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DomainSherpa Review – Nov 9: Essential.com, 70.biz, 7076.com, Susan.com…

DomainSherpa Review – Nov 9: Essential.com, 70.biz, 7076.com, Susan.com…

What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?

In this show:
• We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently: Essential.com, 70.biz, 7076.com
• An investor’s portfolio is appraised: AspenLiving.com, Pinstriping.com, CTSN.com…
• Get your bids in soon for Susan.com, VeganShop.com, Wallet.org…
• A surprising result when a Sherpa summits the mountain in the “Name That Price” game
• Don’t be a rookie investor – how to use (and not use) Estibot’s valuation tool
• Plus, much more!

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