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ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

Large corporations have deep pockets and large intellectual property staffs with which to protect their interests, including trademarks. The result of such financial power can often be lobbyist-influenced legislation that does not favor domain name investing.
What you probably didn’t realize is that the Internet Commerce Association is a domain name trade association that since 2006 has been representing the financial interests of domain name entrepreneurs.

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50% ROI Per Year on Domain Name Parking – With Michael Gilmour

50% ROI Per Year on Domain Name Parking – With Michael Gilmour

What are the best domain names to buy for parking, how can you maximize your return on investment when buying such names, and what is an appropriate return on investment for parking? These are but three of the questions answered in this week’s show with Michael Gilmour.

An entrepreneur and investor, Gilmour started his domain name business by placing a big bet: his last $100 on a single domain name that he immediately parked. Learn how Gilmour parlayed his earnings from that single domain into a portfolio that at its peak generated thousands of dollars a day in parking revenue.

5 Essential Lessons Learned from T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2011

5 Essential Lessons Learned from T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2011

Last week, the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Domain Conference & Expo took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Top domain investors from around the world converged at the Ritz Carlton for five days of networking, sharing, learning, partying and dealmaking.

Here are five lessons learned that you can use to grow your business that I gleaned from this conference. If you attended the conference and learned a lesson or two that is not covered here, please let us know about it in the comments.

Seize the Opportunity – With Troy Rushton

Seize the Opportunity – With Troy Rushton

During his career as an entrepreneur, Troy Rushton has started and exited three companies. Today, he is working on his fourth and biggest idea: creating a domain name exchange platform, similar to stock exchange platforms like NASDAQ and NYSE.

Learn how Rushton built and sold his last three companies for millions, where he finds inspiration, and how he guides new ideas through their natural evolution to maximum profitability.

15 Factors for Assessing Premium Domains – with Ryan Colby

15 Factors for Assessing Premium Domains – with Ryan Colby

Ryan Colby of Sedo discusses the 15 factors that he uses to assess the value of premium domain names, and what you need to know before you start working with a domain name broker to maximize the value of your premium domain names.

Why is Ryan such a good source of information? Ryan has sold over 7 million dollars in domain sales in the last 11 months, and has brokered 2 of the top 10 publicly recorded sales on Ron Jackson’s DN Journal sales chart for 2011. He also currently has 64 premium domain names under contract, including,,, and

The $4 Million Domainer Who Reserved My Domain Name (but Gave It Back for Free) – with Justin Godfrey

The $4 Million Domainer Who Reserved My Domain Name (but Gave It Back for Free) – with Justin Godfrey

It’s easy to see how a domainer who early on registered short, generic domain names could be sitting on a business making millions per year. It’s also easy to see how someone could make millions with domain names purchased after the dot-com crash of 2000. But how does someone build a multi-million dollar domaining business today? Justin Godfrey knows how.

How To Keep Your Domain Name Searches Safe From Poachers

How To Keep Your Domain Name Searches Safe From Poachers

Belief in conspiracy theories requires a healthy dose of paranoia, and domain name front running (DNFR) – the idea that domain name registrars like Go Daddy or Network Solutions are monitoring your domain name availability queries and registering anything you don’t immediately register yourself – sounds like a presumption of only the most suspicious and mistrustful. However, evidence suggests that DNFR does in fact occur. This article tells you how to avoid being taken advantage of.

Complete Newbie Guide to Becoming a Domainer

Complete Newbie Guide to Becoming a Domainer

As a new domainer, there is an abundance of domain name industry information to soak in. Often times you may feel like you’re taking a drink of water from a fire hose. However, if you follow the right path, you can enjoy long-term success. This article will help you short-circuit the domain name learning process and get up-to-speed faster.

EXPERT Q&A: Should I Let Unused Domain Names Expire From My Portfolio?

EXPERT Q&A: Should I Let Unused Domain Names Expire From My Portfolio?

Many of us are addicted to buying domain names. Often times we hold onto them with no likelihood of development, no plans to actively market, and only a slight chance of receiving an unsolicited offer. The problem then is that our domain name portfolios (with their associated renewal fees) become too large for our budget to allow. So we turned to the experts (the folks who have wrestled with this situation multiple times) to ask what they would do.

Most Expensive Domain Name Ever Sold Sets Guinness World Record™

Most Expensive Domain Name Ever Sold Sets Guinness World Record™

Most Expensive Domain Name Even Sold Sets Guinness World Record™: The most expensive internet domain name — — was sold for $13 million (£8.2 million) by Escom LLC to Clover Holdings Ltd on 17 November 2010.

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