atomizes it. I love it as a brand. I think that it could just be a great brand for a company because it is a word that people have sort of heard, but they do not really know what it is and it strikes me as something that it could be easily spellable and a great brand.

Josh: Yeah, I think it is really good too. All right, Atomizer. You like it best. What else do you like? So, addressing Aaron’s certified nurse, like the question with it. So, there are different levels of nurses. There are LPNs, RNs, and then CNAs. I see this as like a home health site, where you want a certain level of certified nurse and you go there, and then it is a little bit general, but within that site you can find these different levels of nurses to come do whatever job you need to do. That is what I like about it.

Michael: It could be a jobs board or something like that as well. What were you going to say, Aaron?

Aaron: So, yeah, I stand corrected and that is why I would not bid on that name. Use the Warren Buffett philosophy. Buy what you know. That is why you do not buy domains in industries that you do not know anything about, because you get it so wrong or you pick the wrong phrase. You think it is really popular, but it is not. Buy what you know.

Michael: Yeah.

Aaron: Sorry to interrupt, Travis.

Travis: No, that is the great thing about domains. Everybody has their own life experience and their own view or their own perspective and they can see value in things that nobody else can, but they know that other people in that same industry or that same world will see value in.

Michael: Totally. Yeah, all right. Anything else that you want to mention on the list, Josh.

Josh: I mean I did like MindWorks too. And I thought if you were going to make like a prepackaged vegan meal type thing, VeganCuisine would be a great brand for that. Like in the frozen section of the grocery, it is vegan cuisine and then you microwave it. Get your tofu or whatever.

Michael: Yeah, like Lean Cuisine or something. Yeah, it is a good brand from that perspective and maybe there is going to be like a Blue Apron. There is a number of delivery services. Maybe there is an organic,, certified by a nurse, or whatever delivery service.

Shane: Yeah.

Michael: Cool. What would you stay away from, Josh? What is the one name on here that you are like that is a loser; do not buy that domain name?

Josh: I mean I think these will all sell and they have some measure of liquidity, even the word names. You can always buy and put them right back up on NameJet and they would sell again I think.

Aaron: Hey Josh, would you buy every on one of these names for 69 bucks just out of curiosity? I know that they will sell, or I believe that they will sell, but would you actually put bids in on every single one of them?

Travis: I would.

Josh: Well, yeah, I mean I would because I am fairly confident that I am not going to lose anything on them just because they are decent enough brands. I mean I am not saying that everybody should go on and buy them, but if they were going to be 69 bucks, it is not that much money. I would take them all because I know that even the lowest valued liquid one is probably the ADR and you are still going to get maybe 150 to 200 bucks for that.

Travis: I think higher.

Josh: I think even BuzzTalk. To Shane’s point of it is an overused term, I agree, but that also means that it is going to sell to somebody. Look at the VR crap. I mean it is like every freaking name is VR and a word, like VRPurses. What the hell is a VR purse? It sold the other day.

Travis: That is a good name. VRPurse is a place where you can actually shop for purses by VR. Stuff like that will take off. Eventually it will. You will be able to do all these things, like shop at a mall on VR. It would be pretty cool, but just for purses.

Josh: Yeah, every word plus a VR. I just am not seeing it.

Shane: And I do not think you have to describe

every brand in the name. Uber tells me nothing about what it is. You just remember Uber, and that is how I look at brands. You do not have to describe what it is, so that is where the VR thing does not work as much for me. You can have a VR purse shop, but it could be called like Purstly and still work, or anything. It could be called anything, but that is the hard part. To me that is the toughest name on the list. I mean we know about clouds and clouds is a word, but we make a lot of money on people buying buzzwords that are never going to get developed because, like I said, we are sitting on a panel of five people and there is only one person that could truly build it out themselves. Everybody else is going to buy fifty names with an idea that they are going to build it out and never do it, and there is a lot of money being made, bought and sold on dreams.

And that is not attacking or taking advantage. That is just how the world operates. There are a lot of lottery tickets sold, so it is okay to be the seller of lottery tickets.

Michael: Yeah. All right, gentlemen, we are at the end of today’s show. I always like to give the Sherpas an opportunity to share anything that they want about names that they have at auction that maybe you want to point people to or opportunities that they are looking for, if you are always looking for certain domain names or a whole portfolio of domains, or just people you want to give a shout out to in the industry. Anything you want. Let’s start with Shane.

Shane: Well, visit DomainShane or This is what you get. I mean I try and thank them personally, but they are the true hard. For me, I cannot do it myself and I have tried for years, and it is a hell of a lot more fun working with all these guys. I learn something every day from being on the show, from work with these guys. Everybody has got a different perspective and it is nice to argue about things and have different ideas to laugh. It is really enjoyable to work as a team and people that work alone, that is almost more difficult than working with a team.

People do not want to work with other people because you do have all these different ideas mixing together and it is tough, but at the same time, working alone is truly boring and you never grow as a person because you think everything you do is right. You have got to talk to other people. Josh. We both said it. Josh’s style is nothing that we have ever done before. Man, and Aaron, same thing. That is why you go to domain conferences. You get one day of talking to two hundred people. Well, now I get to talk to four every day instead of one day.

So, I think it is great. I have loved it. I have enjoyed it. I learn from it and I tell other people talk to more people in the industry as much as you can to hear how other people are approaching this thing because you will make more money and you will not spend and lose as much as well. That would be my advice.

Michael: Good advice. Travis, anybody you want to shout out to, any auctions you have coming up, anything you want to announce?

Travis: Visit

Michael: DSAD, baby.

Travis: We are all on the same thing. No, I do not have anything actually at auction right now, but I want to reiterate what Shane just said. It is great to learn from other people. So, definitely totally changed the way I approach my daily investment stuff, learning from Josh and and trying to do stuff his way, and then sort of his way. We have a difference of opinion as well, but that is it. I do not have anything else.

Michael: Cool. Aaron Wilkin. I am going to make you a cash offer right now for it.

Aaron: You are going to make what?

Michael: I am going to make you cash offer. All right, so Aaron submitted at NamesCon in January. We taped that. It is on DomainSherpa. You can go watch it. The Sherpas loved it. You got a cash offer on the spot. You did not sell it. Are you going to sell it this year do you think?

Aaron: I am going to sell it this year. We just traded emails again this morning with a buyer and to get things finally hammered out.

Michael: All right, do not sign an NDA. I want to know all the details.

Aaron: I think you actually know them.

Michael: Well, but I cannot say it publicly. That is not what I do.

Aaron: I think you know most of the details.

Michael: I know. I know. All right, anybody you want to give a shout out to or anything you want to announce?

Aaron: I am all set. Thank you. I go with what Travis and Shane said, so I am all set.

Michael: Thanks for being on the show. Josh, anything you want to give a shout out to? Auctions. Do you auction anything?

Josh: I had my first Flippa sale last night.

Michael: Hey, congrats.

Josh: 8.PM for 11 dollars.

Michael: And then you paid nine bucks to list it, but you got the promotion for free.

Josh: And I paid a dollar success.

Michael: Oh, that is right. The dollar success fee. Hey man, a profit is a profit.

Travis: That is not a profit.

Michael: Do not count your time, so it is a hobby.

Shane: That is the whole reason he is part of it. For those brilliant things.

Travis: Well, weren’t you paying like ten bucks per month to keep that thing registered in like one of those weird ones where you pay a hundred a year or ten bucks a month?

Josh: Yeah. Well, I paid for two months. I mean come on.

Travis: Yeah, not a profit.

Michael: All right, it is a loss, but your first auction. All right, so you are not doing auctions. Anything else you want to mention?

Josh: No, we are learning from each other and I think we are making each other grow as investors, as domainers because we are challenging each other, so I think it is a good thing. I think we are having a good time. I have not talked to Aaron really in months, so this is good. We will have to do this again, so we can make sure he is okay.

Michael: He is looking fine to me, especially if he closes that sale. All right, guys. If you received benefit from today’s show, please post a comment below and thank this Sherpa panel.

I want to give the first thanks to Bill Ryan Smith for submitting his portfolio and making his generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. I want to thank NameJet for submitting their portfolio and sponsoring that portion of the DomainSherpa Review, and then of course I want to thank our DomainSherpa panel here, Aaron Wilken, Josh Eisenhower, Shane Cultra, and Travis McKee, who donated their time, who helped Bill figure out what to move forward with, what to cut his losses on, who in their part helped in one way find a cure for cancer through Bill’s donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Thanks to all you for sharing your experience and insights. We will see you all next time.

Travis: Thanks, Michael.

Josh: Yeah, thanks.

Shane: Thanks.

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28 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review w The DomainShane Crew: 10k .XYZs for $100,,…”

  1. MrT says:

    It’s nice to finally meet the Domain Shane crew. I am curious: how did you get $10,000 xyz for $100? Is it related to the DomainInvesting article I hear referenced in the video? “.XYZ Planning “biggest sale the domain world has ever seen” was the only one I could find.

  2. Great show thanks to all.
    It was really great hear opinions from human domainers and not only superhero like usually :)

  3. Richard says:

    Awesome show, so cool they found each other and can collaborate whenever. I’ve always done this alone, with the help of namepros and domain sherpa. :)

  4. Matt says:

    Great Review! Happy to get to know the guys!

  5. ikehook says:

    Ok, here’s my list of names I just found that I think are better than some of the ones in the list. I took about an hour to look and all are available to register. The names listed could be a brand or are something. That doesn’t mean that you will be able to sell them or that anyone will want them, just that I can envision a brand, product or a website in the below names. I tried to find names related to the list that Bill submitted. Bill, thanks for submitting your list and making yourself vulnerable so that you can learn, be a better domainer and help others do the same. I substituted friend for amigo, and as far as the Drone names go, be cautious, there are a ton of Drone names registered with a limited amount of drone companies. The drone names are simply potential brands that I think work. Maybe there’ll be a Drone store on every corner in the future, but save some money and register names for businesses already on every corner.


    1. That is a great list of ideas Josh. Many thanks for your follow-up and ideas.

      I registered (aka baby’s crib) in May of 1999 with only a vague idea that it would/could be used for some type of birth announcement website. Although I don’t spend much time on Facebook (2nd Tuesdays of odd numbered months :-) ) – looking at the linking model refined my thoughts a bit – to make it an announcement site and Baby Registry that would e-mail everyone the new “parents to be” wanted to alert via some cute/classy e-mails and maybe even snail mail. This would not only build a database of new parents – but their near and extended family/friends as well. There are 4M babies born in the US every year – so I think the potential is there. Revenue might be from a subscription/membership fee – but most certainly could also include significant affiliate marketing revenues since the new “parents to be” are telling everyone what they want for the new baby. It would also be easy to attract advertisers with such a focused visitor market. Other than a Concept Paper ~ I haven’t been able to spend much time on this project… but in the past few days, have registered and

      I developed websites from 1995 until 2010 and then moved over to (Stock Market) Equity Options Trading. It’s low risk, fun and can be traded daily (day trading) or swing traded for quick, easy profit. As an old webmaster, I am, by default, an Accidental Domain Investor as well. My portfolio is small, 100% hand registered – and much of the legacy stuff is primarily meant to create 2 – 4 word search phrases. A lot of what I hold was used temporarily, at one time, for a client staging site before moving their content to their own domain – usually a company name. All of them I believe, can be developed – it there were only 10 more of “me.”

      More about me at and my current inventory at I have an old “domains for sale” website still up for a few more weeks (I’ve dropped a lot of the domains on it) at

      Much of my inventory, you’ll see – if you visit is home/Real Estate related. I live in Newport Beach, CA – so that’s a large and rich market here.

      Again ~ you guys were really great and I’d hope to meet you some time at one of the west coast Domain conventions. Many, many, many thanks…


  6. Adam says:

    Nice show as always Michael. Running a website as a team is always the way to go. From my own experience it’s helpful to have several different heads.

    Appreciate that Josh is a firefighter/EMT but I don’t agree with his strategy. Organizing and trying to sell 10,000 .XYZ domains seems like too much time investment vs. the potential payout. I think you always need to look at things from a time perspective. How do you maximize your time as a business?

    If it works for him though, whatever. That’s great.

    I’d like to remind Josh that Baltimore has many great aspects besides drugs. We also have riots and many vibrant TV shows have been filmed here. Shows like “The Wire” and “Homicide”! :D

    Medical Marijuana is legal in Maryland, recreational is not. They are currently working on handing out dispensary licenses but the process is taking a long time. There have been many more applicants than the amount of hemp dispensaries they will allow.

    1. Ikehook says:

      Ha! the wire’s a great show. Sure there’s more than drugs, but can’t you envision a cart in the inner harbor rolling by Phillips with “” written on the side?
      Pot is basically legal now in MD it’s only a summary offense, and Baltimore PD has bigger things to worry about than a cannabis dealer, so I think it could still work. :)
      As far as the time invested with xyz, it was minimal, a few hours total, so I don’t think it’s a factor. Just bulk add to the market.

      1. :-) – I never even thought of used in conjunction with Pot. Maybe it IS worth something – could be a buyer up there in San Francisco. Probably a half million of them. Might be better to wait until it’s actually legal here in CA, though. It already is, de facto, with Medical Use now OK – but the possibilities…

      2. Adam says:

        It’s not the initial time buying, it’s the time managing and selling. It sounds like you don’t set it and forgot it. You try to drop prices as the expiration date gets closer.

        Will you renew all the domains? That would be a $80,000 – $100,000 renewal cost.

        Unless you are committed to dropping all the names, which is probably unlikely, you will be trying to figure out which domains you should keep or drop. That IS time consuming. Not worth it for .XYZ domains.

        1. Jones says:

          It sounds to me like he bought 10,000 domains, set a $500 BIN price on all of them, set all to not renew, and if none of them sell then he’s going to drop them. Maybe I misunderstood what he said.

          When he was talking about dropping prices, I thought that was in a different part of the conversation.

        2. Ikehook says:

          Adam, come on pal, lol, watch the episode again. I sure as hell will drop them all if nothing happens, and I won’t spend anytime managing them, I’ve already “managed” them. It’s a totally different strategy from .com domains. However if I wanted to change the prices it would take me 30 seconds at unireg, to change all of them. As far as dropping prices on coms it depends on the name, if it sucks I’ll lower the price. It’s dynamic I don’t have rules for it and I have a full time and part time job, so I’m not really sitting around all day playing with prices. Here’s a good example on NGTLD’s. I bought 400 or so .pics for $1 each. I sold 1 right away for $600 and have made $600 in parking over the last year(weird yes). So I’ll keep the few that parked well and got traffic, but I’m dropping all the rest. I’ve already made money off that play. I’ve spent an hour over the last year “managing” them. So I think that’s a pretty good return on time and money. It’s not time consuming at all to run a report and see which names got inquiries and traffic. I run the report and it’s done. So the bottom line is, you’re making assumptions that aren’t accurate, but I agree, were they accurate it would be a huge hassle and waste of time.

        3. Ikehook says:

          The other thing I’m curious about is not “agreeing” with a strategy. You can think it’s bad but agreement has nothing to do with it. If it works it works if not who cares? Risk vs benefit, risk is $100 and an hour, benefit is unknown. Well actually one benefit is just talking about it, and fun fact we’ve spent more time talking about it than I’ve spent managing them. You missed out bro, instead of not agreeing with my $100 domain buy you could have bought your own 10k xyz’s.:) I could have doubled my money already. There was a guy offering 2 cents for any xyz’s on namepros. I’m holding out for 5 cents a name. I like the discussion, but in the scheme of things it’s such a small thing and insignificant amount it doesn’t matter. Now I’m pissed I didn’t buy 100K, that would have made it more fun to talk about.

          1. Adam says:

            Buying any .XYZ domains seems like a flawed strategy to me. There are much better new gTLDs. I believe .CLUB, .APP, .BLOG, .WEB, and maybe .LINK will be successful long term. Who knows though.

            Better to stick with .COM, .ORG and ccTLDs right now.

            As you said it was only $100 dollars and a few hours of your time. In my first comment I said. “If it works for him though, whatever. That’s great.”

            If the bulk strategy is working, awesome. Keep at it Josh.

            I did buy a bunch of .ME domains on sale and just sold one yesterday. I had development plans for it but made a decent profit. Can’t complain.

            I think to effectively sell it would be best to list on Afternic. That way they push out to different registrars. Listing on NPs at 5 cents is not worth it. :)

            I did in fact look for keywords in .XYZ but couldn’t find much. I even checked the list that were provided by the .XYZ registry.

            I owned some premium (while in my opinion) geo .XYZ domains and had ZERO offers on them for 7 months. This included Maryland(.)XYZ actually.

            Dan Negari is a smart guy. He deserves credit for being a brilliant marketer.

            I will re-listen to the show. I typically listen to this when searching for domains. :D

            We both have a similar mentality when buying/selling names. Have no emotional attachment and drop the bad stuff. :)

      3. Adam says:

        Few things surprise me in Charm City anymore. :)

  7. Candace says:

    Thanks much for the review guys. Good to put faces to the names.

    1. Travis McKee says:

      You’re welcome Candace. Thanks for the comment.

  8. Hey Mike and the DomainShane crew – thanks for the comments on my 25 domains. Even though you took my expectations down a notch or three, it was very informative ~ as always. Some of these domains were used in “late 90’s” portal website efforts and some are more recent. Usually I’m thinking about search phrases or brand when I buy a domain. The DNAcademy is helping me to follow a more rational, structured approach to domain investing. Many thanks, again – Best Regards to all

    1. Travis McKee says:

      You are welcome Bill, and thanks again for your generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

      1. Always… I lost my Mom to Oat Cell Lung Caner in 1978. She was only 56.

    2. Shane Cultra says:

      We appreciate you putting your portfolio out there for the whole world to see and be critiqued. . I promise you that all us have spent more money that you spent on these names for names as bad or worse. It’s all about learning and building a stronger portfolio. Thank you for the donation and letting others learn from your purchases.

  9. The Truth says:

    Buying $100 worth of .XYZ domains is a great idea. Whether they have value or not within a year is up to the XYZ registry to produce. Has all their marketing been “spin” or truth? We’ll find out. Josh is only out $100 but we all get to learn from his investment. I hope Michael does a show in a year on that topic!

    1. I just Googled “xyz” –

      “About 58,500,000 results (0.47 seconds) ”

      holy cow (.com)

  10. Jake S. says:

    Great show. Really enjoyable. Thanks!

    1. Travis McKee says:

      You’re welcome Jake. Thanks for the comment.

  11. Trev says:

    Love those guys. Cool to see them in person (sort of).

    1. Travis McKee says:

      lol – thanks Trev (sort of)

    2. Shane Cultra says:

      My ugliness is a known commodity so it must be the others you speak of :)

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