DomainSherpa Founders Series – Mar 11 2021: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop w/ Bradley Kam of Unstoppable Domains

Welcome to another episode of the DomainSherpa Founders Series! On this episode JT & Drew talk to Bradley Kam of Unstoppable Domains ( and discuss a number of topics including:

  • The rise of the decentralized Internet;
  • The appeal of the .crypto & .zil domain extensions, and;
  • The benefits of blockchain domain names.

Be sure to tune in!

Review (74:41): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Transcript

DomainSherpa Founders Series

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This Show’s Sherpas

Bradley Kam
Bradley Kam
Bradley Kam is the co-founder and head of Biz Dev for Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains is a San Francisco-based company building blockchain-based domains. These domains replace cryptocurrency addresses with human-readable names and are powered by the Ethereum and Zilliqa blockchains.

Unstoppable Domains are decentralized. This makes them, in a word, unstoppable. Once a user claims a domain to a wallet, they have absolute control over that domain. Domains can be transferred, updated, and linked to other services without any involvement from Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains cannot deactivate, change, or transfer a domain's records without a user's permission.

More shows with Bradley Kam »

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

Jonathan Tenenbaum
Jonathan Tenenbaum (JT) is an accomplished Internet industry veteran and digital asset expert. An attorney by trade, he spent over 14 years with in various legal and business roles, including nearly 5 years managing NameJet, the leading domain name aftermarket platform.

Now Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel of MediaOptions, the top domain brokerage agency, Jonathan is also the Host & Executive Producer of DomainSherpa - where they cover all types of digital assets, including crypto and NFTs, and where "all roads lead to domains"!

More shows with Jonathan Tenenbaum »

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DomainSherpa Founders Series – Mar 11 2021: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop w/ Bradley Kam of Unstoppable Domains

Welcome to another episode of the DomainSherpa Founders Series! On this episode JT & Drew talk to Bradley Kam of Unstoppable Domains ( and discuss a number of topics including:

– The rise of the decentralized internet,
– The appeal of the .crypto & .zil domain extensions, and
– The benefits of blockchain domain names.

Be sure to tune in!

And find out more about Unstoppable Domains at!

More About…


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2 Responses to “DomainSherpa Founders Series – Mar 11 2021: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop w/ Bradley Kam of Unstoppable Domains”

  1. Paul Hart says:

    Many thanks to JT and Andrew for this most important interview. Brad lays out the future of domains on the blockchain. This has huge implications for the future, and it may be years but we
    could see an enormous shift away from our legacy tech stack to the blockchain. Much to think about and discuss, would like to dig deep into this.

  2. Nick says:

    Let me ask a question from someone who knows nothing about Blockchain. So a guy starts a company on tech.crypto , Company gets pretty big. The guy is not part of the 0.001% of people who plan for death in his 40’s. So, when he dies in his 40’s his passwords die with him. So is that business now just completely stuck? And will never even be able to do a simple change like change a webhost again?

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