Marc Ostrofsky is likely best known as the domain name investor who bought for $150,000 and sold it for $7.5 million a mere four years later, earning him an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. publisher Michael Cyger spent an hour with him before Marc had to run to another meeting.
But then his meeting was pushed back, and he had another 20 minutes to share insights.
are holding – say – 2,000 domain names, working part time, hustling with a day job, and working
to make some extra money after hours through domain names?”
Trust me, the answer will shock you.
And Marc provides advice for the developers in the audience that is worth millions.
Sign up for the email newsletter (sent to you 3 times per week) and we’ll send you a link to the bonus advice from Marc Ostrofsky. It’s 20 minutes of video that you do not want to miss.
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