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DomainSherpa – Down the Rabbit Hole – May 10, 2021: Cash Is Trash

DomainSherpa – Down the Rabbit Hole – May 10, 2021: Cash Is Trash

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains lead us “down the rabbit hole” for different topics all the time. This show, hosted by JT, Drew & Yoni, is where we discuss a wide variety of subjects – with plenty of talk about domains, crypto, NFTs, and digital assets – along with a bunch of other stuff as well. In this episode the crew talks about domains, fiat, crypto, the new NameJet “Buy It Now” feature, and a whole lot more. So tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with us!

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DomainSherpa – Down the Rabbit Hole – April 22, 2021: Doja & Doge

DomainSherpa – Down the Rabbit Hole – April 22, 2021: Doja & Doge

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains lead us “down the rabbit hole” for different topics all the time. This show, hosted by JT, Drew, & Yoni, is where we discuss a wide variety of subjects – with plenty of talk about domains, crypto, NFTs, and digital assets – along with a bunch of other stuff as well. This show was recorded on 4/20, so the crew brings on Noel Abbott from, the leading blog in the cannabis space, to talk about cannabis and what “420” means, and they also talk a lot about Dogecoin & “Doge Day” too.

So tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with us!

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