Domain Name Acquisition Archive

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Michael Saylor: Bitcoins & Domain Names as Foundation & Framework for the Future

Michael Saylor: Bitcoins & Domain Names as Foundation & Framework for the Future

Michael Saylor, visionary CEO of Microstrategy, who sold last year and converted $400M into Bitcoin, joins Media Options CEO Andrew Rosener to discuss domain names, domain valuation, the dematerialization of assets, and so much more!

They discuss why it’s time to rediscover the criticality of owning your own domain, and why to sell, market and service your value proposition through your own domain.

This show is vital for ANY CEO, entrepreneur, bitcoin investor, or domain investor! Jam packed!

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Sherpa Founders Series: Making Bank: An Evolution of Opportunities with – with Chris Snyder

Sherpa Founders Series: Making Bank: An Evolution of Opportunities with – with Chris Snyder

Chris Snyder’s career, in essence, has been creatively providing bespoke solutions for clients. Chris speaks about the evolution of opportunities he encountered with, the network effects and marketplace models that challenged him during development, and how he is hoping to build a $50M+ company!

After Chris had negotiated a licensing agreement for and personally invested $750,000, the rug was pulled from underneath him and he was informed the domain was for sale for $2-$5M! With his unique focus, savvy and authenticity, Chris managed to negotiate and acquire the domain, and is now reaching for the stars!

Sherpa Founders Series: as Cypherpunk Activism: Decentralizing the Internet – with Mike Carson

Sherpa Founders Series: as Cypherpunk Activism: Decentralizing the Internet – with Mike Carson

Mike Carson, the savvy programmer and founder of, explains the launch of and what that means as an opportunity both for new types of domain name investing as well as decentralization of domain names and/or DNS.

Frankly, anyone who uses the internet and wants to know what the future may look like, and certainly any individual who invests in domains or corporate brand manager, will benefit from today’s show!

Step by Step: the Startup Domain Acquisition Process – with Amanda Waltz

Step by Step: the Startup Domain Acquisition Process – with Amanda Waltz

Experienced domain name broker Amanda Waltz reviews the startup domain acquisition process step by step, and what a broker contributes to the process. We discuss how to create an acquisition shortlist, how and when to incorporate other entities such as legal and marketing, and how to narrow down the shortlist, make offers and get to the end goal!

Any startup planning to acquire a domain name will benefit from this show!

Profitable Flip: Crypto Domain with Logan Flatt

Profitable Flip: Crypto Domain with Logan Flatt

Strategic online marketing consultant Logan Flatt joins us to share a profitable flip with a crypto domain, He meticulously charts the domain history even including initial registration, expiration and complete drop back to the registry for over two years before another new registration.

Learn why he saw value, how he calculated and adjusted asking prices, and even hear how he tracks asking price and offers versus crypto value at each time.

Plus, get all the details leading up to the final sale!

GoDaddy’s Aftermarket Approach: Normalizing Premium Domain Acquisitions

GoDaddy’s Aftermarket Approach: Normalizing Premium Domain Acquisitions

GoDaddy has amassed a significant premium domain name portfolio over the past years via several valuable portfolio acquisitions, and in their next strategic step, GoDaddy created a new position, Senior Premium Domain Name Consultant, with Jebidiah Burnett filling the consultative sales role with his tremendous expertise.

Given the rising tide of the domain industry and the tipping point we’ve been discussing in end user education on domain name values, this is a statement for the entire ecosystem.

With Andrew Rosener joining us, we also discuss insights on the market in general and trends & feedback these two brokers are receiving from their daily interactions with premium domain buyers.

Making a Moat: Matt Barrie Pulls out all the Stops

Making a Moat: Matt Barrie Pulls out all the Stops

Tech entrepreneur & top global influencer Matt Barrie reveals how to build a moat around your business and why he believes exact match domain names are integral to strategy.

Matt calls the domain industry a phenomenal, fertile industry and reviews’s recent report on Alternative Investing: A Comparison Between Traditional Instruments & Web Domains.

If you’re developing business strategy, maximizing marketing budget, or curious about domain investment, you want to hear one of the smartest – and most engaging – successful tech entrepreneurs today!

Escrow Insights: Building the Future – with Matt Barrie

Escrow Insights: Building the Future – with Matt Barrie

Tech entrepreneur and top global influencer Matt Barrie specifically discusses his acquisition of and his strategy in business acquisitions in general. Plus, we learn so much about what he sees in the domain industry behind the scenes at Escrow.

Matt is one of the most brilliant and voluble business minds today, so this interview is just jam packed with commentary about best approaches for entrepreneurs.

Bonus: We discuss’s 2 recent reports. 1. Alternative Investing: A Comparison Between Traditional Instruments & Web Domains 2. Domain Investment Index, beginning with this one in Q1 2019. We get in depth with Matt reviewing factors influencing current domain name prices and so much more!

If you’re involved in business acquisitions or interested in the domain industry whatsoever, you want to hear one of the smartest – and most engaging – successful tech entrepreneurs ever!

Utilizing a Premium Domain for a Rebranding Statement:

Utilizing a Premium Domain for a Rebranding Statement:

Startup founder Fletcher Richman walks through how BubbleIQ decided to expand their product offering and make a statement via a premium domain rebrand to

If you’re involved with a startup that is expanding its product offering or customer base, acquiring a premium domain, or working through decisions on investment capital, you will benefit from today’s show!

How Mike Faith Creatively Purchased and Grew

How Mike Faith Creatively Purchased and Grew

Mike Faith founded a headset company and experienced explosive growth, selling $3 million in the first three years. Then he hit a bump in the road. To get the company back on a path of consistent growth, he raised money and acquired

Learn how he creatively financed the domain name, what benefits it provided to his business, and how he made a generic word memorable.

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